
Klare_266 has a minion!

Afraid the Eego

Legacy Name: Klare_266

The Graveyard Pherret
Owner: Hali

Age: 12 years, 4 months, 1 week

Born: February 4th, 2012

Adopted: 11 years, 1 month, 4 days ago

Adopted: May 11th, 2013


  • Level: 9
  • Strength: 9
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Kill yourself, they said.

She did.

Alone. I was so alone.

He had been like a ray of sunshine in my life, the only light that I had. I loved him. Did he love me? I think so. I thought so.

But boys don't fall in love with sad girls.

Some days it's better. Good, even. I can get up and faking the smile comes easier, the turn of the lips not as painful. Some days I smile, for real. But other days are bad. I remember him, and how we held hands, how he made me laugh, how we kissed, how he hugged me from behind, how we made love for the first time. And I remember that he's gone. Forever, maybe.

What did I do that made him go away? Was it the scars on my wrist? The missed meals, the excuses? Was he tired of having to put up with me and my demons?

It's so dark. The world is so dark. I know that if he came and he smiled and he kissed me the world would become bright again, but he'll never sweep in to the room the same way as he did before. That is a truth that is very hard to live with, to never be loved. To never be wanted.

Absentmindedly, I finger my scars. They're pretty fresh, so I wince as my fingernail scrapes one of the open cuts. But it's a good pain, because for just a few seconds the other pain goes away. Only for a while.

But what if the pain went away, forever?

My hands are clammy and sweaty as they hold the cold metal barrel.

Should I?

It's so tempting. A little flick of the finger, and everything's gone. I can be numb. I can be dead.

I close my eyes, relishing in the feeling of simply being nothing, and I know. I know that I want that.

So with shaking fingers, I bring the gun up to my forehead.

Pet Treasure

Silver Bullet

Sad Rainy Sticker

Regular Strength Pain Pills

Pet Friends

But boys don't fall in love with sad girls.