
Legacy Name: Aquari

The Hydrus Keeto
Owner: Melon

Age: 18 years, 4 weeks, 1 day

Born: May 2nd, 2006

Adopted: 18 years, 4 weeks, 1 day ago (Legacy)

Adopted: May 2nd, 2006 (Legacy)


  • Level: 71
  • Strength: 50
  • Defense: 15
  • Speed: 15
  • Health: 13
  • HP: 11/13
  • Intelligence: 71
  • Books Read: 70
  • Food Eaten: 3
  • Job: Head of Competitions

Art by me

Smartass drug runner kid who hides out at a lighthouse and plays with toys (especially dinosaurs) in his free time. He works for a man close to his age named Yaeger, and has a bad habit of never saying 'no' when he probably should. He's not very booksmart, as he was removed from school to fulfill his parents' debt at age 10. He has learned all he knows from playing the streets and from his more educated and sympathetic "co-workers", such as the enforcer Anastasi (whom he admires very much and may have "borrowed" his hairstyle from). He is usually all talk and prefers to pilfer and weasel out of hairy situations rather than have any sort of confrontation. He's pretty charming and gets away with a lot. He isnt too sure about how to return Yaeger's..affections? He thinks he's sort of strange and handsy, plus, he's into older guys, namely Takeru. He collects items he finds at the beach, specifically shiny ones, because he has a strange affinity for shiny. Ana says it's because he is simple.

Pet Treasure

Innocent Sovereign Pouch of Lucky Stones


Glowing Hydrus Sea Glass

Pet Friends