
Orlando Bloom has a minion!

Fleur the Hummingbird

Orlando Bloom
Legacy Name: Orlando Bloom

The Glade Hikei
Owner: toodlesdoodles_706

Age: 12 years, 5 months, 2 days

Born: January 14th, 2012

Adopted: 11 years, 2 months ago

Adopted: April 16th, 2013


  • Level: 10
  • Strength: 15
  • Defense: 16
  • Speed: 13
  • Health: 18
  • HP: 15/18
  • Intelligence: 9
  • Books Read: 9
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Seed Sorter

Goal: Name changed to Weeping Willow
Lover: Ancient Relic
Willow protects the forests and the Peka Glades. The local Subetians who live in the Peka Glades live on the magical springs, as do the forests around the glades. The spring gives life, youth, and transformation. Non-local Subetians to the Peka Glades found the spring so fascinating, they visited the spring so often for its benefits that it began to run dry. Forests began to dry up. Fires started in the forests and the glades, destroying many homes and lives to the local Subetians of the area. Willow tried to protect them all. They were all like children to her; they all looked up to her for protection. You could hear her weeping all over Subeta, even up to Atebus. One day, a young, golden Hikei named "Ancient Relic" went to investigate the problems with the spring, as well as the mysterious weeping sounds. During his investigations, he found where the weeping sounds came from - Weeping Willow. He asked her why she was weeping and what had happened to the forests and glades. When she explained, he was furious. He knew what he needed to do. Willow wanted to plee to Sebastian Phoenix of the situation, but she knew she couldn't leave the surviving Subetians, so Ancient Relic promised to go for her. Ancient galloped to Sebastian Phoenix's office. The secretary tried to try to stop him because he had not "made an appointment prior." "Damn it woman! This is an emergency!" Ancient yelled and went inside Sebastian's office. "Sebastian Sir!"
"I have not been informed of an appointment at this time?" Sebastian itched his brow. "This is an emergency. I went to investigate the problems at the Peka Glades and the mysterious weeping sounds." Ancient explained to Sebastian what Willow told Ancient and Sebastian was shocked. "I see, I will make a new law: non-local Subetians can visit the spring - once it's back and running again of course, only two hours per day. Please inform Miss Willow of this new law." A smile broke across Ancient's muzzle, "Thank you, sir." Ancient bowed and galloped back to Peka Glades, but before he went there, he stopped at Veta Lake and bought a few seeds. He flung the bag of seeds over his shoulders and just when he was about to go on his way to the Peka Glades, a beautiful, short-haired blonde woman come from behind, "Excuse me!" Ancient looked behind him. The woman blushed, "I run the Veta Lake Resort and I heard that the spring in Peka Glades has been running dry. Veta Lake depends on Peka Glades too, so I've stored a little bit of water from the spring. I don't know where you're going, but I just have this feeling we were destined to meet. So, here," The woman gave Ancient a little bottle, it looked like a potion bottle of water that had a mystical sparkle in it. "This is all I have left of the water from the spring in Peka Glades. I kept some so Subetians here could also survive, but like I said, we depend on the Peka Glades as well and this small amount won't last for us if the glades run completely dry. Besides," the woman started tearing up, "those poor Subetians who are starving and dehydrated in the Glades...." The woman paused and straightened herself out, "Please, take this to bottle to the glades, I think it may help, at least a little bit to start growing things again-which the nutrition from the plants growing with in return will provide more water for the spring." Ancient was inpressed, "I would be honored to ma'am, I was heading there myself anyway." Ancient took the bottle and the lady scratched Ancient behind the ears. They said their farewells and Ancient galloped to the Peka Glades. Willow waited patiently, afraid of if Sebastian Phoenix found her plea unimportant. She had also grown very weak, for she too depended on the spring's water to survive. The greenery on her was so dried up from dehydration, she was near death. Ancient finally made it to Peka Glades, and it looked even worse than before. When he found Willow, he galloped to her rescue! "Willow, drink some of this! It's going to be okay. You, the forests, the glades, the local Subetians, even the spring, will all be saved!" Willow drank a little bit of the water in the bottle and the greenery on her started regenerating; she was coming back to life! She wasn't fully recovered, but enough to help some, so she gave some to the very few local surviving Subetians and they too began to recover. Willow nuzzled Ancient, "Thank you, you've saved us, but, how are the forests and spring going to be saved? We hardly have any vegetation left." Ancient chuckled, as well as blushed from the nuzzling, "I brought some special seeds of course! I also bring news from Sebastian Phoenix." Ancient explained the new law and Willow and the local Subetians jumped up for joy! Ancient emptied the bag that was filled with all different kinds of seeds. All of the local Subetians, Ancient, and Willow pitched in and planted all the seeds, then watered them with the spring water too. It took some time, but what the lady said back at Veta Lake came true! As the vegetation began to grow, the spring started returning, in which the vegetation grew even more without them having to continually watering them! The spring, forests, and glades were finally back to normal and because of the new law, even better and more beautiful than before! Willow now guards the spring and makes sure it is never overused again. Her new little friend is a hummingbird named Fleur. Fleur gets seeds for her and every now and then, Willow can be seen at Veta Lake in the garden, as thanks for helping renewing the glades. At that time, Willow appoints the strongest local Subetians to protect and guard the spring, just for while she's out. Even the great Shinwa has blessed Willow, as if she's the goddess of the forest. Ancient still visits Willow from time-to-time; he is often away though with his colleague "Golden Shadws" adventuring and discovering things from the past in history. Ancient and Willow will always be lovers for life though, and Willow will always protect Peka Glades.

Pet Treasure


Demi Watering Can

Tangle Plant

Banana Plant

Lilapin Gardening Gnome


Night Blooming Drooplebud

Basket of Caraway Seeds

Blue Hibiscus

Pink Hibiscus

Sheeta Head Shrubbery

Simple Flower

Pet Friends