
Kaynome has a minion!

Keira the Jannu

Legacy Name: Kaynome

The Cream Sheeta
Owner: melieskeuh

Age: 17 years, 9 months, 6 days

Born: August 28th, 2006

Adopted: 17 years, 9 months, 6 days ago (Legacy)

Adopted: August 28th, 2006 (Legacy)


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 1
  • Books Read: 1
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Paris; 9991. A woman named Angela was giving birth to a baby. Her husband, Alexander, stood right next to her, holding her hand since it was the only thing he could do to help his beloved wife. Moments later, a little scream could be heard. The doctor yelled in euphoria; 'It's a girl!' She handed over the little baby to Angela, who in return looked proudly at her husband. 'So, what shall the name be?' Asked the doctor. 'Kaynome.'

1994; 'Mom, I don't want to go to school!' 'Oh, Kaynome, I bet it's going to be fun!' Today Kaynome had to go to school for the first time. They arrived at her new school, Kaynome holding her mother's hand. 'Oh, and who might you be?' A tall young woman asked. Kaynome looked irritated and didn't answer. Her mother tried to save the dying conversation. 'Her name's Kaynome, she's a little shy.' 'Kaynome, hm?' The woman kneed to look into the eyes of the little girl. 'I bet we're going to have so much fun this year!' She said smiling. 'Oh, and you can call me Ms. Maybelle.' Kaynome didn't want to admit it, but she started to like Ms. Maybelle. Her mother kneed as well and gave her daughter a hug. 'Be good, okay?' And so Kaynome's first day at school had started. Once she entered the class, she was greeted by many other children. One boy laughed with the biggest smile she had ever seen. 'Hi, I'm Kaynome.' 'Hey, my name's Kyoshii.' From that moment on, Kaynome just knew this year would be fun.

2007; 'Kaynome, do you know what you're gonna do once you're 18?' Kyoshii and Kaynome were lying under the old willow tree, the oldest tree in whole Paris. It was situated on a lovely hill, a place they often visited. It was like their secret hideout, since nobody else ever visited the willow tree. They came here when they wanted to be alone to talk with just each other. You know, they had been friends ever since that day in primary school. 'I'm sure of it, I'm moving to New York and I'll become the best designer there has ever been!' Kaynome answered with a bright smile. Kyoshii loved it when he saw that ambition in her eyes. He never dared to admit it, but he always liked Kaynome more than just as a friend. Though he'd never tell her, afraid their friendship would be ruined. 'What about you?' 'I don't know, I'll probably stay in Paris for ever, find a common job, get married, have kids. You know, the usual stuff...' Kaynomes smile faded. 'Promise me that, if I ever get to go to New York, you'll come after me.' 'I, I don't know, ... I don't th-' 'Promise me?' When he saw her eyes glistering, he couldn't resist. 'I promise.'

2009; 'Just be carefull out there, okay honey? New York is a big city.' 'Of course, maman.' Today, all Kaynome's dreams came true. She got a job offer from a big designing company. 'I'm proud of you.' Her father said. 'Thank you, mon père.' They were at the airport of Paris. Kaynome had hoped Kyoshii would be here too, but he wasn't... Her parents said goodbye one more time and then left. She had to hurry for her plain would leave in about 10 minutes. Once she found her seat on the plain, she was content. Though still something irritated her. Why didn't Kyoshii come to say goodbye? 'Hello there, beautiful.' Kaynome quickly turned around. She'd recognize that voice anywhere. 'Kyoshii?!' She jumped out of her seat and jumped into his arms. She was so happy that he was here. 'But, what are you doing here?' 'Didn't I once promise you that if you'd ever go to New York, I'd come after you?' She smiled, hugged him again and whispered; 'You are amazing.'

2010; 'Tell me, Kaynome, how come a simple girl from Paris ever made it into the Big City?' 'And what about your parents, they aren't famous at all!' 'How come that in one year, your name is known by everyone in the world?' 'Is it ambition that drove you so far?' One year from the job offer Kaynome got. She left to New York with Kyoshii, to chase her dreams. And now she was sitting here, giving a press conference. 'All I can say is that it was simple luck, hard work and ambition that got me this far. But not just that, friends and family kept supporting me, even when everything seemed to go wrong. I earned my place in the fashion world, and I'm proud of it. But I couldn't have done it without my parents and friends. Thank you.' And with those words, she left the crowded place full of journalists. Outside, Kyoshii was waiting for her. 'Tired?' 'Yes, they just kept asking question!' 'Let's go home.' Kaynome and Kyoshii lived together in a small appartment. Even though Kayome had earned quite a lot of money, she stayed on the ground with both feet. 'So, how's your music career going, rockstar?' She asked joking. 'Pfft, I'm trying to break through, but it's not as easy as I thought it would be.' Kyoshii always was a talented guitar player and singer. He followed Kaynome to New York, and started to have ambitions to break through in the music world. 'I know you're going to get there eventually. I have faith in you.' She said while looking into his eyes. They were waiting for the green light in the traffic. She leaned closer to kiss him. Kyoshii felt his heart race ten times quicker than it normally would. Just a matter of seconds, and he would finally get to taste the lips of the girl he had been longing for for years... Untill they were interrupted by the car behind them, who was honking furiously. They looked and saw the green light had turned on. they burst into laughter. Kyoshii was a little angry, since he had waited so long for the girl he loved so deeply. They drove further. Kaynome took his hand in hers. An Kyoshii just knew it was going to work out perfectly well in the end.

Pet Treasure

Black Strapless Bra

Love Tree

Flashback Wild One Sunglasses

Subeta Fashion

Artist Brushes

Opened Invitation From Cassandra

Female Clothing Patterns

Male Clothing Patterns

Yellow Pencil

Opened Invitation From Cassandra

Pet Friends