
Legacy Name: Elsabeth

The Blacklight Jollin
Owner: thatnightingale

Age: 12 years, 2 months, 2 weeks

Born: April 10th, 2012

Adopted: 12 years, 2 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: April 10th, 2012


  • Level: 7
  • Strength: 18
  • Defense: 13
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 15
  • HP: 10/15
  • Intelligence: 78
  • Books Read: 77
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Candy Maker

Image drawn by my good friend Skippie!!! :33

In a field outside of town we could always be alone
Carry a blanket maybe a basket - and that's it
Innocence was the key I was locked up never free
Until you turned me

Like vines we intertwined (like vines we intertwined)
Carelessly growing up and growing old
Life was on our tongues (on our tongues)
And it tasted heavenly so good

I wake up and I feel alone
I was just asleep
Right where I belong
Inside this sad, sad song

I knew this was a dream it was too good to be true
Coincidences were a bit much too
Who wants to wake up?
Who wants to lose it?
Who wants to live in this place?
I don't, so I'll be sleeping in

Like vines we intertwined (like vines we intertwined)
Carelessly growing up and growing old
Life was on our tongues (on our tongues)
It tasted heavenly so good

I wake up and I feel alone
I was just asleep
Right where I belong
Inside this sad, sad song

Blankets here keep me from cold
Holding tightly my pillows
Frantically searching for her
Inside my head she's somewhere
She is somewhere

I wake up and I feel alone
I was just asleep
Right where I belong
Inside this sad, sad song

I wake up and I feel alone
I was just asleep
Right where I belong
Inside this sad, sad, sad song.

We Intertwined - The Hush Sound


Name: Amaya
Meaning: Night Rain
Age: 16


The empty night sky hung over the world with a heavy sigh. It was pitch black, as it always had been. Many people had heard myths about the stars, but none were old enough to have witnessed them. Despite the stars' disappearance, the moon and sun carried on with their infinite cycle around the planet, illuminating its surface. Far below the moon, a young girl with hair as black as the night sat and stared up at the starless sky. She slowly pulled her fingers through her messy, purple fringe, being careful to tug out all the snares. Cold air nipped at her skin, her bare face rippled in discomfort. Pulling her knees to her chest, she attempted to conserve what little heat was left of the previous day.

She was in the middle of nowhere, with no one to disturb her. There was no light, save for that of the moon and the surfeit of multicolored glow sticks that decorated her wrists and ankles, and it allowed her to enjoy the peace of the countryside. As she laid down, delicately placing her fingers behind her cropped hair, she closed her violet eyes and retreated deep into her mind.

Pet Treasure

Empty Arm Basket

Pet Friends