
Legacy Name: Izar_758

The Common Serpenth
Owner: vienna_153

Age: 11 years, 5 months, 4 weeks

Born: December 17th, 2012

Adopted: 11 years, 5 months, 4 weeks ago

Adopted: December 17th, 2012


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

ANTONY & CLEOPATRAThis is riddled with references to the lives of Antony and Cleopatra. ;; Sorry if the references can get obscure at times. I'm just a huge history geek and love reading about them in particular...

They call her Plain Jane behind her back. She can't bring herself to mind.
It's true, after all. There is nothing at all remarkable about the sculpt of her face. She is personified by a strong nose and a heifer's gaze -- things that she shares with her sister, only her sister has the beauty in abundance.
But where the expression starts, the beauty ends. Mary's eyes are alight with a cruel spark and she spits out curses and insults when she can. But Jane is sweet mouthed and moves like ink through water.
It takes him only a few weeks of dating Mary to see this, and the way Jane looks at him.
'One day,' Mary says lowly into Jane's ear, after he has left her in tears and she has wiped them away, 'I will have your head on a platter.'
Jane smiles sweetly at her, like she knows something that Mary doesn't, and slips away after her sister's once-lover.
It doesn't take a miracle to capture him, not something like being rolled up in a carpet and being delivered to his apartment, just a knock at the door, a shy smile and a condolence.
'I'm sorry,' she says, and pauses in the doorway when she means it.
'For what?' he asks.
'That we had to wait,' she responds simply, like it is the most obvious thing in all the world, and he does not know why he does it, but he reaches out and kisses her.

Over glasses of wine they reminisce of things that had happened millennia ago. She talks of a pair of pearl earrings, lost in a cup of vinegar; he talks of glory, lost for love; and together they conjure images of children, three beautiful little children like the stars they cannot see from their city apartments.
Is it reminiscing if it never happened to them? No.
Or yes.
Because they are no longer Jane and James. The quotidian has melted from them and from the stuff of mundanity -- crawling on elbows and knees to find socks gone missing under the bed and checking coat pockets for those last few dollars for pay student loans -- legend has been remade.
Their shadows meld on the carpet. They are mad with a hunger that predates them, a hunger that has survived through the ages, laid to sleep beneath desert sands and reborn in their souls.
They fall asleep still hungry, the moonlight flickering on their faces and their backs slicked with sweat.
In the morning they will wake, and they will not remember. They will not understand.
But that does not matter. That does not matter because for this one night -- just one night -- Antony and Cleopatra are together again.

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Navy Academy Scarf

Navy Academy Sweater

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