
Paul has a minion!

Anne the Starguardian


The Custom Sweetheart Kanis
Owner: Bela

Age: 10 years, 11 months, 3 weeks

Born: May 5th, 2013

Adopted: 4 years, 7 months, 6 days ago

Adopted: September 19th, 2019


  • Level: 278
  • Strength: 278
  • Defense: 280
  • Speed: 279
  • Health: 280
  • HP: 280/280
  • Intelligence: 30
  • Books Read: 30
  • Food Eaten: 57
  • Job: Unemployed

Paul é um pintor renascentista. Seu pai era professor na faculdade de artes e, desde seu nascimento, aprendeu a desenhar e a pintar. Além de ser um bom aluno, também possuía um talento nato. Isso fez com que se tornasse um artista prodígio e entrasse na faculdade ainda muito cedo. Quando chegou na adolescência, já havia se formado e recebeu um convite para se tornar professor. Contudo, queria aperfeiçoar seus talentos, procurar a criação de uma obra-prima. Por isso, ele viaja pelo mundo sem emprego nem morada fixa. Adora pintar a natureza e almeja criar um estilo próprio de arte, um novo movimento moderno. Segundo Paul: “A pintura não deve ser uma fotografia. Ela também pode retratar o que os olhos não conseguem ver”.

Paul is a Renaissance painter. His father was a professor at the college of arts and, since his birth in the cradle, he learned to draw and paint. In addition to being a good student, he also had a natural talent. This made him a prodigious artist and would enter college very early. When he arrived in his teens, he had already graduated and received an invitation to become a teacher. However, he wanted to improve his talents, try to create a masterpiece. Therefore, he travels the world without a ob or a fixed address. He loves to paint nature and try to create his own art style, a new modern movement. According to the Paul: “A painting must not be a photograph. It can also portray or that the eyes cannot see”.

Entrevista com o pintor Paul, publicada pela revista Subetatimes.
Interview with the Paul painter, published by Subetatimes magazine.

a) Como começou seu interesse pela arte?
Eu acho que o meu interesse é desde o meu nascimento, pois toda minha família também é artista. Meu pai era professor de artes, então exigia muito de mim. Mas eu também o admirava e por isso me esforçava muito. Quando criança, eu gostava de ir para as praças da cidade e desenhar pássaros e flores. Também tinha um pequeno muro situado em cima da montanha que me fornecia uma paisagem maravilhosa! Foi meu pai que percebeu meu talento e me incentivou.
a)How did your interest in the arts begin?
I think my interest has been since my birth, because my whole family is also artist. My father was an art teacher, so he demanded a lot from me. But I also admire he and that's why I work hard. As a child, I liked to go to the city squares and draw birds and flowers. There was also a small wall on top of the mountain that provided me with a wonderful landscape! It was my father who noticed my talent and encouraged me to painted.

b) Que fontes bebeu para formar sua arte?
Quando jovem, as obras de meu pai me inspiraram. Mas a natureza também. Quando cresci fui para a faculdade. Lá ensinavam a pintura de uma forma clássica. Depois viajei o mundo e bebi de muitas fontes. Conheci muitas galerias e museus. Então procurei um estilo próprio. Algo vivo, que não seja apenas uma fotografia. O estilo clássico é assim, como uma fotografia, estática. Eu preciso ir além, quero ver o interior, aquilo que os olhos não enxergam.
b) What sources did you drink to form your art?
When I was young, my father's works inspired me. But nature too. When I grew up I went to college. There I learned painting in a classic way. After I traveled the world and drinking from many sources. I discovered many galleries and museums. So, I found my own style. Something alive, other than just a photograph. The classic style paint is like a photograph, static. But I need to go further, I want to see the inside, what the eyes cannot see.

c) A maioria dos quadros são com animais?
Eu tive uma fase em que pintava a natureza, observada na praça da minha pequena cidade. Nasci no interior, em um vilarejo pequeno e, por isso, rodeada de animais e natureza. Mas eu atualmente prefiro pintar rostas de pessoas. Já pintei muitos famosos, principalmente da Casa dos Medici. Eles são apreciadores de minha arte. Mas atualmente procuro pintar a alma das pessoas, coisas ou animais. Se é que você me entende.
c) Are most of the paintings with animals?
I was born in the countryside, in a small village and, therefore, surrounded by animals and nature. But I currently prefer to paint people's faces. There are already many famous people, mainly from the House of Medici. They are fond of my art. But today I try to paint a soul of people, things or animals. If you understand me.

d) Como você se inspira?
Eu pinto todos os dias. Não depende de inspiração, mas de uma necessidade imensa em pintar. Eu não consigo ficar um dia sequer sem pegar o pincel. É engraçado, porque uma obra nunca me parece totalmente acabada. Estou sempre querendo fazer pequenas modificações. Mas eu gosto de abrir meu ateliê para qualquer um visitar. Ele foi construído na garagem e posso ver as pessoas passando pela rua. Isso me inspira bastante, pois cada um é bonito a sua maneira.
d) How do you get inspired?
I paint every day. It does not depend on inspiration, but there is an immense need to paint. I can't go a day without picking up the brush. It's funny, but a work never seems to me to be completely finished. I am always looking to make small changes. But I like to open my studio for anyone to visit. It was built in the garage and I can see how people are passing down the street. This inspires me a lot, because each one is beautiful in its own way.

Profile coding by FallenSamurai
Profile art by Bela
Paul art by Fiore, thank you!
Avatar by Bela
Story by Bela
Background by Bela
All images and code are authorized.

Pet Treasure

Brown Painters Brush

Blue Pot of Acrylic Hobby Paint

Black Pot of Acrylic Hobby Paint

Green Pot of Acrylic Hobby Paint

Pink Painters Brush

Orange Painters Brush

Green Painters Brush

Purple Painters Brush

Red Painters Brush

Turquoise Painters Brush

Black Painters Brush

Purple Pot of Acrylic Hobby Paint

Pumpkin Face Paint Kit

Yellow Painters Brush

Blue Painters Brush

Black Paintbrush

Green Paintbrush

Puke Green Paintbrush

Jack Cardale Paintbrush

Calvin Blackmoon Paintbrush

Keith Paintbrush

White Paintbrush

White Artist Acrylic Paint

Blue Craft Scissors

Artist Angle Brush

Artist Fan Brush

Artist Mop Brush

Blue Colored Pencil

Brown Colored Pencil

Orange Colored Pencil

Pink Colored Pencil

Purple Colored Pencil

Red Colored Pencil

Red Paintbrush

Violet Artist Acrylic Paint

Dark Blue Artist Acrylic Paint

Green Artist Acrylic Paint

Yellow Artist Acrylic Paint

Orange Artist Acrylic Paint

Gold Pot of Acrylic Hobby Paint

Red Pot of Acrylic Hobby Paint

Yellow Pot of Acrylic Hobby Paint

White Pot of Acrylic Hobby Paint

Painter Ghost Plushie

Box of Crayons

Unstained Easel

Study of Amie and Her Nurse Print

Artist Plushie

Black Sunflowers Print

Centropolis Reflections Print

The Lone Tree Print

Green and Blue Streaked Paintbrush

Orange and Black Streaked Paintbrush

Large Gourd Paint Pot

Unfinished Walnut Window Frame

Blacklights and Glow Paint and You

Purple and Yellow Streaked Paintbrush

Painted Songbird

Dawn Metal Paint

Dusk Hobby Paint Kit

Vine Leg Stencils and Paint

Vine Arm Stencils and Paint

Red Painters Brush

Mister Paintbrush

Blue Paintbrush

Red Paint Can

Yellow Paintbrush

Blue Paintbrush

Brown Paintbrush

Orange Paintbrush

Purple Paintbrush

Purple Paint Can

Black Paint Can

Orange Paint Can

Brown Paint Can

Green Paint Can

Red Paint Can

Blue Paint Can

Yellow Paint Can

Twilight Metal Paint

Primary Oil Crayons

Blank Canvas

Arid Metal Paint


Light Blue Artist Acrylic Paint

Watercolor Set

Pet Friends