Farewell to Cults!

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Cults have now been officially retired.

If you enjoyed what Cults offered, however, you may be interested in Forum Groups! You can check them out here. They duplicate many of the social features offered by Cults and have their own subforums, as well as an sP bank and notifications via the ping system. Notifications can also be muted if you would rather not receive them.

Our former Cults forum has also been changed to the Forum Groups forum, so be sure to check it out if you're looking to join a Group or looking to recruit for your own.
User Avatar: 744

Posted by SubetaTeam


oh thank goodness they were different things because i didn't withdraw all my sP from my forum group bank before the New Year.


@EmrysN - Oh, I forgot about that. I think private forums are considered to be out of testing now since anyone can make them, and they just forgot to remove that notice. I'm not 100% certain though.


@Speiro Hmm, I don't think we're referring to the same thing. There was this notice while creating a forum section for my forum group that said I should expect the contents of these forum group sections to be deleted when the forum groups release. http://oi66.tinypic.com/2ns4b29.jpg Unless this note should have disappeared a long time ago but someone forgot to do that.


@EmrysN - (see below)


@EmerysN - What do you mean? Forum groups are already out, and have been for a couple years.


I don't know who to ping so @Amber hello, please tell me that the contents of the forum groups won't be deleted when you release forum groups officially because it would be much easier for most groups to keep their content prior to the final update. If this could be made somehow, that would be wonderful. ;_;


For people asking "what's the difference?"
Cults used to be awesome! But that was like 10 years ago before I signed up again...and now I feel mega old!


It was nice when the cults were active. And brimming with life.. bye Cults.. have fond memories of you.


My biggest guess is that since Subeta's growing, having something called Cults might not be the best thing - there's some related connotations to the word that might not go over well with some people. Forum Groups is a lot more neutral.

But @Stiles brought up a good point - what are the differences between the two? Or are we in the stage where they're the same right now, and the Forum Groups will be expanded upon soon/later?


Will there be a way to donate items to Forum Groups?


Can you guys fix the image problems on forum groups now please? :)

The icon not showing next to all the forum group forums is annoying. (Image currently linked to https://img.subeta.net/pencil_green) which doesn't exist, looks like you're missing the extension.



Can anyone see cults they're not a member of?


What's the difference between the two though?

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