The Malticorn is now ready to face the world with a snappy new look! It is also available in Marsh.

Hmm, that's curious. I wonder where Nuclear's gone. You haven't seen a florescent green horned creature wandering about, have you? I'll have to ask [Ian Asmodeus]...
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Posted by Luxe


Heh, I love how you presume to know me and my intentions.

All I do is state my opinions based on what I see and what info/knowledge I <i>do</i> have - the same thing hundreds of others do on revamp posts. If you perceive that as me thinking I know everything, that's not really my problem. Using what you know and thinking you know everything are two very different things.


oh sorry I thought this was the ruffie for a few minutes |:


Never claimed I was. But you ALWAYS present your opinions on a revamp as being the only 'right' view point.


Not sure where exactly I claimed to be all-knowing, but on the same coin, odds are you aren't either.


Odds are you aren't as all knowing as you like to think.


I don't know, the person I was actually speaking to in the first place didn't seem to have any problem comprehending my wording. And she didn't even have to twist it out of shape and try to tell me (wrongly) what my own point was.

And if "common sense, get some" is only an insult if I perceive it that way, then I must have been brought up with very different ideas of what's an insult and what's not. If I said that to a staffer, odds are I'd get a warning. Or maybe all this time I've been too nice...


The face, ears, and hair are much better than in the polled version. And all the colors are really pretty. Nice and bold. This revamp is really starting to grow on me, though I still worry about how GY is going to turn out. <img src="" border="0" />


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">I made my point, she made hers, and you apparently missed both. Next time try to comprehend both sides in full before you go around insulting people's intelligence, k?</blockquote>

I understood both points, thanks. Work on how you word things, and maybe you won't feel like your intelligence has been insulted when people point out the ignorance in your statements.


Rah please please please when and if you redraw the bloodred one you will keep it's innocent and scared look. Don't make it look all evil please. For my and Deadening's sakes. PLEASE. T^T

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How pretty! <3

Nice colors! <img src="" border="0" />


theyy are so adorable ^^
but something is off....i just cant name itt :


Excuse me, Jessyta, but I was addressing Luxe's comment that there "wasn't much controversy" on this revamp. My point was that there <i>was</i> controversy all over the news post. Also, numbers <i>do</i> matter more than opinions; she made that quite clear in her reply. But I'm not going to repeat myself on that point again.

I made my point, she made hers, and you apparently missed both. Next time try to comprehend both sides in full before you go around insulting people's intelligence, k?


ohh, this looks much better (:
i like the face lots! n___n

but revamping the reborn? <img src="" border="0" />
that officially just decimated my hopes and dreams ;n;
so what if it lacks buttspots and black lineart?
couldn't you just...edit some spots on it? |D -fail-


Ignore the nasty comments(: It looks wonderful <a href="/users/Rah" id="userinfo_Rah_1"><img src="" border="0">Rah</a><script type="text/javascript">toolTip('userinfo_Rah_1', '<center><img src=""><br /><img src=""><strong>Rah</strong><br />Artist<br /><strong>Name</strong>: Reining Rabbit Overlord<br /><strong>Posts:</strong>: 4,513<br /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br />', 'User Information');</script> lovey.
One million times better. I don't think it looks too cutesy. It wasn't very macho to begin with x).


Ugh, I'm really getting sick of these ignorant comments. :| People saying that they hate the revamps and what not. Saying that the staff doesn't care much anymore.
1: The artists work VERY hard on these revamps. If you don't like it, that's your opinion, but don't say that is HORRIBLE. That is utter rudeness to the artist and is not called for.
2: Again, insulting the staff is REALLY rude. Of course they care, why would they make polls in the first place if they didn't? If the people of Subeta didn't vote in the polls ^while they were here^, they probably didn't care what happened to the Malticorn. If they did, and still didn't vote, they have no right to complain since they chose not to contribute to the voting.

Simple as that. Hope you have a nice day. ;D


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">I suppose the hundreds of news comments and forum posts mean nothing and the only thing that matters is the numbers on the poll count?</blockquote>

Now that is just an ignorant statement.

<a href="/users/Rah" id="userinfo_Rah_1"><img src="" border="0">Rah</a><script type="text/javascript">toolTip('userinfo_Rah_1', '<center><img src=""><br /><img src=""><strong>Rah</strong><br />Artist<br /><strong>Name</strong>: Reining Rabbit Overlord<br /><strong>Posts:</strong>: 4,512<br /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br />', 'User Information');</script> obviously read the comments posted on the revamp, because she took the criticism and made changes.

If it was all about numbers, why would the creative staff even ALLOW us to comment?

Common sense, get some.


I love them! they are wicked cute!


The new Malticorn is adorable. If I can ever get my GA renewed, then I'll abandon one of my pets, since I planned to abandon one of them anyway, and get one... <img src="" border="0" />


It's been brought up before, and while we are sorry you do not like your revamp, Subeta will never give you the option to revert to old art. It would defeat the purpose of revamping it in the first place. You are, however allowed to use CSS to place a custom image on your pet's page.


Argh, I really am not liking the new revamps.
And I'm kinda angry, because I liked my Ontra and my Malticorn, the way they were.
Maybe there could be an option on the pet's page or something that you can choose that has the new version or the old version. Because I'm really dissapointed with the new revamps.


The art is such a better quality on this one. I prefer the smoothness of the lines.

I'm not very happy with the head as it looks a lot like a cross between a ruffie and a sheeta but, overall, a definate improvement.


I'm very happy with the changes the artist made to the ears, face and eye color. : ) It doesn't look like a Ruffie at all now, which is just fantastic.


Kawaiii desu nee!!!


The face looks much more pleasant. (:


I notice those little changes, it really looks like you took a few of the red lines into consideration. Thanks for the dedication to the artist that listened to our input. =)

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I agree it should have gotten a second poll (the feli got 3, the Ruffie, ontra and anyu got 2)since the first one got discarded, 275 comments on the news post tells a lot (since you mentioned numbers...). And I feel this was kind of rushed, it's been 4 days since the poll was released. They say that you should always leave your drawings resting for a while, if not, you'll be blinded by the work you put and the feelings, and you wont see things that are obvious to other people. Only after that rest you'll be able to recive constructive crits with an open mind and actually use them.

Also, I'm sure I wasn't the only one that voted "New": Not because of the art itself, but because it needed a revamp. The amount of votes isn't that much (roughly 5000 hundred)*, whatever happened to the 115,000 that didn't vote?

Though I get the nasty feeling the original desing was disrespected, and so, the users that had adopted one. The art is good, I must admit it, but the overall desing bothers me. It looks like a completely different creature. What happened to the cascading fur the widened at the hooves, to the curly chest fur, the perky ears and the shiny ,wild hair? Not to mention the personality that streamed from those bright eyes, the proud stand or the tail held up high?**


* at the time I wrote this, subeta had 121483 users, only 5039 users voted on the poll, which was only 4 days open. That is, the 3835 that voted "New", AREN'T the majority. We shall never know what the other ~96% of the subeta users thought

** Forgive me, for English is not my language, so my ideas might seem a bit hard to understand. Give me an interpreter that speaks spanish and maybe it'll work xD


It's fine, I guess.

I was really hoping for the other revamp, though. :


wow it looks awesome and better than ever


o__o While staring at Dawn, I just realized that one of the butt-spots is heart-shaped. -melts- ♥ Subtle, but wonderful.


Lol. This has never been my favorite pet but it looks wayyy better now <img src="" border="0" />.


I don't personally enjoy this Malticorn, however, I do like it more than the previous one.

I never really did like the Malti, though. I bet that's why.

But yeah. This is a really nice change, and I for one like it.

Honestly, I don't see why everyone is complaining. It looks great, and there are things that I could point out that I don't like about it, but that's me.

I'm not the majority, I'm one person. When the admins want my opinion on something, they'll ask. Till then, I should keep my complaints about it to myself.

Point being, I'm a giant hypocrite with this entire post. o__o;


YES. I like this one much better than the first revamp. Awesome! ;D

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Cute! :3

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*pops in* Oh i see the same people are complaining as usual. 6_9 but yes, vast improvement and I'm glad most of the well thought out feedback as listened too. good jorb. *thumbs up*


So angelembryo, are you saying that just because someone doesn't do a great job articulating WHY they like a revamp, they must not have very good reasons for liking it? Maybe they like the revamp exactly the way it is and would be disappointed if it was changed.

Personally, I'm with Luxe on this one: The revamp had way more votes, and pleasing the majority of it's users is all Subeta can hope to do - you can't please everyone.

Satamoru not going to complain, simply because I adore this to peices! <3<3 I've always always ALWAYS felt a love for the Malticorn, and I'm amazed how fast this went through ;3

Just a question though...are you planning to revamp the Graveyard? Because if so, I hope not to much. I adore how it looks <3<3


Of course we strive to have the best we can have. But at what point does <a href="/users/Keith" id="userinfo_Keith_1"><img src="" border="0">Keith</a><script type="text/javascript">toolTip('userinfo_Keith_1', '<center><img src=""><br /><img src=""><strong>Keith</strong><br />Administrator<br /><strong>Name</strong>: Nicole Richie<br /><strong>Posts:</strong>: 19,596<br /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br />', 'User Information');</script> trust us (myself and <a href="/users/DNA" id="userinfo_DNA_1"><img src="" border="0">DNA</a><script type="text/javascript">toolTip('userinfo_DNA_1', '<center><img src=""><br /><img src=""><strong>DNA</strong><br />Assitant Admin<br /><strong>Name</strong>: Deo Helix<br /><strong>Posts:</strong>: 3,371<br /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br />', 'User Information');</script>) to do our jobs instead of letting users critique every last detail and poll and repoll? What do we do when those few hundred opinions and suggestions contradict one another? How do we listen?

We have no choice but to then acknowledge that this malticorn earned 3 out of every 4 votes, make the changes we see requested most often, and hope for the best. Some people like the spots; some don't. Some people like the hair and horn; others won't. In the end, yes, we have to go with the majority, even if the minority are more vocal.

I do agree with the view that if users like mediocrity, they'll love excellence. I push for that all the time from within staff's four walls. You make some valid points. I just think that unless you've been in this position of trying to please as many people as possible, you might not necessarily appreciate that eventually you have to draw the line. Someone has to have the final word and say the work is finished. <a href="/users/Keith" id="userinfo_Keith_2"><img src="" border="0">Keith</a><script type="text/javascript">toolTip('userinfo_Keith_2', '<center><img src=""><br /><img src=""><strong>Keith</strong><br />Administrator<br /><strong>Name</strong>: Nicole Richie<br /><strong>Posts:</strong>: 19,596<br /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br />', 'User Information');</script> employs us to do that.

For those of you who are worried, I encourage you to take a look at the recent revamp of the ontra and keeto special colors. If the pet's recolors can be aligned to a species redraw, we certain can, have, and will do what we can to match it.


*sniff* im going to miss that reborn malti. one of my fav. reborn pets

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I'm kind of glad I didn't own a Malti. =/ The coloring and shading on the new one is absolutely brilliant, but it really does just look like a ruffie with horns and hooves to me. -shrug-

It's definitely an improvement from the poll version, however. ^^' Props for taking all the suggestions that were mentioned.


No controversy? I suppose the hundreds of news comments and forum posts mean nothing and the only thing that matters is the numbers on the poll count? Personally I'd rather listen to the few hundred people who have valid critiques and solid suggestions on making the art better, than the thousand who say little more than "it's sooooo kyooooot i love it!!!!!". Because, after all, if they like one proposed revamp so much, who's to say they won't like one that's stepped up even more? But true to my suspicions, I guess quantity means more than quality here after all.

And if re-polling gets tiring - does that mean making sure Subeta has the best art quality it can possibly have is tiring? In which case I exponentially fear the direction in which this site is headed.

Oh well... guess the numbers have spoken.


I also just realized the GY Sheeta is missing half of it's face. I hope the new GY malti does not resemble the Sheeta in that manner. The GY Malti is my fave pet, tied with the DM hikei. I love mine, and do not want to change her.


I appreciate the update, but this new revamp looks more like a dog...I'm a little more fond of the the od but I'll deal wiht it.
I hope the GY malti won't be changed...


I'm very happy with this revamp, I was very unsure of the revamp before, but this is an excellent revamp. My only problem would be that the hooves still seem too small and the tail's a little... flat, but other than that, I'm very happy about it. I also love the Marsh coloring. It made me think of chocolate and mint.


That's sad. Just sad. I mean.. yeah, the Malti GY's hind legs look wonky - but I LOVE this GY more than most pets. I can't stand most other GYs... e.e; *huffs* Oh well.. people say change is good, however, I have yet to see how.

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I preffered the older one, looked much fluffier and more sheep like, but I know it's not supposed be a sheep but a dog and a unicorn. BTW why does Ian Asmodeus's profile empty?


...Okay, I just saw Rah's post. The lack of blood and guts on GY comforts me, though comparing it with the GY Sheeta doesn't, what with the Sheeta missing half its face and all. xD


I actually really like this revamp, though I'm worried about how the redraws (special colors) will be revamped... I know the Graveyard Malti will be gory and gross, and I've never made my disdain for the newer Graveyard style a secret, and the old GY Malti is really one of my favorites... I also intend to own a RB Malticorn eventually, so I am a bit worried how you'll make that one look, too. (Not to mention the Reborn Malti is a pretty popular pet, isn't it? I can't be the only person concerned about that here.) The Bloodred and Dark Matter... Never was a fan of those two, so do what you want with them. Though I am interested in seeing how the BR Malti will be after a revamp... Will it be bloody, but somehow look innocent like the BR Demi to match the innocence of other Malti colors, or will it be more sinister like other BR pets to give the Malti more variety? And honestly I don't like the current Angelic Malti, so go ahead and revamp that one. Though I am pretty irked at the lack of Nuclear...


Nectaris - Oh, really? OOO:! I didn't know that! That makes me so happy~. <img src="" border="0" /> Thank you for telling me~.


Man I love this. <a href="/users/Rah" id="userinfo_Rah_1"><img src="" border="0">Rah</a><script type="text/javascript">toolTip('userinfo_Rah_1', '<center><img src=""><br /><img src=""><strong>Rah</strong><br />Artist<br /><strong>Name</strong>: Reining Rabbit Overlord<br /><strong>Posts:</strong>: 4,505<br /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br />', 'User Information');</script> did a fab job. I suddenly want to own one of these pets, and I never had that desire before. In fact when I get enough for a pet slot plushie I think I will need one.


IceMistress: Here is a quote from the artist earlier in the comments:

"Whilst Graveyard is getting revamped, I'm trying to keep the facial expression/pose the same, and I'm not adding blood or guts anywhere I might have done had it not already existed, but as it is, it'll be similar to the GY sheeta in demeanor! "

In other words, it most likely will NOT be all gory and stuff.


Marionette - I highly doubt that they WON'T update the Graveyard... it's highly outdated. :| Yeah, I love the way it is too, but it just doesn't fit in with the new Malti. They're probably gonna make it like the other GYs, gory and stuff.
That's why I'm gonna make my GY Malti Nightmare, because sure they'll be amazin'. <img src="" border="0" />


Aw! What a darling design. It's so adorably charming.


It's a nice coloring job... a gross design. Thank goodness most of the revamps don't include the colors that already have their own poses. This Malti just doesn't have enough fluff around the legs.. e.e; Please don't revamp the graveyard from this specie. I really like Narciss as she is.. I just sometimes wish artists would look at what other artists have done for the other colors (the ones with specific poses) - and use them as a ref. 'cause this Malti and the dark matter malti look NOTHING alike. Sure - you're not gonna please us all... but.. e.e; I have nothing real positive to say about this one.. Save for the coloring - previously mentioned. Sorry


Dang it. Now I gotta think of a new species for Fragget


I don't really understand how there was ''so much controversy'' over the malticorn. It won by a landslide, <a href="/users/Rah" id="userinfo_Rah_1"><img src="" border="0">Rah</a><script type="text/javascript">toolTip('userinfo_Rah_1', '<center><img src=""><br /><img src=""><strong>Rah</strong><br />Artist<br /><strong>Name</strong>: Reining Rabbit Overlord<br /><strong>Posts:</strong>: 4,505<br /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br />', 'User Information');</script> made most of the changes that she could reasonably make, and I released it. Frankly, the notion that pets should be polled and repolled and polled with more options side-by-side is tiring. Subeta already has two art directors, and while we appreciate user feedback, too many cooks spoils the broth, you know? We accept that we can't always please everyone. We will <strong>never</strong> please everyone, so we try to go for the majority. In every revamp, we have achieved this.


It looks like a ruffie with horns and tiny hooves. ;^;


I don't like it, really. At all. It looks like all the work went into the coloring and none whatsoever on the design or lineart.
But I didn't have malticorn anyway, so I'll just keep my mouth shut until something else is revamped. <img src="" border="0" />


...out of all the Malticorns at the moment, I love Common, Reborn, and Graveyard best. :C But since I already know that the Graveyard one will soon be turned into a gory beast... I will wait for the Nightmare to release to change Moofie. *fail*




Agreeing with Pokerface and Paintz. With all the controversy around it, this definitely deserved a second poll. Just because a proposed revamp is an improvement doesn't mean it's as good as it can possibly be, and obviously a LOT of people think it could be better. The Malticorn deserved a chance to hold on to all the things that made it a Malticorn. And the users deserved to have more of their concerns with the art addressed than this revamp did. What's the point in polling and asking for constructive criticism if the artist only listens to the ones s/he wants to hear and refuses to change 90% of the problems just because I Am The Artist And I Said So? (Oh, and blocking users who give constructive crits is extremely immature and makes me question the integrity of the staff here even more.)

And pasting an overlay with the old pet art isn't really a solution; it's a band-aid. What's the point of new pet art if half the pet's owners are going to cover it up anyway? Sort of undermines the integrity of Subeta's art as a whole. Besides, I don't have a Malticorn to overlay. I personally critique because I want this site to keep the quality and standards that attracted older users like myself to it in the first place, not just for the benefit of my own personal profile. I may be blunt in doing so, but I'm far from offensive. Unless someone personally decides to take offense to me, at least. But I'm not going to litter my critiques with smileys and hearts and vapid praise just to prevent that.

But, point being... this revamp deserved a second poll.


I like it <img src="" border="0" /> The ear on it's right side sort of looks out of place, but then again I have no experience with Maltese dogs, so perhaps that's how they really look... I think the golden eye color really works with the color scheme opposed to the poll malticorn's eye color. So, good job Rah! Can't wait to see what you do with the special colors <img src="" border="0" />

Esmeralda -- the lines will be revamped in black since that's the rule in the art department here on Subeta. With Rah's magic touch though, I'm sure it will be even lovelier.


Ohmygosh. These are lovely, and much better from the previous. I love it! And by the way, I love the bootie spots. They're adorable.


Also, Rah, if you're going to redraw the Angelic Malti, could you please keep with the coloured lineart? ;----; in mine and almost all people i know opnion, it's THE thing on the angel-ish one :/ i mean, it fits perfectly :C idk, just keep it, please? <img src="" border="0" />


muchmuchmuchMUCH betterrrrr both the original one and the last revamp, LOVED this one, Rah. that's why you're my fave subetartist <img src="" border="0" /> ;-; woman. you made me want a malticorn now. and i don't have slots.....shouldihateyounow? :c


I was going to complain about something, but then the cuteness made me forget. XD Love it! They're poofy and snuggly.


meh, I still like the old one better but lovely job Rah!


I like the change in the face and hair. Well done! (I'll get use to the bootie spots.)


For some reason...
They remind me of Austin Powers. And I don't know why. xD


As long as you don't change the reborn one, i like them.


did you guys updated the bloodred malticorns so they look like the two on top or no???


i love them,good job <a href="/users/Rah" id="userinfo_Rah_1"><img src="" border="0">Rah</a><script type="text/javascript">toolTip('userinfo_Rah_1', '<center><img src=""><br /><img src=""><strong>Rah</strong><br />Artist<br /><strong>Name</strong>: Reining Rabbit Overlord<br /><strong>Posts:</strong>: 4,506<br /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br />', 'User Information');</script>


The Marsh one looks great <img src="" border="0" />


This looks a million times better than the one from the polls, very nice!

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Ehmigod. They look like little puppy unicorns. ;_______; i need a GA so i can get one. ! Good job Rah.


Hmm.. The legs still look like it's unbalanced, as if standing on a rounded surface, but I guess I could deal with it lol.

The head/face look 10x better now <img src="" border="0" /> I'm so, so glad you ditched that yucky, random purple color for the eyes.

To anyone that's upset about the buttspots, you could always just use an overlay on your pet profile <img src="" border="0" /> I plan on doing that myself to edit just a few things for my own personal tastes.

Good job Rah <img src="" border="0" />


<img src="" border="0" />


That is great. You really fixed the face from the previous version. It has more personality now. And it is a huge improvement from the old malticorn! Awesome work!


Argh, I just don't like the face area much, it doesn't look a lot like the old Malticorn, but I'll live with it.
Kudos to the artist. <img src="" border="0" />


I'm just not a huge Malticorn fan in general.

But I do agree the revamp looks very nice <img src="" border="0" />
I likes the butt-spots <img src="" border="0" />

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I love the revamp. Well done!


I am absolutely SHOCKED this did not have another poll. I am also highly disappointed especially due to the amount of controversy this revamp cause ._.;


You did a very nice job,Rah,'though I honestly can't say I like it for my own malticorn.

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Oh noo T_T
I love my Malticorn. I don't like this revamp.


I still don't care for it, I suppose I'll have to find a new species and color for Vogue.

Oh god, will the reborn be revamped too?


Awwa, very cute.

But Ian's profile is dead. <img src="" border="0" />


I had been praying for a malticorn revamp. She is perfect now.


I like the changes compared to the poll version. There was something off about its head and that general section of it that irked me. It looks nicer now <img src="" border="0" /> Not a fan of the Malticorn in general though, so grats to whoever is getting one. xD;


also, I do love the old one as well, I agree with <a href="/users/Pokerface" id="userinfo_Pokerface_1"><img src="" border="0">Pokerface</a><script type="text/javascript">toolTip('userinfo_Pokerface_1', '<center><img src=""><br /><img src=""><strong>Pokerface</strong><br />Member<br /><strong>Name</strong>: Van<br /><strong>Posts:</strong>: 71<br /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br />', 'User Information');</script> alot of the newest revamps are taking away from what the older users joined for in the first place, i know it just upgrades the style of drawing, but they loose their characterisctic that the older versions had

like this Malticorn for example. To me it looked more proud in the older version. I guess it is a mix between a dog and a unicorn, because look at the chibi one. But. Now it looks more doggish that unicorn, accept the hooves and horn.

My Opinion of course <img src="" border="0" />


From someone who has been dreading the malticorn revamp for months (I love my old malti), I am quite happy with this. I'm very glad the face was re-shaded! The curved horn kind of annoys me but other than that I really like it. I definitely won't be changing my pet anytime soon. ^^

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There's a great improvement over the poll version, though there some things that bother me :/ Anyways, I'm happy you took our suggestions in consideration.

Also, I don't think the reborn should get black lines. It looks great the way it is.


there pretty, but the ears make it look like the ruffie o_o


I guess i'll have to deal with this.
I'm glad you redid the hair and the face though, that makes is a lot nicer.

But those butt spots should have been ditched.


"Besides... why goat? I thought it was a crisscross between a dog and an unicorn... "

Often times the old heraldic unicorns were more based off of goats/deer than horses.


Very well done. They seem to be more based of a mythical creature called a Qillin (otherwise known as kilin or kirin) Which is a sort of Chinese unicorn.

Also the spots add more to its "qilin" likeness because the giraffe was believed to be a real qilin.


I'm fascinated by the chocolatey hair of the Marsh one. So minty. @User not found: __@

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aaw. they look so cuddly and fury soft. <img src="" border="0" />

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I think a lot of people think if the art is good, then it should be the revamp. The art is in fact...decent. But just because it's good doesn't mean it should be the new image. I've noticed that a lot lately. The pets are straying away from what they originally looked like... you know, the pets that us older users joined for.


The old Malticorn had big hooves, compared to this one. I just looked at them both and tried to see why the revamp bothers me. Besides... why goat? <img src="" border="0" /> I thought it was a crisscross between a dog and an unicorn...


Wait, does this mean that Ian Asmodeus is getting a special Nuclear Malticorn?


They're aDORable! <img src="" border="0" /> I don't think the hooves are too small at all. They're supposed to be like goats, and goats have extremely small hooves. Not everything with hooves has the anatomy of a horse. :|


I approve.
I'll wait to see how the graveyard revamp goes, though, before I consider getting one. ;D


Lovely improvement! <img src="" border="0" />


Better than the last one, that's obvious. Still... *cough* hoovesaretoosmall *cough*
And now that I look at it, it's chest looks flat <img src="" border="0" />
AND now that this poor front right leg's size is okay, the front left leg looks off, the hoof should be located more towards the viewer - now it looks as if the poor creature was to fall to its left in a second <img src="" border="0" />

But I guess it's everyone's choice, and if the Malticorn fans like this revamp, I guess I should just shut up. <img src="" border="0" /> I would never be able to do a digital drawing like this. (...) Well, maybe if I could afford a tablet, PS and had a lot of time for practising... but since I have neither... *sigh*


<a href="/users/Rah" id="userinfo_Rah_1"><img src="" border="0">Rah</a><script type="text/javascript">toolTip('userinfo_Rah_1', '<center><img src=""><br /><img src=""><strong>Rah</strong><br />Artist<br /><strong>Name</strong>: Reining Rabbit Overlord<br /><strong>Posts:</strong>: 4,506<br /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br />', 'User Information');</script>, you are such an awesome artist! I LOVE the new Malticorns. No matter what anyone says. :]

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The reborn could use slightly darker and thinner lines, but other than that, everything about it is beautiful. Hopefully the pose and design won't change too much. Anyway, good job on this. :3


The anatomy is off. :/


I love it! So, so cute without being overly sugary, and much improved from the previous revamp version. <img src="" border="0" />
But I reeaally love my Angelic Malticorn. <img src="" border="0" /> *hides her*


Ooh yay, I love when the Twilight versions have purple accents instead of blue. Lovely job all around, Rah. I personally love the buttspots.


There were a lot of improvements from the first revamp, it looks a lot nicer, but the anatomy of the body is still off... The shiny new head flop is cute though <img src="" border="0" />


Wait... this revamp was supposed to be based on the Reborn Malticorn precisely because it's <i>already</i> the most popular Malticorn on the site, but now the Reborn itself is going to be redone anyway? And all because of someone's personal decision to complicate the art by adding an unnecessary slathering of spots on its butt? I fail to see the logic.

Besides, it looks to me like the Reborn already <i>has</i> black outlines, except on the flames - but Reborn pets are permitted to have colored lines on flames. No Reborn pet, old or new, has black-lined flames. It doesn't need a revamp. At all. Just say the heat from the flames burned off that unfortunate skin rash it had, and call it a day.


Well I don't see much of an improvement since the horn is still curved and the body and legs are still weird.

I love the head, I liked it in the first version but its so much better now, however the boring pose and bad anatomy in the body ruins it. I do not look forward to the other colors being revamped to match this new design <img src="" border="0" />

User not found:

It looks nice. I like the final edits you made. =) Matching the eyes with the horns/hooves was a nice touch. *thumbs up*

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I should probably get one. :33 Great job. Rah drew him, right?


those little tweaks you made <a href="/users/Rah" id="userinfo_Rah_1"><img src="" border="0">Rah</a><script type="text/javascript">toolTip('userinfo_Rah_1', '<center><img src=""><br /><img src=""><strong>Rah</strong><br />Artist<br /><strong>Name</strong>: Reining Rabbit Overlord<br /><strong>Posts:</strong>: 4,506<br /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br />', 'User Information');</script> made all the looks wonderful... <img src="" border="0" />


The spots 0_0 I'm sorry, I just can't get over those. It's a great piece of artwork. But the spots...


I do like these way better than the poll revamp, but I hope they don't change my reborn malti, I love it like it is!


I'm still afraid I wont like my GY malticorn anymore. It's nice to know your not changing the face.


i like Marsh look better thAT IT DID before


Rah - that is great to hear, thank you very much for the info. I'm really looking forward to the revamp maybe I'll even revive my GY Malticorn then. <img src="" border="0" />

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<img src="" border="0" /> Now I'm afraid of what the reborn will look like. -Clings to hers- I like how it looks now!


Whilst Graveyard is getting revamped, I'm trying to keep the facial expression/pose the same, and I'm not adding blood or guts anywhere <img src="" border="0" /> I might have done had it not already existed, but as it is, it'll be similar to the GY sheeta in demeanor!


Ugh... butt spots... they should've at least been spaced out more...
Oh well, I see other critique was indeed taken into consideration, and the only thing I can still object about is the hair and spots...
It is a nice revamp though.


I heard it indeed is supposed to look like a dog - Malti comes from Maltese. <img src="" border="0" />


O.O It's awesome but....Now it looks even more like a dog >.>


Thanks! *dies* It's really cute. <img src="" border="0" />


Rah, please be gentle with graveyard ;-; -pets Sacrifice-


The Golden Malticorn is revamped. Try a hard refresh, then it should update. :3


I love the revamp! *waits patiently for the Gold Malticorn to get the revamp*


Va-va-va-voom? o_____O

The Reborn Malticorn needs the revamp. Really.
I'm a buit afraid of it, but I trust in Rah and her artwork. :3

...Your pet has changed into a Marsh Malticorn!
*hugs Domino*
So cute now. Babyface Piffy! <img src="" border="0" />


I actually like this revamp.
I might get one now.
<img src="" border="0" />

User not found:

oh lordy D8
My FK seriously looks immense now. I was a bit dubious when I saw the news post but the Dawn Malticorn actually looks pretty hot.
Many 'grats and tanks<img src="" border="0" />


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">
I'm sorry. I'm going to touch it all over xD It needs black lineart and buttspots Won't be for a while though, there are other Malticorns which need attention much more!</blockquote>

I actually think the reborn looks perfect for the revamp as it is, in fact I thought the revamp had been based off of the reborn.

As far as the black line art thing.. I would suggest against it. Black lineart tends to flatten images, and the coloured lines are one of the reasons why the reborn malticorn is so va-va-va-voom.


Awesome revamps!

Though I don't understand the bit about Ian ^^.


Ahh, the hair looks much more natural on this one. Thoe other one looked... odd. xD

This revamp is for the win! Yesz.


how pretty, it looks SO much better


Were the ears changed? <img src="" border="0" /> FANKOO. The face no longer looks like a chibi ruffie ;D I'm considering getting a malticorn now yano


I really enjoy this revamp ^^

I think that Subeta species are unique, so it's NOT just a unicorn or a dog or whatever. It's a Malticorn =] Good job Rah! <img src="" border="0" />


It's so much nicer than the old Malticorn. I always loved the pet's design, but not the art so much. Now I want one. ^.^ Can't wait to see how they look Galactic. <img src="" border="0" />


Rah you rock my world.


I think it's a decent revamp at best. I agree - it's too "cutesy" - and looks more dog-like than unicorn-like. If the Reborn's going to be changed, it better not look silly like the new revamp - I'll be expecting a bold, beautiful, efinately non-cute pet.

I've wanted a Reborn Malticorn for a long time - please don't screw it up it's looks.


Thanks for the answer on the Reborn Malticorn, Rah! <img src="" border="0" />
I'm thinking about getting one maybe. *pats Domino* He'd look so awesome then. <img src="" border="0" />
You're doing very nice artwork, and most of the time I liked your I think I can turn Domino Reborn then and wait for the revamp. And I'm 90% sure that I'll like the new one <img src="" border="0" />


D8 Well... I rather do like the old one. I mean, no offense and all, you did a great job with this, but it's too "cutesy" for my tastes. I like the buttspots, but that's about it, honestly. But, I can't tell the artists what to and what not to change, anyways. xD';


They're adorable! Thanks a bunch, I've been wanting a Malti revamp for AGES, and this looks great <img src="" border="0" />


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">Please tell me the reborn ISN'T going to be touched? </blockquote>

I'm sorry. I'm going to touch it all over xD It needs black lineart and buttspots <img src="" border="0" /> Won't be for a while though, there are other Malticorns which need attention much more!


I still don't like it. D; You did a good job, but it's not my cup of tea.<br />Please tell me the reborn ISN'T going to be touched?


Rahmazing <3 Sooo love this - and omg buttspots! XD

User not found:

XD So much better than the poll version! Congrats to the artist!


It's so cute! I even want to get one^^


so cute! this was a great revamp. the marsh one looks great!


Its so cute! X3

User not found:

Nice job to Rah <img src="" border="0" />

I really love the malticorn and I'm planning to have one <img src="" border="0" />


It turned out real nice. <img src="" border="0" />


great revamp <img src="" border="0" />
i love the marsh Malticorn.


Aah, much better with the gold eyes to match the horn and hooves. Good job!!


Beautiful revamp!
Kudos to the artist!! <img src="" border="0" />

User not found:

This one looks far better with golden eyes than purple C: Nice!
I just hope the reborn one won't be revamped... <img src="" border="0" />


Mmh, better than the poll one definitely. The face is still funny to me, but that's fine, the ears and hair look neat. 8) I think it'll grow on me more. Nice job, Rah.


Much better in the face area~ SO cute~ x3

If I had an extra pet slot, I'd get one. c:


*waiting for the Reborn revamp* It has no spots on it's bum - so I guess it will be revamped, too? o-O
<img src="" border="0" />


That foreleg still bothers me bigtime.

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I still don't like it. but then again, I never liked maticorns. It is am improvement on the first revamp though and an even bgger and BETTER one upon the previous maticorn.
I like the body structure and those butt spots. excellent job Rah, top notch!


Those are adorable. ._.

Great job to whoever drew them!


Holy crap, what an <strong>improvement</strong>. o__o I love the face and head now - the whole thing, in fact! ♥ Rah did an awesome job touching it up from the first proposed revamp. And it's all done and released a whole...four days later? XD Jeez, talk about dedication...<br />I am in love with Dawn, Common, Gold and Lilac. ;o; ♥ DO WANT. Now I will anxiously await the redraws of Bloodred, Darkmatter, and Graveyard, an the release of Nightmare and SPECTRUMomgz. XD I can't wait to see how those spot markings look when they're all rainbowy. -excited-


Yay Rah, amazing job
. I want one!


so much better~ awesome job <img src="" border="0" />


It's so cute! I love the way the artist took all the suggestions from the users. It's perfect!


You put in more swirlies, yay! <33


I love them. <img src="" border="0" /> Might even consider getting one! <img src="" border="0" />


It's adorable, definitely one of my favorite revamps so far. <img src="" border="0" />

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Aww they're awesome ;D
I love the spotty bum, I can never get spots to look natural <img src="" border="0" />


Wow, that was fast. That's really awesome! <img src="" border="0" />
Really cute! *pats the new Malticorn*

*shifty eyes @ Domino*


I love the little changes form the polled version. Thanks <a href="/users/Rah" id="userinfo_Rah_1"><img src="" border="0">Rah</a><script type="text/javascript">toolTip('userinfo_Rah_1', '<center><img src=""><br /><img src=""><strong>Rah</strong><br />Artist<br /><strong>Name</strong>: Reining Rabbit Overlord<br /><strong>Posts:</strong>: 4,506<br /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><img src="" border="0" style="width: 25px; height: 25px" /><br />', 'User Information');</script>!


Great improvement versus the poller revamp!

Good job!


Sweet. <img src="" border="0" /> Marsh is pretty. c:


Those look so nice! Cant wait to see how they all come out.

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