
Legacy Name: Erebor_955

The Common Paralix
Owner: vienna_153

Age: 11 years, 5 months, 1 week

Born: January 8th, 2013

Adopted: 11 years, 5 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: January 8th, 2013


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Synopsis: A ruler's daughter sacrificed to the gods to save his dying empire.

She was not a beautiful girl -- her looks were a dime a dozen: black hair, dark eyes, skin like wet sand -- but they loved her more than they did the thousands of other girls who could wear her face better than she did.
Her father, king of his people, loved her, for her virtue of being his daughter, and showered everything she could have ever wished for -- silks that came from mythical lands over the sea, so soft they felt like water, jewels eked out from the darkest caves in the earth that flashed a thousand colours in the light of the rising sun.
But in secret she bartered the jewels for food, to feed the hungry, and swaddled women who had never known anything but rags in her silks. The only jewel she wore was her smile, and she gave that too away freely.
Inca, they called her. Fire heart.
But the day came when fire had to consume her.

One day, her father, searching for jewels to adorn his beloved daughter, sent his men too deep into the earth and they reached its centre, pulsing hot. It reached for his men with great swathes of flame like arms, and consumed them.
But their deaths were not sufficient for the god of fire, who was angered at the hubris of mortal men, that they might strip bare his heart, concealed deep in the earth so that no man might gaze upon it. And through this hole in the earth that had been unwittingly dug, he spat sparks of flame that blossomed to swallow entire cities.
It was the king's daughter who was the first to recognise what was happening.
The god of fire had come to her in her sleep, creeping as fire creeps, and his voice crackled in her ears even as she pulled away from the world of dreams.
If you do not come, child, I will come for you -- and all of your people.
She rose and ran to her window, to see fire starting in the farmers' fields, to the distant south, and knew that the god of fire would make good on his threat.
Not an hour later she strode into her father's throne room, wearing for once the silks and jewels of royalty, and said without preamble, 'Father, I must die.'
And her father went mad.
She heard the madness flicker in his voice in stages. First disbelief, then sorrow, and anger, all the things that heartbreak encompasses.
He had her locked in the highest tower with one door and one window, and posted eunuchs at the door, to stand guard over her even as the city burned.
But even there he gave her fine things.
She scratched open her flesh with a raw ruby he had left in a basket -- as if the jewels were fruit -- until she had stripped a path to her heart -- as the men had done to the heart of the fire god -- and there was fire there.
She was, after all, Inca, fire heart.
Bleeding blood and fire, she touched two fingers to her heart and went up in flames.
Elsewhere in the empire, a great winged wind, like a bird, came and swept the fires dead.

Pet Treasure

Dream Coda Caves Crystal

Filled Bronze Lovely Ale Mug

Iron Ore

Pet Friends