Pet Spotlight - Pottawatomie

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Posted by SubetaTeam


Holy geez... I had no idea anyone would be this upset about it... I'm glad everyone seems to have moved on, because really, it's not a big deal. And even if it was, <a href="/users/Fishgill" rel="Fishgill"><img src="" border="0">Fishgill</a> apologized. <img src="" border="0" />


"of course there weren't any grizzles, I just choose that because I needed some type of awesome animal for the mother."
I'd just like to add: this is a really dumb reason to change facts to fit a story. I'm sure there are many fantastic native animals you could have used, that would have also been less boring and cliche. What does everyone have against, like, badgers and crows and stuff? (Or eagles or bobcats or marmots or elk or...) Not that I know what's native in the Cherokee area, but you get the idea. <img src="" border="0" />


XD @ the Jesus comment. I have wanted him to win from the beginning.

There is a fine line between genuine concern & complete crap reasoning. This spotlight turned into a lynch mob over a STORY.
OMG, Native Americans can't turn into werewolves, I am gonna ruin the fun for everyone and protest this story! My great grandfather was a vampire & he didn't sparkle, this is blasphemy!
My second cousin Golem wasn't a schizzo,I want his name cleared! This is imagination, let's imagine some people aren't as fickle as they appear to be and maybe that they can accept another person's creativity without making it into more than it is.
She apologized, she changed the story & expressed her concern for offending someone UNINTENTIONALLY.


And Heaven forbid the pet Jesus never wins the pet spotlight.


"And I walked away after it became obvious it wasn't getting across." Apparently you did not if you are posting again.


I presented my argument in a pretty reasonable fashion, I would say. And I walked away after it became obvious it wasn't getting across.
However... I have a few bones to pick now.

"I am of Cherokee descent, I did not find this story offensive in any way." Alrighty then. I won't dispute your claims of heritage... but honestly, thats like going "I'm black and I don't care about slavery lolol"... If you don't care, then let those of us who do care about our culture getting dragged through the mud say our piece.
As you should be aware... we are a closed culture. That means we are allowed to determine what is fine, and what isn't when it comes to the use of our religion, language, etc.

Also, not sure what you mean by pot calling the kettle black, if that was directed at me or Kiminess, and while I'm not going to trot out my credentials for all to see, I've been involved with organizations dedicated to the eradication of cultural misappropriation for years. So to see this on a site I love, of course I'm going to speak up.

Yes, we come to this site for fun and to get away from stress. But somehow... its not fun when I log on and see the names of my heritage and those of my friends getting tossed around like toys for people to play with and discard willy-nilly.

I'm hoping someone with some authority is reading these comments so that perhaps there will be an addition of some site policy about pets that have been stated to offend others.

Anyway, I'm done with this. Wallow in ignorance and/or complacency as you will.


I must say that I agree with Venom, thank you very much for posting that. I think that sometimes people can just get really obsessed with their point of views on life and past situations and any hint of something being against their family or culture is a conscious attack. I agree that stereotyping is not ever a good thing but at the same time I can also tell that the story of the pet was written with no intent to stereotype or cause pain to any Native American culture, I had read it before a while back. The owner of the pet has apologized for giving the impression of stereotyping and she truly is sorry, she is a good person and would never want to cause anyone any anguish. As for the Native Americans being treated badly by our ancestors, I am truly sad that that happened but it's seriously time to make peace with the past and go forward in life and educate others so that this kind of tragedy does not happen again. Instead of attacking someone why not try and talk to them like a calm and rational human being. And lastly, this is a website where we all go to have a good time and get away from our hectic and crazy lives. There is no need to jump to conclusions and accusations about someone's pet story, because it is just that... a story. We are all here for the same reasons and I would hope that we could approach one another with humanity and understanding.


Ahaha, a bit of the pot calling the kettle black going on up in this scenario. But what would I know, I am probably a "Typical uneducated little white girl no doubt."
Tisk tisk people.


It happens -all- of the time. Fan pics of TV shows and their characters are protected by law, but you see them "illegally" used all over the place in peoples' profiles and such. I wouldn't complain about this one pet if you aren't going to complain about all the other images as well.

I think this is a beautiful pet. It's nice to see some Native American influence. <img src="" border="0" />
Fiction is fiction, guys. Facts get mixed up, but it doesn't really matter, imo at least. c:


Internets: srs bzns.


Drama llamas be gone.
I am of Cherokee descent, I did not find this story offensive in any way. It is afterall, a story... the person writing the story has every right to use their creativity in any way they see fit, because it is their story (not yours). I don't know how many times people need to complain about pets being offensive to them & carrying on about it. I am sure your entire family really cares about a virtual pet site and a simple story written by a person they will never meet, if that is the case, they need more important things to focus on in their lives. State your opinion in an adult fashion, without throwing tantrums then raining on others parades and be done with it.
I think the over lay was pretty, the HAs you had were lovely & the story was simple... congrats on your win.( I do agree that using art without permission is a big no-no)


ok how am i stereotyping them?


It's the fact that your are grossly stereotyping Native American people is why people are upset with you.
That's sort of the whole point of people not liking the pet.

And also because you seem to not care at all that you are molesting a person's culture and heritage and what-not just because "it's all make believe and that makes it perfectly okay so that means I can do whatever I want~"

You are appearing extremely and pathetically ignorant. :/


Oh and by the way, were you quoted me on "its imaginary, who cares" You should have finished the sentence....the real sentence says "its imaginary who cares if its disneyish" so.......


I don't care that I won either, its not a big deal to me either. Stop bringing your real life situations and stop making a big deal on a game on the internet, quite frankly I don't wanna listen to it. I said I was sorry and I CHANGED THE PETS STORY, I changed the tribe and used a made up one. If you don't like my pet then stop looking at it and stop posting here. I didn't mean to offend your family and I am not the only one in the world that might have offended the native race. It is just a game and you keep choosing to look at the pet, so if it offends you then just stay away from it. I already said I was SORRY and I already said that I CHANGED it.


I think you're missing the point.
I don't think anyone really cares that you won.
Just that your pet is offensive and you used art without permission...

And as for "its just an imaginary thing, who cares"... I care. It offends me and my family greatly.
I hate to drag in an outside issue, but for a nice example of "imaginary" things insulting people, take some time and do research of the American Indian Mascot Issue.
And for cultural misappropriation, look up "Plastic Shamans and Astroturf Sundances".

Anyway, like I said, you're missing the point. I don't care about the award you won on this small, small portion of the internet. I'm concerned with the attitude you're helping to perpetuate.
Enjoy your pixels~


Congratulations on winning fishgill, I'm sorry it seems you are under fire for your use of the Native American culture and images. I honestly don't understand why a fictional story about a fictional plant-like species is under fire for accuracy and facts. It's supposed to be fiction, and if it's not to your liking then say so and move along... no need for being mean spirited.

Pet Spotlight winners are chosen randomly from nominated pets, it's been said many times before and therefor any pet nominated has the chance of winning. If it were for talented pet profiles that are interesting and fun to read or look at, then way more than half of the ones that have won in the past would certainly be disqualified.


This aeonoid looks badbutt!


And besides, its all RANDOM, the nomination and the winning. So its not my fault that I won with a bad profile...well some think its bad but its random so......I don't know why you guys are getting mad


This is an amazing pet!!


Ok, ok I'm sorry, I didn't know it would offend this many people. I won't make a pet like that anymore it was just a shot at doing something different. I tried my best to make it tribal but I guess I took the information wrong. I love the natives and I would never try to bash their culture on purpose. I'm not a spoiled brat and its just an imaginary thing, who cares if its like idk what you said quote: disneyish (even though I hate disney) but it wasn't intended to be. So IM SORRY, didn't mean to hurt peoples feelings.


I really like this pet, the story's interesting. c: Congrats on winning!


... Wow the comment thing ate part of my rant.
*Other inconsistencies, a buffalo a day? Not even for 400 people... >.> That'd work out to eating 3-4 pounds of meat a day for everyone, kids included. And seriously deplete whatever herd you've got roaming around.

**And I'm not to sure members of the actual Pottawatomie Nation (Thier reservation is in Kansas by the way, but they're a Great Lakes region nation) would like to see thier name associated with human sacrifice... >.> Alot of nations were rather... against it.
Even the Aztec nation, which seems to be the source of this stereotype, didn't just sacrifice people left and right.


Thank god someone pointed out the inconsistency with the Cherokee nations location and animals mentioned, but this pet still reeks of offensive stereotypes about natives.
Hunting buffalo, dancing around a fire, worshiping spirits/elements, and human sacrifice?
Sorry, but that just screams typical "Peter Pan" and Disney inspired B.S. most people think. I'll give you points for not bringing up "firewater" or casinos... but still... honestly.

Other inconsistencies, a buffalo a day? Not even for 400 people... >.> That'd work out to eating 3-4 pounds of meat a day for everyone, kids included. And seriously deplete whatever herd you've got roaming around.
There's also a difference between being "descended" from insert animal here, and having a spiritual connection. Honestly... I've yet to meet someone who honestly thinks they were descended from wolves.
I know you're working with what the site items are giving you... but element worship just wasn't big here. Yes... the existence of these things was acknowledged, but worshiping them? Thats more of a... Greek thing with the classical elements and what not. And no. Light was not seen as an element.

And I'm not to sure members of the actual Pottawatomie Nation (Thier reservation is in Kansas by the way, but they're a Great Lakes region nation) would like to see thier name associated with human sacrifice... >.> Alot of nations were rather... against it.
Even the Aztec nation, which seems to be the source of this stereotype, didn't just sacrifice people left and right.

Please, next time you get the itch to make a pet based in another persons culture, especially one you probably don't know a whole lot about... don't.
Its only going to cause problems and its furthering the romanticization and dehumanization of a people and culture that have been marginalized for centuries..


Um, I don't see how this won spotlight either. It's not exactly what I'd call literate, and the story doesn't fit the color or style of the Aenoid. Very confusing.


They're bashing your pet because you, well, generally destroyed HISTORY to suit your needs. This is history, not your own personal fanfiction.
And no one's upset because their pet didn't win, I mean, ego much? Just because YOU won the spotlight TODAY doesn't mean Kiminess won't win tomorrow, y'know. Everyone has an equal chance of winning, you're NOT a special snowflake.
Also, about the art on the lookup... Did you ASK the artists if you could use them? And I am not talking about your overlay or the HAs in the description... Because there are LAWS that can get you sued for using their art like this if they have it copyrighted so that you cannot use it in graphic works.

Honestly, there's no point in arguing with you because you sound like a spoiled child that can't be bothered to hear the facts. ;P


If you claim that the art on the layout was made by someone, or actually made by a 4 different people because the art style for all 4 is uniquely different, how about you give them some credit?
Obviously those images were taken off of Google or some other image search. While there are images that fall within public domain, how do you know that these images are free to use?? - The main point is and the real concern is that they could very well belong to some artist(s), they look like snapshots of acrylic paintings. Do these artists want images of their work used else where on the internet?
While in this case it is not against Subeta's rules and you are not claiming that you own them, the images on Google or wherever are not free to grab, I wish more people would understand that.

Quote: "You have to look down on it just cause your pet didn't win."
Really now. :/


Ok since everyone was kind of saying stuff about the cherokee tribe and stuff, I changed it so there <img src="" border="0" />


There is some massively skewed cultural appropriation going on here, but then again I could say the same of all the weeaboo pets as well. I dunno, I guess I wish you had made up your own Native American character if that lifestyle interests you, rather than grossly misconstruing an existing tribe and their culture.

/serious business

The overlay is nice though, I'm always happy to see an aeanoid win.


ok sorry that my info wasnt the best but really? You have to look down on it just cause your pet didn't win. I mean it is a IMAGINARY game, I only took the population of the tribe as a real fact but of course there weren't any grizzles, I just choose that because I needed some type of awesome animal for the mother. Chill out and stop bashing my pet. And by the way the art was MADE by a person and the overlay wasn't photoshopped and taken off the was my idea, so chill.


I agree with Kiminess =/

Don't see why it deserves spotlight.


All I can think of is Pottowatamie Bingo :/


I don't see why this was made a Spotlight to be perfectly honest. :/
The art is obviously not made for this particular person for this one character and was just grabbed off the internet and THEN horribly cut out in Photoshop and just added a feather around the edges it's not even nicely executed.

And the information written about the Cherokee people in the story is all very inaccurate.
They make their character sound like they are THE chief of forever of these Cherokee people.
And I hate to break it to you, but, there are no grizzly bears in the South Eastern part of the United States which is where the Cherokee people originate. :/
They're all dead save for the ones in zoos.
There were never any grizzlies ever in the South Eastern part of the United States, actually.
And the Cherokee did not believe in sacrificing people or live animals as it was against the Ancient Cherokee Law.

I find this Spotlight to be kind of offensive actually.
They didn't even do any of their homework right. :/


Beautiful. I love the overlay and the story. I was wondering - why a glacier aeonid? (sp?) B/c of the pose?


A little iffy on the overlay, but overall really original and alternative to your usual "omg they have destiny asdsaf blah blah random names" stories you get in pet spotlights sometimes. Congrats!


VERY interesting pet!
I love it!


Oh wow. Very well done pet. Love it a lot.


Congratulations <img src="" border="0" />
I've never entered the PS yet.


I was just looking at this the other day! Congrats c:


Wow this is a very nice pet. Different yet very awesome, congratulations!

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