
Captain has a minion!

Silver the Shiprat

Legacy Name: Captain Butt

The Graveyard Lasirus
Owner: sharky

Age: 11 years, 10 months, 2 weeks

Born: August 20th, 2012

Adopted: 11 years, 10 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: August 20th, 2012


  • Level: 22
  • Strength: 51
  • Defense: 14
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 14
  • HP: 10/14
  • Intelligence: 21
  • Books Read: 19
  • Food Eaten: 51
  • Job: Deputy Dishwasher


you'll greet the sun with bottles high, your bodies pale against the sky
The Good Ol' Cap'n

Ahoy there! They call me Captain, on account a' the fact I used t' be one.

Y' may be thinkin', "Used t' be? Well then what are ye now, Cap'n?"
Well, the short answer t' that is I went an' died. Haha! No need t' look so frightened, laddie. I don' bite, 'less ye try an' take me booze. None o' that eatin' brains fer me, y'see. I prefer Absinthe an' some good ol' rum.

Now, y' may be wonderin'. Cap'n, how did someone as handsome an' charmin' as ye go an' die, only t' be brought back t' un-life? Well, I may be willin' t' tell you me story, if'n ye got the time. An' perhaps a nice bottle o' booze with ye.

No booze? Well, alrigh' then. I'll supply t' booze, ye jus' sit an' listen.

Captain's Story

Comin' soon! Sorry t' disappoint ye, laddie. It's jus' not a good time an' all. It were a good story, too. I s'pose ye'll just have t' come on back later, hm?

Pet Treasure

Pirate T-Rex Plushie

Cask of Rum

Tankard Of Grog


Shot of Whiskey


White Pirate Bicorn Hat

Pet Friends
