
Daesyni has a minion!

Green the Elaeka

Legacy Name: Daesyni

The Dusk Lain
Owner: Vakarian

Age: 12 years, 1 month, 2 weeks

Born: May 7th, 2012

Adopted: 12 years, 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: May 7th, 2012


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

premade profile by Chen


You hear a voice, but you can't seem to find the owner. "Up here!" You hear the high-pitched voice again and looked up. "Hey," greeted a smiling blue-haired girl. Hold up, how is a girl able to fly?!The girl landed, her wings folding back. Was this an angel? "Ah sorry! I didn't mean to scare you or anything!" she said, "Sorry, sorry, do you know where The Roost is?" You shook your head, and she frowned. She turned and looked around. You saw her blue tail, disproving your angel guess. She saw you looking at it, and said, "Oh I'm kinda like a harpy you know?" She laughed, but then frowned again.

You felt bad for not knowing where The Roost was, but you haven't heard of it. Was it some kind of underground place or something, you wondered. You asked her if she knew what sort of place it was.

"Oh, it's a cafe!" she replied, grinning. She stopped another person passing by, asking whether they knew, but they shook their heads and continued on. She became noticeably disheartened; she was drooping including her wings and tails. You became worried and was about to comfort her, but she already rebounded with gusto. "Well, I should go further into the city instead of asking people out here," she laughed. She began to run, while flapping her wings a bit. As she was away from you at a safe distance, she began to take flight. You look up to her, seeing a couple of stray feathers floating down.

You wondered whether she'll be ok, since she seemed a bit�scatterbrained? You decided to follow her, yelling after her. She stopped and turned around, allowing you to ask her if you could help. She happily agreed.

Finally you two are in the city, and only now, has she decided to ask around for The Roost. As she flits around asking several people and you stumbling after her, you couldn't help but think that this cafe sounded a little familiar.

"Ah, really?!" you heard her exclaimed, "You know where it is?" You listened to a couple of strangers kindly giving directions to where the cafe was. It was located past a place where you go to! You piped up, saying that you knew where it was now, and she cheered, urging you to show her. You gave your thanks to the strangers, leading her to it.

Once you two were finally there, she landed and jumped for joy. "Thank you so much!" she said. You shook your head, saying that it was no problem. "Would you like to join me and my--"

"Ah, Danni, you made it," a deep voice called out. You two turned around, seeing a sandy-haired man. He looked bored.

"Rikki!!!" The girl leaped towards him as he seems to be glaring at you. "Yeah!!! This person helped me," she said. He nodded at you with no change in his demeanor. You nodded back, choosing to decline the blue-haired girl's earlier offer. She became a little disappointed, but she accepted it.

"Thanks again! Maybe we'll meet again here! My name is Danni, ok? Danni!" she exclaimed. You smiled and agreed and walked away.

.Examples of outfits
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Pet Treasure

Pet Friends