
Brynhildr has a minion!

Sven the Bjarki

Legacy Name: Brynhildr

The Glacier Feli

Age: 11 years, 11 months, 4 weeks

Born: June 26th, 2012

Adopted: 11 years, 11 months, 4 weeks ago

Adopted: June 26th, 2012

Pet Spotlight Winner
March 2nd, 2014


  • Level: 367
  • Strength: 925
  • Defense: 926
  • Speed: 926
  • Health: 924
  • HP: 0/924
  • Intelligence: 520
  • Books Read: 509
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Battle Master

The einherjar, once warriors, have been preparing daily for centuries since they were chosen to fall in battle and were brought here to Valhalla, eagerly awaiting their final battle since their arrival. Many of them have grown tired of their afterlife, of the affections of Valkyries such as myself, or the endless mead that is offered to them at nightfall; warriors even in death as they long for the day Ragnarok would arrive.

The halls of Valhalla have been filled with the warrior cries of the einherjar, excited by the news brought to Odin last night by Huginn and Muninn: the endless winter that has plagued Midgard has entered into its third year. Truth be told, I could have told them that the end was nigh simply with how busy I have been during this Fimbulwinter! Midgard has been plagued with constant wars since the cold set in and summer disappeared, bringing more and more fallen warriors to the halls of Valhalla.

"Brynhildr I need to speak with you," Odin's voice boomed, echoing throughout the hall.

Placing my jar of mead on the table while giving the side-eye to Alfljotr, the hall drunk, I made my way toward Odin's throne to see what he wants with me. "Dearest Brynhildr, I am sure that you are aware of the signs and that the end is coming. Hjalmgunnar and Agnar will be going to battle over a land dispute, and I would like you to decide in favor of Hjalmgunnar. He has much more experience in his old age and will be an asset to the forthcoming final battle. Bring the fallen heroes that Freyja does not select here immediately after so that they can aid in preparations."

I nod and make my way to the battlefield. The armies run toward one another, hurling spears as they get within range. I know what Odin expected of me, but looking at these men and their thoughts -- I cannot explain it. In a moment the battle has been decided for Agnar as I think that his army is more worthy of victory. In a panicked frenzy I know that I am unable to change the decision, and have to make decisions for who shall die in battle. I look to the sea of men, all worthy warriors in their own right. But my instructions are to choose the very best for the highest honor of a death in battle in order to have the most formidable force at the final battle. With my gaze upon the chosen, they meet their final blows and fall in combat.

Once the battle has ended, I take my half of the fallen to Valhalla with me and tell them what they already know: the end is coming. Considering the warrior cries they gave and their eagerness to fight for the Aesir, I know I made the right choice.

Well, all but one choice. It is not typical for Odin to fix a battle's outcome, and I know that my defiance of his orders will carry a heavy price. As soon as I set foot inside the great hall Odin bellowed my name. "You decided this important battle for Agnar, despite my direct orders. I know that you feel you have a good reason to have done so, but I will not hear it. This is an important time and I have not the patience to deal with you, so you shall be imprisoned in your slumber atop Mount Hindarfjall inside a ring of flames until you are rescued. If it is fated that you should fight on our side in this battle, you shall be rescued." He waves his hands and I am taken off without a word, hidden within the castle.


I feel movement along the sides of my head, and slowly the world comes back into focus as the weight on my chest from my chainmail armor falls to the side. I open my eyes to the harsh light, rubbing them to try and see better. Kneeling before me was a beautiful man, with flowing hair dressed as a warrior. He looked oddly familiar, but I was not able to place him.

"I am Sigurd, dear maiden," as if he understands my confusion. "After you brought me to Valhalla I wanted to thank you for choosing that I have an honorable death, but you were nowhere to be found. I searched the halls for you, asked everyone I met to your whereabouts for months before Alfljotr was drunk enough on mead to tell me what he had overheard on that day: that you had disobeyed All Father and were banished unless someone could find you. For some inexplicable reason I felt obligated to find you, so I searched every inch of Valhalla, and then Asgard until I found you here."

"How long was I gone?" I ask, hoping that not too much time had passed to allow that I make up for my defiance.

"Nine weeks. I know not what has happened in the last three since I have wandered Asgard in my search. We need to hurry!" He grabs my hand and leads me out of the castle.

"Nine weeks have passed since I was imprisoned, the summer-that-should-have-been has passed into further winter and Ragnarok must be coming soon, " I say to Sigurd as we pass Yggdrasil. I open a door and enter to see chaos all around me; the einherjar clamoring excitedly as they gather weapons in the main hall. I look over to Sigurd and nod, and he runs inside to ready himself.

"What is happening here, Herja?"

"Baldr was slain eight days ago, last night we celebrated the sjaund. We expect the final battle to begin at any moment, and we wish to be ready when the time comes. Excuse me, Alfljotr made a mess of the ale last night and I need to clean it up." Herja scurried off and everyone moved around me in a blur as I stand in a frozen panic. I have missed so much in my defiance of Odin, I thought. I need to see him, before it is too late. Before the battle begins. Before he-

The blaring of Heimdall's horn interrupts my thoughts, calling the einherjar to arms to fight on the side of the Aesir against the Jotuns. They begin to cheer loudly while storming out of the five hundred and forty seven doors with their swords and armor. It is written that both sides will suffer astronomical losses, gods and humans alike, that the world will be destroyed by fire and water before being born again.

"It is time," I say to myself, grabbing my shining shield. "Time to go to the fields of Vigrid." I took one final look at now-empty Valhalla, and made my way to Ragnarok.

Pet Treasure

Dreki Longship Beanbag

Crocheted Viking Hat

Viking Weapons

Aurora Borealis

Beardless Youth Figurine

Fearsome Warrior Figurine


Mighty Hammer of Thunder

Saga of the Trickster

Bearskin Pelt Cloak

Viking Falconers Glove

Lovely Maiden Figurine

Viqueen Helmet

Branch of the World Tree

Valkyrie Plushie

Viking Belt

Viking Helmet

Viking Arm Warmers

Viking Pants

Viking Shirt

Viking Boots

Basic Viking Helmet

Ice Viking Hat

Pet Friends