
Fly Away Poe has a minion!

Saveo the Constellation

Fly Away Poe
Legacy Name: Fly Away Poe

The Chibi Feli
Owner: Kizzari

Age: 11 years, 1 month

Born: May 14th, 2013

Adopted: 11 years, 1 month ago

Adopted: May 14th, 2013


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 3
  • Books Read: 3
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Story In Progress....
Rough first draft

"Wake up, Papa! Come on, Papa! It's Sunday!"

Saveo slowly opened his eyes to the early morning light shining in the cracked windows. He smiled weakly at the young Feli bouncing next to the battered old couch he slept on. In a quick swipe he scooped her up into a big hug. "Yes, Poe," he smiled. "I could never forget."

"I made breakfast," Poe beamed proudly. "Mrs. Inga gave me two whole slices of bread and a half cup of milk!"

"A feast, indeed," Saveo responded, tousling her fur and attempting to hide the sadness in his voice. This was never the life he had wanted for his treasured daughter. Never did he imagine them living in a one room shack, relying on the kindness of their neighbors and rummaging through the trash of the upper class in the dark of night to survive... living without her mother. He worked long, hard hours but wages were meager and the bill collectors ruthless. He told her stories of better times, made promises of strengthening his wings and carrying her away from the slums. Some days those promises tore at his heart and brought tears to his eyes. Saveo shook his head. Not today. Today was Sunday. Today was special.

Saveo gave half his bread and all his milk to Poe, noticing her darting eyes and constant grin. She seemed restless and over-excited, even for a Sunday. When their small meal was finished, and before he could inquire about her energy she hopped up, dropped the dishes in the washing pot and dashed to her small bed, beginning to dig around behind it, saying, "I have a surprise for you Papa! You're going to be so surprised!"

She popped back up holding a beautiful afghan. Saveo's breath caught in his chest and his heart nearly stopped. "I made it, Papa. Just like Mama used to."

"I-it's beautiful," he stammered. "But how..."

"Miss Cara, Papa. I helped with her chicken eggs for two whole weeks and she taught me and gave me the yarn. If I keep helping I can get more yarn and then I can make afghans and sell them, just like mama used to!'

Saveo's eyes filled with tears. He gathered his daughter into his arms before he allowed one to escape. "You are an angel, Poe. My angel."

"I was thinking, Papa," Poe paused a moment, moving back to find her father's eyes. "Maybe together our wings will be strong enough to carry us both away."

"Yes, Poe. I could never make it without you, only together. Always together."

They looked at each other a moment longer, then Poe's face broke into a big smile. "It's still Sunday, Papa."

"Yes, we best go before the day escapes us."

They left their small shack and emerged onto the streets, lined with many shacks identical to their own. As they walked down the road they greeted neighbors, watched the bugs and birds play, and laughed and talked. Sunday was always a magical day for Saveo and his daughter. It was the only day he was home, and they always walked to the street market to see the sights and forget, if just for a day, the life they longed to escape.

When they reached the market Saveo saw an old friend standing on the side of the road with an unusual air about him. Poe's favorite stand was not far away, one that sold beautiful dolls with dresses finer than she had ever seen, let alone worn herself. She wandered to the stand while her father spoke with his friend. The lady who ran the stand was always very nice, even though she knew Poe would never make a purchase. Sometimes she even let Poe brush one of the cheaper doll's hair.

"What is troubling you, old friend," he asked the ruffie, only momentarily taking his eyes off his daughter.

"Times are hard, Saveo, and I fear there is a storm on the horizon." His friend's eyes looked older than he remembered, and had a look in them he had never seen before. Was it fear? He had never known his friend to be afraid of anything... "This market, this town... when we begin to make more, they come to take more," he continued. "There was nothing we could do. We have to live, we cannot live on crumbs. Now I fear..." The ruffie trailed off a moment then forcefully took hold of Saveo's shoulder. "You take your daughter and go. Leave here tonight, it is not safe for her."

Before Saveo could inquire more, Poe had appeared by his side. "Come on, Papa! She's still there, come see!"

"Cherish today," Saveo's friend said, turning away. "But heed my words." With that he walked further into the market, Saveo watched him go until he was swallowed by the crowd then pushed the eerie conversation to the back of his mind as he allowed himself to be drug to the doll stand. He would find a way and leave tonight, but he would allow nothing to ruin their special day.

"She's always here," Poe was saying. Months ago a doll had made an appearance at the stand and Poe had instantly taken a liking to it. She had long dark curls and a bright red dress with fine gold embroidery. "She's so beautiful, Papa!"

"We'll take her," Saveo said, without thinking, and laid all the money he had on the table.

"Papa, no... you can't.."

"I can and I am," Saveo looked at his daughter. "The most beautiful daughter deserves the most beautiful doll."

"Oh papa! Papa thank you!" Poe's eyes were wide as the shop keeper handed her the doll. "I will cherish her forever!"

They walked along the rest of the market tail in tail, taking in the sights, talking and laughing, Poe tightly clutching her new treasure. They were preparing to turn around and head for home when the screams began and shots rang out. Up ahead people were beginning to run, and soldiers came into view, some with guns, others with torches. Saveo pulled Poe close to him and turned to escape the other direction when more soldiers appeared, blocking their path.

"We will show you what happens when you don't pay your taxes!" a soldier shouted. "Burn it to the ground!"

Almost instantly the marketplace was ablaze. The fire, the screams, the gunshots were deafening. "Run Poe!" Saveo shouted, nearly dragging his daughter behind him, frantically searching for a way out. The far end of the market place erupted in a large explosion and the frail wooden buildings began to fall.

Almost as suddenly as they appeared, the soldiers began to disburse. The roads and alleyways had become too dangerous to stay. A handful remained, still firing random shots and tossing small bombs, seemingly enjoying the destruction they created. Saveo finally found their exit. He drug his daughter over dead bodies, dodging flames and falling debris. "Papa what's happening? Papa I'm scared!" Poe sobbed. He paused for a moment, to catch his breath and allow Poe a moment to do the same. The remaining guards were still throwing explosives, but no more screams could be heard. Could everyone be dead? He shook the thought from his head. He could not think about that. They had to escape. As he reached out to scoop his daughter up and run the rest of the way to safety he saw the building next to them beginning to fall. Quickly Saveo pushed Poe ahead as the building collapsed on top of him.

Poe ran over, tears running down her face, and began throwing the rubble, desperately trying to dig her father out. Saveo weakly grabbed her arm. "Run Poe," he said in a raspy voice she did not recognize.

"No!" Poe sobbed. "Always together! You promised!" She was still flinging debris, chocking on tears.

Saveo used all the strength he had left to pull his daughter close one last time and whispered in her ear. Poe kissed her father's forehead and then ran as fast as she could through the burning street. The next explosion knocked her off her feet and for a moment she was flying. She looked over and saw her father flying next to her. They soared above the clouds toward a palace where her mother stood waiting for them. She looked back at her father one last time and whispered "I love you, Papa."

Poe awoke in a hospital bed, the once beautiful doll now tattered and torn lay next to her. As the seemingly never-ending tears fell from her eyes, she tried to remember that day, what had happened. No matter how she tried it was all a haze. All she had left was that doll, an eternal emptiness, and her father's last words to her still a whisper in her ear

"Fly away, Poe."

Story by @Kizzari ~ inspired by Poe's song "Spanish Doll"

This place feels so unfamiliar
And yet I know it well
I think I used to belong here
But the only way I can tell
Is that I miss you still
And I cannot find you here
You left me tattered and torn
Just like that sweet Spanish doll

I went down to the alley way
And found that you were gone
You left no word no message
I still don't know
Exactly what went wrong
But now no matter where I go
I always seem to return
To where you left me tattered and torn
Just like that sweet Spanish doll

A memory guilded in red and gold
Beauty guarded and never sold
I keep it with me wherever I go
And I love you still
No matter how the story will unfold
You know I always will
Have part of you here
In this souvenir

A stranger in this world without you
Is all that I can ever be
All I know that's pure and clear
You left it with me here
In this souvenir

--- Poe, Spanish Doll

Pet Treasure



Adriette Doll

Autumnal Hand Woven Afghan

Earthy Hand Woven Afghan

Curious Hand Woven Afghan

Bright Hand Woven Afghan

Neon Hand Woven Afghan

Pet Friends