
Farafax has a minion!

Vituko the Ice Dragon

Legacy Name: Farafax

The Common Experiment #893
Owner: Nessa_a

Age: 18 years, 2 months, 3 weeks

Born: March 23rd, 2006

Adopted: 18 years, 2 months, 3 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: March 23rd, 2006 (Legacy)


  • Level: 6
  • Strength: 13
  • Defense: 12
  • Speed: 11
  • Health: 17
  • HP: 17/17
  • Intelligence: 1
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Name: Farafax
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Male

Title: Not quite demonic
Inherited his dark blood and black magic skills from his parents but unlike his elder sister, Aeryn, he was not brought up to become anything. He was simply seen as a backup incase Aeryn failed. He was often picked on and beaten by the members of his family and so became anti-social, though secretly, he wished he was the one chosen to be cursed. When Aeryn disapeared, his parents up and left, abandoning Farafax. Having been used to being alone he found solitary life easy to adjust to. He came across a hatching egg on his travels. His first thoughts were to kill the creature inside, but when he saw the ice dragon he changed his mind, instead, adopting the small creature. Vituko is probably the only living being to ever see the caring side to Farafax, though he could say the same about his dragon. He has always harboured a secret hatred of his sister, especially after he found out she left to start her new 'good' life. He blames her for causing him years of anguish but doesn't seek revenge since he knows he wouldn't stand a chance against her. He usually spends his time in the shadows, watching and plotting against 'angelic' creatures, though he doesn't currently have any true goal.

His most proud achievement was befriending the angel, Siloro, taking his halo and wings and trapping him in the Damned Forest. He keeps the angels wings and Halo as a trophy.

Ability Can summon darkfire spirits to aid him in fights, but can only do so when he is wearing his fire amulet. The strongest spirit he summons is a large black dog-like demon with red glowing eyes. Is bound to Vituko and can comunicate with the small dragon telepathically. Vituko is fiercly loyal to Farafax and will do absolutly anything for him.
Personality: Distant, loner, brooding, insulting, bitter, dark, uncaring, cruel, spontaneous. Never smiles. He's untrusting and very hard to get close to. If anyone were to befriend him, he'd be loyal and do anything for them to the extent of his limits. He has a strong dislike of angelic creatures... it'd take a miricle for him to consider one of them a friend.

Friends: ---
Family: Aeryn
Love: ---

(Pic coming soon)

Roleplay: Open

Pet Treasure


Fire Amulet


Dark Creepy Thing


Dark Thing in a Box

Angel Wings


Pet Friends