
Icterine has a minion!

Sly the Lizard Minion

Legacy Name: Icterine

The Chibi Jollin
Owner: Hedgie_756

Age: 12 years, 4 weeks, 1 day

Born: May 27th, 2012

Adopted: 12 years, 2 weeks, 1 day ago

Adopted: June 10th, 2012

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 1
  • Books Read: 1
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Some of us are just born to wander, even if we are born into the best of circumstances.

For Icterine, the circumstances weren't the best. Born the runt in a litter of three, it always seemed like a sure shot at survival was almost always just out of reach, especially when animal control forces started to crack down on the growing fox population in the small, crowded city she'd been born in. At a very young age, old enough to just survive on her own, Icterine was forced out on her own. The world seemed daunting, impossible, and she was reduced to pawing through dumpsters in town for a bite to eat, until she had to leave town for fear of being caught, and facing an end like her parents and littermates. Quietly, in the night, she left the city and repeated the process in a variety of towns, occasionally recieving care from a good sameritan before moving on. Through that sort of luck, a series of bandannas has been looped around that long, slim neck of hers, though she isn't quite sure why people keep on replacing them.

It was in one of these towns, which boasted a bustling market scene, where she discovered what would become her route to success and a sure bet for survival; stealing. It had crossed the young fox's mind a time or two, but she had been unsure of herself and her skills up until that point. Now almost fully grown, she watched the lizard population of that market as they went about their own work, snatching belongings and food right out from under their noses. She watched, and she learned, and eventually caught a young lizard and took it on as her companion, and as an ever-available teacher. Soon enough, she and Sly were living the good life..or at least the best life a couple of street rats could live, and there wasn't co much to worry about anymore.

She was used to traveling, and soon grew restless. It was incredibly obvious that settling down wasn't in this female's foreseeable future. Plus, the lizards and other strays of the market town were getting a little jealous of her success, and it was either lay low, disguise herself and Sly, or leave. For a while, they tried to hold off on departure, as the seasons had shifted and the weather was far from savory, and she took to obscuring her appearance in a variety of ways. Dirt, mud, various bits and baubles found along the way, and even a fake mustache or two. Not soon enough, the weather turned in their favor, and the pair left town, ready to see the world and escape the competition that chased them, nipping at their heels.

For a time, they stuck to the forestsand the countryside, and Icterine has to learn, once again by hidden observation of her fellow carnivoures, how to hunt. After all, she needed to eat and there was a sneaky little reptile under her care that needed nourishment possibly even more than she did, and Icterine had never been the kind of creature to let a teammate down. She found solace in the fields and groves, a sense of fufillment to her more natural ancestory, but the city once again called. She longed for the busy streets, of a life underfoot, where the food could be easier or harder to get than in the the forest depending on circumstances, where life seemed more like an adventure, or a game, and not like a working vacation. Staying still had never been in her nature before, and not even nature could keep her for long.

Pet Treasure

Orange Lucky 7 Scarf

Golden Bauble

Treasure Map Piece 1

Ginger Clipon Mustache

Pet Friends