
Laura Evangeline Dawson
Legacy Name: Laura Evangeline Dawson

The Golden Serpenth
Owner: Rymfy

Age: 12 years, 1 month, 2 weeks

Born: May 3rd, 2012

Adopted: 12 years, 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: May 3rd, 2012


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 72
  • Books Read: 72
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Kennel Cleaner

The dreadful party nearly bore me to death. No one important had bothered to show up, and no wonder. Who would wish to socialize with the Hinds? Certainly not I. Father had forced me to go out, “for you never make connections”. I have no need for connections, not with the acquaintances of this rotten family.

A woman walked across the room, directly towards me. It was herm the sorceress in her fancy gown. “Apparently almost anyone can climb the ladders to the society nowadays”, I heard myself say out loud. I had not meant to say it, but I did not mind her hearing it. “Nice to see you, too, Laura. It sure has been a while", the witch said, nodding. “A while indeed, Miss Hinds. Although not quite long enough”, I said quietly. Oh Charlotte, Charlotte, naïve little Charlotte. The laughing murderess, charming thief. “Pleasant. How is your father, is he well?” the enchantress spoke with a sweet voice. “More so than your own, obviously”, I chuckled. Are you still chasing for other families after leading yours to the grave? She walked away; disappeared behind the ever so happily dancing couples.

Not long after our unpleasant meeting, Charlotte disappeared. I had trouble hiding my excitement when the news reached me. “Miss Hinds has gone missing. From her party, can you believe it?” So they said. Hundreds of whispered voices spread the same message around. If there was any truth in it, Mister Welch would surely know. “Tell me, old friend, is what I heard the truth?” I asked discreetly.

“Well well. Depends on what you have heard”.

“So Charlotte has disappeared”.

“Perhaps she has”.

“Has she?”

“Indeed she has”.

“Will she return?”

“We will see”.

“She told you, did she not?”

“Sure she did”.

“You will not tell?”

“I will not”.

Pet Treasure

Black Lace Coffee Pot

Black Lace Sugar Bowl

Lockwell Trinket Box

Dragon Of The Sky Perfume

Sacred Jewel Perfume

Pet Friends

Charlotte Marie Hinds
I want you dead! May your filthy bloodline finally come to an end.

Jacques Welch
What game are you playing? You are either with me or against me, choose your side.