
Anaxandra has a minion!

Sassafrass the Lovu

Legacy Name: Anaxandra

The Sweetheart Escalade
Owner: lovely.lady

Age: 11 years, 3 weeks, 5 days

Born: May 31st, 2013

Adopted: 11 years, 3 weeks, 5 days ago

Adopted: May 31st, 2013


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 1
  • Books Read: 1
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Stock Worker

I sit quietly, watching...waiting. I see her playing with my new siblings. I sit on the side, shy, for I have just enter this large family. Lovely, created me and named me Anaxandra. She says it's Greek, but no meaning known yet. She told me to create my own meaning. To flourish into something unique. I shake my head and lay in my bed. I can't be unique, I don't know much about this life. She peeks on me and smiles. She whispers, beautiful girl, before scurrying off to play with another brother or sister. I smile at the though. Beautiful. I start backing my stuff. My favorite toy, A picture of the family, my favorite treat. Easy stuff to care. I'll take my little pet too. You always need a travel buddy. She smiles softly at her little cat companion.

“Mom..” I whisper into her room. It's past all our bedtimes. “Mom..I need tell you something.”

Finally, she rolls over and smiles, it reaches her eyes creating little creases by her eyes. “What is it, Anaxandra?”

I shift my weight on my paws and look down. “i want to explore. Find all the beauty and bring it back to you. It's how I want to create my uniqueness. Anaxandra, Beauty seeker.”

As if it were possible, her smile brightens even more, I can feel the warmth of love. “Of course my dear, We all have a purpose in this life. It you feel that is yours I will be one hundred percent behind you. “

I smile and jump on to her bed, kissing her face. I'm so happy. She knows. She knows that I belong to something more in this world. Beauty seeker. She knows it. I lay down and snuggle against her. “I'll start tomorrow after I say goodbye to my siblings.” I feel warm wet drops hit my nose. I see she's crying. Oh no, have I upset her? Am I leaving to soon? “Mother what's wrong?”

She still smiles through the tears. That smile. I will always remember it. “I'm just so proud of you. I couldn't have ask for anyone better.” I kiss her face again. We fall asleep.

I greet everyone with a smile the next morning as each awakes. Good morning, Celestial. Good morning, Chubs. Good morning, Buyo. Good morning Iris. Good morning Freak. Good morning Gemini, Good morning, Kurai. Good morning Vaffel. Mother and I were first to awake. We made pancakes and eggs. For once I wasn't shy. I think I actually startled my siblings on my talkativeness.

Soon comes time for my announcement and my goodbyes. I start crying. I didn't think this would be so hard. I know it's what I want. I won't be gone for long. I'll be back. “Goodbye My family, I will return soon from my search.” I hug each and everyone of them, I squeeze mom extra tight. “I love you.” I whisper to her. She kisses my cheek.

I look down at the loyal cat at my feet and grab my pack. “Come on Sassafrass, Let's go. “ I step up on to the stoop of the porch and the family all gather on the porch behind me. I trudge down the stairs and along the path to the road. I turn and look back to see my family waving at me. I wave back. A chorus of “Hurry back, Beauty Seeker” greet my ears and smile. I turn back to the road and continue my journey, with my head held high. This is my purpose.

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