Help me make my Wardrobe Fixes To-do list!

Yup. This is a call for bugs, from a Bug. I'm finally ready to tackle all the wardrobe bugs that have plagued us for the past many months, but there are a lot and they're scattered all over the forums. So that I can see them all in one place, I'm making a masterlist of wardrobe bugs and things to change/improve over here: Topic: The saga of Bug vs. the Wardrobe

Please come on over, check on the list I have so far, and let me know if you have anything to add! I'll be using the topic linked above as a sort of long-term to-do list and to track my progress as I work. Thanks for all your patience in prior months, and I hope you are as excited as I am to get the wardrobe rolling again :)
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Posted by Bug

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