
Legacy Name: Lesandre

The Glade Illumis
Owner: NylonIntruder

Age: 11 years, 11 months, 1 week

Born: July 12th, 2012

Adopted: 9 years, 3 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: March 2nd, 2015


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

It feels like forever that I've been waiting in this prison, waiting to break free, to see the world I can only imagine.
Between me and this freedom lies this wall. This oppressive cage that my creator imprisoned me in. But recently, this barrier has become weaker. That freedom I long for, the beautiful colors, the movement, things I cannot describe, are all within reach.

Fading back into consciousness, I realized something. That instinctual stretch, the obsolete movement wasn't obsolete this time. My prison cracked. From that crack poured in new light, new possibilities. That light gave me strength, and I broke free of the walls that have held me for so long and embraced a new world.
I paused within my struggle, trying to regain my strength. It was then that it hit me. Where it wasn't before, I could suddenly smell the crispness of the air on the outside; a sound like whispering beating at my ears. What was this? I'd felt vibrations from the outside of my egg before, some echoes even. but this noise -- this symphony was assaulting my ears, and I welcomed it.
Yet, at the same time, there is this sensation... I can't describe it. I just know that it is correlated with why I find the platform I'm standing on to be so appetizing.
It's so vast. The greens, and upon closer inspection, the yellows and reds, are so vibrant they hurt my eyes. I slammed them shut and counted to ten, slowly opening my eyes again, embracing the light and the colors. I'd spent so much time in the blurry, muddled egg that all of this at once was just a bit too much.
As my eyes focus, I lift my head up and move forward slowly. At the edge of my platform, I see another one just like mine. And another, and another. Just as vivid, just as appetizing as the one I am standing on. Upon further inspection, I see they are all connected by this tube. I spin around wildly and look up, to see this large, orange mass. It looks like hundreds, if not more, of these platforms, but skinnier.
I suddenly feel memories rush in; memories that do not belong ti me, but they do not feel alien. A vision of a beautiful creature landing on this very platform.... A leaf, it's called. As soon as she lands, she begins laying eggs, and among those eggs is me.
Suddenly, I feel this tearing in my stomach. A searing pain that reminds me of the appetizing leaf I am standing on. Just like that, I'm back to my platform, and I'm myself. I'm a butterfly. Well, no. I will be. But today, I'm starving. And I'm going to start with this leaf.
The first bite is excruciatingly delicious; moving it around in my mouth just increases the explosion of flavors, and no matter how hard I try, I cannot explain it. Another bite, and another, and I'm slowly eliminating that pain in my stomach, and the desert in my mouth.
After several bites, I realize my eyes were closed again. When I open them, I also see a large chunk missing from my leaf. I was hungry. But after that, I felt the bloat in my stomach, and suddenly became drowsy. Looking around, I recognize my shell, amongst all the others that have yet to open, but more importantly, shelter, and I make my way there. It seems like ages before I wiggle my way over there, because I am still not used to these legs.

I will figure this story out.
I will figure this story out.
I will figure this story out.

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