
Malkus has a minion!

Al'ar the Baby Phoenix

Legacy Name: Malkus

The Angelic Kumos
Owner: Skoll

Age: 18 years, 1 month, 2 days

Born: April 30th, 2006

Adopted: 18 years, 1 month, 2 days ago (Legacy)

Adopted: April 30th, 2006 (Legacy)

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 52
  • Strength: 145
  • Defense: 113
  • Speed: 120
  • Health: 109
  • HP: 109/109
  • Intelligence: 39
  • Books Read: 39
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

*Based off my World of Warcraft Character*

Life, Honor, Blood
The paladin:
Name: Malkus
Pronounced: Mal-kUS
Gender: Male
Age: Old enough
Race: Bloodelf
Personality: Organized, Deep-Thinker, Strong Willed, Sentimental, Somewhat Modest, Patient
"Occupation": Holy Paladin(Healadin)
Hobbies: Tinkering and Jewel-crafting
Companions: Mostly a loner, but Encognito is like his shadow at times.
Enemies?: Don't get in his way or endanger his friends.

Golden Days:
Malkus and his twin, Solaufien, were both born into a considerately wealthy and well respected family who dwelt in Silvermoon City. When he was young, he often had envisioned himself going out into the world and battling even the most dangerous of beasts that lurked beyond the borders of Eversong Woods. However, though he dreamt big and was quite sturdy when push came to shove, motivation to pick up a weapon and swing it became harder and harder as time went. When the brothers were sent to study in the ways of the Light, Malkus had considered instead to become a priest and use the Light for healing purposes. Justice was important and all, but killing to attain peace didn't seem like it would get you very far...

Still, his father simply shook his head and shoved Malkus into following the ways of the Paladin. As time passed, Malkus's dreams of doing something big grew more and more persistent. But no matter how much or how hard he trained, his sword and shield always felt heavier then they should and often made him look like a clumsy fool in sparing matches. He had gotten plenty of teasing and snide remarks, but he remained steadfast, the small whispers of quitting never swaying him. Most afternoons, when not training with his body, Malkus trained with his mind in meditation instead, and in time he had risen to the rank of knight.

Fall of an Empire:
Life was thoroughly shaken when the Scourge marched upon the Highelve's homelands, destroying the Sunwell and their way of life. After nearly being wiped from the face of Azeroth and suffering the terrible withdrawal pains from lack of arcane magic, Prince Kael'thas had renamed them, "Bloodelves", in memory of their fallen brothers. Worried that they would surely die(or worse, become a wretched, twisted being) without the Sunwell and it's powers, they soon learned how to siphon arcane magic from nearby sources.

Though Malkus and his twin had survived the blood-bath, they now, like their kinsmen, suffered from withdrawal. Learning to ignore his hunger was easier for Malkus then Solaufien, he had never been too attached to it before since his interests swayed more in to the Light anyway. Solaufien, however, had grown increasingly moody and began to pick at Malkus, and so they rapidly began to drift apart. Things didn't help when his brother and the other paladins started to loose their abilities to wield the Light naturally and began to manipulate the light through the captured naaru, M'uru.

Malkus had remained true to the Light however and refused to join his brother in becoming a Bloodknight. Thought he tried talking his brother out of it, Solaufien instead disowned his brother and left to begin his training. Honor, Truth, Justice... Lately he's seen and heard a lot about the on goings in the world, and it seemed values like these were slowly starting become more and more corrupt and twisted in their original meaning.

At first he had always believed that everyone, given the potential, could be good and pure no matter how cold. Malkus now began to see corruption in people, and soon stuck to himself and his teachings, though he would still lend a hand if he saw someone in need. Faking a smile and pretending to have a strong faith in his brethren soon became impossible and eventually he left the city and its inhabitants entirely.

A Friend in Need is-:
As time carried on the majority of the Bloodelves had joined the Horde, Malkus instead had found himself taking no sides. He wanted nothing to do with a petty war, and instead traveled about the world looking for his true calling. But no true adventure, or misadventure, is complete unless you've had help along the way.

His companion, an orc warrior named Marty, often traveled with him and deemed himself Malkus's prime rival. On his first visit to Orgimmar he
met a sly rogue named Astrool and his clumsy brother, Gooby, who
had ruined Astrool's attempt to "lift" the bloodelf's wallet.
Eventually, after a few acclaimed "random encounters", Malkus
had agreed to give him a few gold if he stopped trying to
pickpocket him. Malkus has said many greetings and farewells in his
travels but despite being a nice guy, he always seems to run into trouble.

One trouble in particular: the strange Clio Encognito. One energetic
young nightelf Cenarion druid who suffers something similar to a
multiple personality disorder. In fact... she seems to always be found
near the central root of all the troublesome situations which plague him
now. He doesn't mind rescuing friends, especially her, but if she would
just stop showing up out of no where to lead him into the worst
possible scenarios then disappear into the same thin air soon

Screen Shot or it Didn't Happen!: [x][x]
-Coding/Art(except large chibi) is mine.

Pet Treasure

Light Matter

Graves and Goblins Paladin Helmet

Graves and Goblins Paladin Pauldron (Left Shoulder)

Graves and Goblins Paladin Pauldron (Right Shoulder)

Graves and Goblins Paladin Fauld

Graves and Goblins Paladin Soleret

Graves and Goblins Paladin Cape

Graves and Goblins Paladin Breastplate

Gold Flipper Coin

Paladin Miniature

Toy Chibi Reborn Potion

Destroying Angel

Pure Matter

Hair of the Sun Lord

Sun Lord Orb of the Dawn

Pauldrons of the Sun Lord

Armor of the Sun Lord

Cloak of the Sun Lord

Enchanted Spring Leaf of the Sun Lord

Heirloom of the Sun Lord

Gold Sun Relic

Omniscient Sword of Prophecy

Peridot Shield

Light Tear Crystal

Lost Schoolboy Tabard

Pet Friends

Troubled Friend

Elder Twin Brother

Engineering Rogue