
Roadhouse has a minion!

Soot the Dust Matter

Legacy Name: Roadhouse

The Darkmatter Telenine
Owner: Joxter

Age: 12 years, 3 months, 1 week

Born: March 4th, 2012

Adopted: 12 years, 3 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: March 4th, 2012


  • Level: 52
  • Strength: 61
  • Defense: 58
  • Speed: 59
  • Health: 56
  • HP: 56/56
  • Intelligence: 13
  • Books Read: 14
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Hopper

warning: this profile contains abuse and mentions of addiction.

i see the world through eyes covered in ink and bleach
cross out the ones who heard my cries and watched me weep


sometimes things don't work out

Roadie goes by a few names, but none of them are the name he was born with. A decade or so ago, he was Davian Dillinger, and he was an aspiring musician trying to dodge the brutal situation shaking the foundation of his home life. His brother was a sadist, probably bloodthirsty, and he always found a new way to torture Roadie when he least expected it; His encyclopedia of violent abuse always had a tendency to circle back to just bouncing Roadie off the wall until he didn't get back up. Just like his brother, he was (and still is) a user to an unfortunately severe degree, and he hopes in the highest of keys that one day it'll kill him (the "him" in this situation being either himself or his brother) and leave nothing behind but a bloated corpse on the floor.

Even though he's managed to escape his brother by way of fleeing across the country with about ten bucks in his pocket, Roadie still has to deal with the trauma of his childhood and early adult life. His dependency has changed from his brother to whatever substance he can get his hands on, and in broad daylight he looks something just to the east of functional. Behind closed doors, as often tends to be the case, the facade of that structure he's built for himself crumbles every time he goes home to his lonely and empty apartment in the city. Really, it's more of a roach box, but who's counting when the rent is cheap and bullet holes can just be filled in with toothpaste?
His one-night stands don't seem to mind, at any rate.


Being a murderous psychopath has its perks. Chem fancies himself something of a professional stalker, keeping tabs on his little brother remotely through a small network of his insidious little buddies. He plans to catch up with Roadie eventually, and he has a very long list of things he wants to do to him for having the gumption to run off when things were only just starting to get entertaining.


Dive bartenders should be paid more for putting up with this shit. South worries for Roadie. He's known the guy since he blew into town a few years ago and has watched him get steadily worse, but even with his fatherly advice it seems like Roadie just isn't ready to listen. In spite of it, though, he's helped Roadie out of a few tough spots, namely picking him up from the lost & found for the occasional drunken disorderly or public intox, or taking care of him any time the local cops (who all seem to be on first-name basis with Roadie by this point) drop him off at South's place. It's... a process.


Profile template by Lea.
Character by Joxter.
Background from Unsplash.

Pet Treasure

Shot of Whiskey



Cherry Shot Shot

Extra Strength Pain Pills

Anyu Brass Knuckles

Acoustic Guitar

Berry Guitar Pick

Vampire Guitar

Pet Friends

Southern Comfort
You're a nice guy, but I dunno how you get by not takin' sides.