
Dejac has a minion!

*Pianist* the Emancipate

Legacy Name: Dejac

The Reborn Dragarth
Owner: Meredy

Age: 11 years, 6 months, 3 weeks

Born: December 7th, 2012

Adopted: 11 years, 6 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: December 7th, 2012

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 115
  • Strength: 288
  • Defense: 288
  • Speed: 284
  • Health: 288
  • HP: 240/288
  • Intelligence: 355
  • Books Read: 355
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Hotel Chain Owner

The Intelligent one

Heyy! ((: I'm Dejac. You may call me Jac ^^ I am the smartest one in this family. So, if you have any questions relating to work, I'm pretty sure I can answer it (; hahaha, just kidding! But yeah, I am the intelligent one in the family (: but I'm still working to expand my knowledge ^^

|| Talented || Smart || Confident ||
Birthdate: 15 May 2012
Reborned on: 25th December 2012 @ 7:17PM
Loves: Playing piano, making friends, reading
Hates: Doing homework (oh the irony..)

Chapter 1: The Beginning
The dazzling lights above blinded me as I slowly tried to pry open my eyes. "Where am I?" I murmured to myself. I looked around. There were bars in front of me with three walls enclosed. I tried to stood up, but my head hit the ceiling. "Ouch," I muttered. Then it dawned on me, I was in a cage. I closed my eyes and tried to remember what happened. Images start to fill my mind as I think hard, and flashbacks occurred.

"Hey Morpheus, wait here for a moment alright? I forgot to bring my identity card with me."


Hours past, and there was no sign of him. I looked around worriedly. A day has past, and I was feeling very hungry. Where is he? Finding one measly identity card sure does not need a day! I waited till the night sky shown itself, then I decided; I couldn't wait like this forever! I began to walk slowly, trying to suppress my stomach from growling. After walking like what seemed forever, I saw several buildings, with one labelled "The Pound". As the rest of the buildings and shop houses were closed, I decided to seek help from "The Pound". I walked in solemnly, and a young lady with bright round eyes asked me, "Hi dear, are you lost?"

I explained the situation to her, and then she told me, "He said he was going back to get his identity card and just left you for a day? Ridiculous! Do you have his number?

"Number? What's that?" I gave her the confused look as I replied her.

She glanced at the tag hanging around my neck and took it, stare at it for a moment, and started to dial a big awkward shaped object. After a while, she said, "Hello, this is Delphi Adopt R Us, Kelly speaking."

The familiar husky voice of my owner spoke through that object, "Hello, yes, what is it?"

Kelly proceeded, "Your pet, (-she pauses a while and glances at my tag again-) Morpheus, was waiting for you for a day already! Aren't you going to pick him up? What kind of irresponsible owner are you?"

"Oh, that guy hasn't got the idea that I'm abandoning him? He isn't of much use, really. Besides, I'm bored of him and I need a break from grooming pets. I've too much on my plate now to handle already. And if you would excuse me, I still have to prepare for my meeting tomorrow, please refrain from calling at this unearthly hour."


He has abandoned me. How could he? Tears welled up my eyes and I was going to cry. Stay strong, I tell myself. I'm a grown up man now!

Kelly turned to me and told me sadly, "I've unfortunate news for you, it appears that your owner does not want you anymore. Well, we have extra space available over here for you to stay as a temporary shelter, until someone comes along to adopt you I guess."

Now I remembered: Today is the 5th day that I've been abandoned. 2 more days till judgement. I've seen many pets walked through the white double doors down the aisle, and never return. How dare he abandon me! I helped him so much, as his assistant for circus training, playing and cheering him up when he was down. I still want to live! I weeped softly to myself as I curl to sleep again, dreading the 7th day to arrive.

The next morning, I heard a cute, rather high voice, "Oh! All the pets here are being abandoned? That's just so sad!"

Another voice, recognisable as Kelly's said, "Yes, and on the 7th day, we put them to sleep because the shelter cannot accommodate so many pets! We're a small shelter after all. Would you like to adopt one of our pets?"

There was silence for a moment, then the metal opened, revealing a pink haired, small and petite-sized girl. She was wearing a pair of yellow, wing-shaped earmuffs, as well as a red cloak with black and gold boots. Is it that cold outside?

She sailed past the many pets along the room, glancing at both sides and looking deep in thought. She paused and stopped when she reached my cage, smiled at me and ask Kelly, "What species is this?"

"It's a Dragarth, it resembles a dragon and they make really loyal pets." Kelly replied.

"Oooh, what's its name?" The girl replied fervently.

Kelly points to the tag outside my cage read:

Name: Morpheus
Species: Dragarth
Gender: Male
Colour: Common

The girl reached her hand into my head and pats me softly. I closed my eyes and enjoyed it. I haven't been pat on the head like that since forever.

The girl then told Kelly, "Aww, he's so cute! Can I adopt him?"
Kelly looked surprised, but happy. "Of course!", and then proceeded to her front desk and grabbing the key to my cage to unlock it. When the cage was unlocked, the small girl tiptoed and carried me in her arms, smiling happily and following Kelly to the entrance of the building.

She then started to fill in a white piece of sheet which has black things on it. She then looked down and told me with a smile, "I'll change your name alright! From now on, you'll be called De Jac! Your friends can then call you Jac for short!"

She handed the sheet to Kelly after filling it, and Kelly checked thoroughly before telling her, "That will be 1,000 sP for the adoption, and an extra 500 sP for the name change."

The girl handed the money to Kelly happily, "Here you go, thank you! And have a nice day!"

She walked with me in her arms. I looked and Kelly and smiled too, which she returned to me. I was free! No more enclosure and fear of being put to sleep. Someone will finally love me for who I am! I have a family now! I looked at the girl happily and licked her face.

"Ohhh that tickles. Heehee. (-giggles-) And by the way, I'm Meredy. Nice to meet you, De Jac! I'm sure we'll get along well!"

-To be Continued

Pet Treasure

Dragarth Finger Puppet

Dragarth Marionette

Dragarth Sticky Toy

Pet Friends