
Huntington has a minion!

the Dark Creepy Thing

Legacy Name: Huntington

The Nightmare Darkonite
Owner: mockingbird

Age: 18 years, 6 months, 2 days

Born: November 30th, 2005

Adopted: 18 years, 6 months, 2 days ago (Legacy)

Adopted: November 30th, 2005 (Legacy)


  • Level: 20
  • Strength: 56
  • Defense: 82
  • Speed: 50
  • Health: 51
  • HP: 51/51
  • Intelligence: 59
  • Books Read: 34
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Sales Associate

The grave can take me
The earth is waiting to eat us alive
I love you damaged
I need human wreckage
I have to look up
Just to see hell

--- Marilyn Manson

occupation: necromancer, scientist
pronounciation: hunt-tin-ton
species: unknown, appears in a humanoid body.
age: unknown
abilities: reanimating corpses, great knowledge of various arts, practitor of magic, etc
art: overlay by
goals:made nightmare 4/11/08
treasure chest items: body parts, books, gothic items
personality: WIP
features: WIP

history: WIP

Huntington claims to help many confused and lost souls. she appears before them, having stalked and decided long before she does, offering them guidance and what everybody wants. control. she offers you control over your life; something you perhaps never had. if this isn't the case, she tries another routine. again and again, until she is forced to unleash some none to desired powers upon you. then she gets what she wants. either trust or stringing you along. either way.
she has others to do her dirty work. a specialist always does. Artix is never far behind his master, a near lifeless minion that appears if you shook his hand he'd crush it, trailing after her in an immortal bond. the people she 'helps' become her slaves, her captives, until she gets bored; with them. Artix is the only one who has survived countless centuries of this fate. it seems you must shut up and serve, least you decay.
none the less, some seek out Huntington for the purpose of being immortalized. her calling card is hard to find, those are unwilling to give it out. in an abandoned sewer she lurks, conducting odd and unusual experiments on the (un)willing. if you present her guard dog Artix with the head of a freshly killed bird, he will let you pass. if not, don't fret. you'll be taken to her anyway. just not on your terms.

Pet Treasure


Black Discreet Robe

ZombieCrossing Nekromantic Necklace

Arcane Summoning Circle

Makeup Tips for the Undead

Guidebook for the Newly Dead

Your Changing Body: An Introduction to Undeath

So You Want A New Arm?

Poison Perfume

Dirty Perfume Bottle

Skitters Favorite Needle

Banshee Thread of Fate


Living Dead

Damaged Book

Fleshy Mass

Dead Person

Skeletal Dog


Necromancer Miniature

Crypt Dust

Plas-Tek Giant Hacksaw

Plas-Tek Large Purple Morostide Syringe

Plas-Tek Morostide Chained Blade

Cursed Voodoo Doll

Viper Fang

Dark Crystal Shard

Jar Of Zombie Drool

Lingering Scrap

Jackal Lantern

Pet Friends