
Aeryn_383 has a minion!

Kizuka the Preod

Legacy Name: Aeryn_383

The Glacier Hikei
Owner: Nessa_a

Age: 19 years, 6 months, 1 week

Born: December 4th, 2004

Adopted: 19 years, 6 months, 1 week ago (Legacy)

Adopted: December 4th, 2004 (Legacy)


  • Level: 88
  • Strength: 220
  • Defense: 215
  • Speed: 213
  • Health: 214
  • HP: 89/214
  • Intelligence: 130
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

--[ To be Glacier ]--

Name: Aeryn
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Female

Title: Redeemed Demon
Inherited her dark blood and black magic skills from her parents and was brought up to be demonic, though she had no interest in doing so herself. She was to undergo a cursing ceremony to make her demonic status official. As part of the preperation she was sent out with the order to take a life. Choosing a small equine creature. Unbeknown to her, Gard was watching and could see her intentions. Aeryn stood no chance against Gard in her guardian state and was quickly defeated. Seeing a glint of light in her soul, Gard put a blessing on Aeryn. Taking Aeryn away from her family, Gard showed her a different way of life, slowly turned her away from the darkness of the demons. To help her on her path, she introduced her to Kizuka. The big cat acted as a guide and would correct Aeryn if she took the wrong path. At first, their friendship was a little shakey. They'd argue and fall out more than often. As soon as Gard left them to fend for themselves, Aeryn began turning to Kizuka for company. Finding they had more in common than they originally realised, a strong bond quickly formed between the Preod and Aeryn. They are now inseperable and rely on one another greatly. Aeryn has always felt guilty about leaving her younger brother with her parents. She also regrets treating him as poorly as she did, but knows there is nothing she could say or do to change his mind about her.
Ability Can summon dark spirits to aid her in fights by freezing oponants with fear or actually attacking and stealing souls of others. She is physically strong so only turns to the spirits as a last resort.
Personality: Distant, loner, brooding, insulting, unpleasant, can come across as uncaring and cold. Is very loyal to those close to her. Knows the difference between right and wrong and sticks to her morals strongly, even though she may say otherwise.

Friends: Gard
Family: Farafax
Love: ---

Roleplay: Open

Pet Treasure


Black Sai

Red Sai

Katana of Ice

Frozen Matter

Icicle Knife

White Snow Fairy

Pet Friends

I can't help feeling partly responsible for the loss of your halo. Braving the damned forest to visit you is the very least I could do.

Dearest friend. You've done more for me than I could ever even begin to repay

...I'm not quite sure what to make of you