
Aijeleth Shahar has a minion!

Minion the Diamus

Aijeleth Shahar
Legacy Name: Aijeleth Shahar

The Common Neela
Owner: Pseudoscience

Age: 12 years, 2 months, 3 weeks

Born: March 6th, 2012

Adopted: 12 years, 2 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: March 6th, 2012


  • Level: 50
  • Strength: 125
  • Defense: 125
  • Speed: 130
  • Health: 132
  • HP: 132/132
  • Intelligence: 116
  • Books Read: 116
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Few had gotten the honor of laying eyes on him, but those rare souls all described him the same and all uttered the same words. They would say there was no other sight so horrible and so beautiful, so cold and alien but so understanding, ever-wise and divine as was the Great King of Heaven, holder of light and darkness. The Eternal of Balance, Aijeleth Shahar, Creator of Heaven and it's angels.

His voice was like thunder and storm when he was angry and like a soft mother's whisper when he was calm. His mind was always unreadable, his face like a mask hiding his knowledge which ran deep as an ocean. His wings were made of purest silver and darkest shadow, glistering and whispering as moved, and you could see a whole nightly sky, complete universe lodged under those soft feathers.

But that was all anyone could say, because he was always unchanging and so far, far away, so no one would ever understand or know of his true nature.

Pet Treasure

Restorative Powder

Inscribed Blade

Lightning Bolt

Pantheon Potion

Colorful Gemstone

Mystical Orb of the Gods

Tranquil Arcrystal

Glass Prism

Raw Diamond

Crystal Shard


Light Defense Baguette Crystal

White Coda Caves Crystal

Dream Coda Caves Crystal

Chunk of Magic Crystal

Light Defense Tear Crystal

Rose Tear Crystal

Shinwas Life Crystal

Frost Berry Bunch

Glacial Crystal Totem

White Chess Pawn

White Chess King

White Chess Bishop

White Chess Knight

Diamond-Encrusted Legeica Plushie

Moonstone Mask

Ye Royale Proclamatione

Sealed Scroll of White Magic

Quill of Serenity

Dance of the Spirits

Passing of Time

Book of Life

Time Travel I

Time Travel II

The End of Time

Tales of the Sunshine Tribe

Book of Extremely Vague Prophecy

Understanding Galactic

Lilac Mahar Hourglass

Sands of Time

Commemorative Saherimos Hourglass




Bottle of Saheric Sand

Pile of Sacred Lands Sand

Wreathed Diamond Circlet

Deep Sea Celebratory Stardust Hairband

Shinwas Healing Wine

Shinwas Amulet of Mercy

Aquamarine Plated Bracelet

Multi-Strand Gathered Aquamarine Necklace

Crystal Mosaic Tile


Rainyday Light Anklets

Gold Crescent Moon Relic

Sun Pearl

Sun Gem

Shinwas Lightblade

Pearl Butterfly Brooch

Citrine Jeweled Cuff

Amethyst Jeweled Cuff

Single Strand Pearl Necklace

Pet Friends

I will always be here, watching out for you, waiting for you, and once more we will let our Light, Wisdom and Vision change and guide this Creation.

If you help me, maybe then I can give you a blessing unlike any other, my friend so far from home.

Iracriel the White
How curiously you remind me of one of my own... Dare to take the Sword of Heaven's Flame and carry it with the courage and honor it deserves?