
Sh1r0 has a minion!

Squeakerz the Real Mouse

Legacy Name: Sh1r0

The Arid Feli
Owner: toodlesdoodles_706

Age: 11 years, 2 months, 3 weeks

Born: March 22nd, 2013

Adopted: 11 years, 2 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: March 22nd, 2013

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 15
  • Strength: 24
  • Defense: 13
  • Speed: 11
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 20
  • Books Read: 20
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Night Shift

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Erm, Hi...I'm Shiro. I'm not very good at these things. I'm only doing this because my master is here with me...and she said I had to do this...[img][/img] Anyway, yea, I was abandoned. My previous master had to move away and decided to leave me inside their apartment with no food or water after they left. Luckily, someone found me and I was able to get out, but my luck didn't last for long. I was stuck outside, all alone. I had never been an outside cat before; I was only a year and a half old! Days passed...months one wanted me. Every now and then a neighbor would feed me a little bit, but the neighbors began to get irritated with me. It would get so cold at night....there was even a terrible ice storm during the winter. Then in would thunderstorm and even flood a bit some. At night I would try to get some warmth on the doormat of some of the neighbors doors, but they grew angry with me. I had to hunt for myself, and all humans I had become afraid of. Finally during the summer, there was this couple that came looking around at some of the apartments. The woman saw me and I instantly ran away, afraid of what she may do to me...but she didn't do anything. She just looked at me with a face full of concern, like she was worried about me. She motioned for the guy that was with her to come near her and she pointed at me in the bushes; he too had the same look in his face. They tried to come closer to me slowly, but I was just too scared, so eventually I just ran away completely. After they had left though, I wondered if I had made a mistake, "What if they were wanting to take me home with them? What if they were wanting to feed me and keep me warm and dry and clean? What if they...cared about me?" All around me, I started seeing more cats, including kittens, being hauled away by the humans who lock them up in tiny cages, where I've been told once a cat goes in there, they never get out. Somehow I needed to find a way out a quick. That same couple came again, this time they didn't come looking at any of the apartments, and they only brought food and treats with them! Mmmmmmm, I can still remember that wonderful smell of that fresh can lid opening, as if in slow-motion. I couldn't believe myself when I caught myself drooling like a dog! How I had longed for such delicious food! But then I thought it could be a trap! So I just watched. Then I saw them shake the bag full of treat and heard the bag open with the smell of fresh treats being spread around the canned food. My six senses just couldn't take it anymore!!I wanted to run, but I slowly, cautiously walked to the food and treats. Oh the food was soooooooooooo gooood!!! It tasted so heavenly!!!! I didn't even bother really watching them because I was so hungry. They even started petting me a bit, which really scared me, but I let them just for a little bit, as a thanks for feeding me of course. But when one of them tried to pick me up that was enough and I zoomed off. Luckily, I had finished eating the food by then! A few days later, early in the morning, I saw some treats on the ground, the same kind that couple had given to me before! I was so happy! But I didn't see them anywhere. I wasn't sure what to think of it, but I thought it was still food so I slowly went towards it, until I was caught!!!! Strange humans grabbed me with thick gloves and put me inside a box and stuck me there!! I tried to claw my way out away from them but their gloves were too thick! I tried to get out of the box but I couldn't break free! I was trapped! I then saw the couple who had come and fed me before and they took me in their car. They were bad all that time!! They were going to take me to that horrible place where I'd be locked up in a tiny cage forever!! They took me to this place with all this machines and tried poking needle things in me. I fought them the best I could. They managed to get some needles in me though. I was then put back in that god-forsaken box and taken to a very small apartment. The couple just let me stay there and be on my own as long as I wanted. They always had food and water available for me. They later took me to this other place, which made me feel a little part of me is missing? Erm...this is really awkward. Anyway!! I had to go back to that other place later on to get more needles done, but by then, I actually had gone from skin and bones to being quite a fat cat! I get quite pampered around here now! It took a while to bond with my masters, but I wouldn't trade for them for anything. Besides, they let me sleep all day, and best of all, they let me play inside BOXES!!! We now even live in a small house out in the country instead of a tiny apartment which means more room!!!! I get to run around the house like crazy AND, mice hunting!!!! I've recently killed my first field mouse and presented it to my masters and they were very proud of me!! Oh yea! I now train Bliss Strength!![img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img]

Pet Treasure

Red Wrapping Paper

True Love

Spiffy Cardboard Box

Pet Friends