New Human Avatar Layering Guidelines!

Artists: There is a new post in the Art Reference forum detailing new guidelines and definitions for our HA layers. Please make sure you read it as soon as possible. User not found: dna and I are open to your feedback, so feel free to post!

AAs and Admins: If all item-adding staff can familiarize themselves with these guidelines and make sure to double check/change items already uploaded to artist directories before adding them to the site, it would be a great help to getting us started on the right foot. Your extra effort in this matter is appreciated.

User Admins: I am going to start moving items to different layers as soon as possible so you may see an influx of tickets claiming wardrobe items are missing. Use the Staff Item Search to look up the item and check its layer assignment. Ask users to verify their item is not on that layer before escalating the ticket to me. Thanks!
User Avatar: 5

Posted by Luxe

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