
Archemides has a minion!

Merlin the Asio

Legacy Name: Archemides

The Common Celinox
Owner: Might

Age: 11 years, 10 months, 2 weeks

Born: July 14th, 2012

Adopted: 11 years, 10 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: July 14th, 2012


  • Level: 13
  • Strength: 33
  • Defense: 33
  • Speed: 12
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 65
  • Books Read: 65
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Trading Shark

This is my last page. Of this giant tome in which I write, from the first time my quill hit the page until the last.

I supposed I suspected it. After all, I'm older than the average pet. Although I may not look it, I am old, indefinitely old. The children do not know about it, and I am not prepared to tell them of my ventures. Of my losses and what I had to do to watch over them. I suspect neither Heart-beat nor Leitmotif will be satisfied with my passing, nor how I am to explain to a god of mortal death. Indeed, my time has come, gone, come again and now, finally, I must let it go.

Pet Treasure

Asmodeus Concoction Base

Pet Friends

Turn down that racket! I can't hear myself think!