
Legacy Name: Moonbear

The Galactic Anyu
Owner: Slantrhyme

Age: 11 years, 2 months, 3 weeks

Born: March 21st, 2013

Adopted: 11 years, 2 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: March 21st, 2013


  • Level: 3
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Beach Comber

Moonbear is brave. Moonbear is strong. Moonbear is ender of fear.

A long time ago, Moonbear wandered in snow and ice and was alone. Moonbear had heavy feet. Moonbear had lungs which gasped at air too cold to breathe. He drank glacial meltwater and hunted seals by shadows that moved dark beneath the ice. He is not a whitebear. He is not made for frigidity.

In these days, Moonbear was alone.

He had fear, always, fear that clutched at his ribs and hurt him. Fear is a good thing sometimes when the angry things chase or the cold descends and Moonbear must run run run but a foreverfear is a bad fear. Moonbear's fear hurt him.

So he ended it.

Moonbear lives now in the warm. It is better. He drinks water, warm, from the tap. In the winter he looks to the snow and thinks, yes, you could not kill me. Yes, I am better.

Moonbear has four siblings. There is the prettyvoice snake who he does not trust and the speechless insect who shares crumblecake with him in the mornings. Then there is the changing one who stands in front of the machine and becomes, zap zap zap, a new thing, a new best.

But his favourite is Quietpoppy.

Quietpoppy is his brother, the one he loves best. Quietpoppy is fearful. Quietpoppy shakes and shivers. He has eyes like dreams which spill over sometimes with wet like meltwater, but he smiles always, a shake thing sometimes, a bright thing othertimes. Moonbear likes his bright smiles the best. They are like the sun that glances off snow and makes the warmpth. Moonbear takes care of Quietpoppy. He will not be hurt. He will not let this happen. Quietpoppy is full of fear, but Moonbear will make sure it is not needed.

Moonbear calls him Hush and Poppy and loves him more than he loves his own liver.

And sometimes in the night Moonbear wakes shaking, his fur shivering all over with memories of frozen tundra, and there is Quietpoppy by his side, soft and warm and silent, and Quietpoppy ends his fear.

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