
Legacy Name: 09_907

The Bloodred Mahar
Owner: NylonIntruder

Age: 11 years, 4 weeks, 2 days

Born: May 23rd, 2013

Adopted: 8 years, 3 weeks, 1 day ago

Adopted: May 31st, 2016


  • Level: 4
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

spiderwork machinery, gas masks, polluted air, buildings with layers stacked vertically up to the dark sky.

gritty, dirty, brown, and gray. the government is ruled under one mysterious figurehead called X; nobody really knows who they are or what they look like. they run a bunch of organized crime syndicates that eliminate/abduct individuals in seemingly random patterns. people who're abducted are never heard from again.

the upper-class/wealthy is safe from what goes on in the bowels of the city, and because many people work as hired guns on the black market, it's easy for the wealthy to involve themselves in under-the-table deals if they want someone eliminated.

the city's extremely overpopulated, so once every few months the government syndicates conduct something called the Purge. they go into the city slums, and forcibly take anyone they can catch. the Purge usually happens in the dead of night -- people often wake up the next morning to find an entire street gone. empty.

nobody really knows what happens when you're taken. but most people assume that the taken are killed, because records of their name + personal information are destroyed. it's like they've disappeared without a trace.

the war the media has been covering for the last five years also doesn't exist, and the plague afflicting the west isn't a natural one. the only thing to be found among the land, rooted deep in mortar and concrete, is corruption.

a dog eat dog world with a figurehead who encourages organized crime and lies and human experimentation and the purging of innocent civilians in the slums, while the upper echelon reaps the profit from all the deaths -- but no one really knows who this leader -- who this X -- is, or if they even exist.

robin is the leader of sphynx, an underground insurgent group that uses "terrorist" acts of vigilante and propaganda to fight against X's dystopian rule. codec is her brother, and he's a hacker.

robin has codec and the group infiltrate a high security prison that's sitting in the middle of a lake filled with toxic waste. their target is a single, highly-guarded prisoner, who's rumored to have information on the identity of X.

however, there's no identifying information for the prisoner himself; all records of his name have been destroyed. he's half japanese and has a mechanical, prosthetic left arm, as well as a tattoo on the back of his neck that looks like this (it means 'good fortune'). they call him 09.

he moves and grins like a serpent.

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