
Wooden_697 has a minion!

Cotton the Snuggen

Legacy Name: Wooden_697

The Nostalgic Legeica
Owner: June_651

Age: 10 years, 10 months, 1 week

Born: August 4th, 2013

Adopted: 9 years, 4 months, 4 days ago

Adopted: February 10th, 2015

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  • Level: 10
  • Strength: 24
  • Defense: 23
  • Speed: 23
  • Health: 22
  • HP: 19/22
  • Intelligence: 5
  • Books Read: 5
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Register Clerk

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There once was a little girl who was in love with the wooden rocking horse her father made for her birthday. After her father went off to the army the horse became like a piece of him she could hold close when he was so far away. After a while of him being gone she began to talk to the horse just as it was her real dad. She'd spend hours at a time rocking on that horse, telling it about her day like it was a living being. Her mother began to get worried about her young daughter and her attachment to the toy. In the days that followed her obsession only became worse, she refused to go anywhere but stay in her room with her wooden horse. Because of this all of her real friends slowly dwindled away.

A few months later her mother forced her into the car to visit her grandmother a few towns away. She believed this would be good for her daughter and did not allow her to bring the horse. She kicked and screamed in the worst tantrum of her life. Her mother, distracted by her inconsolable child hit a rough patch in the road that quickly caused the vehicle to go darting across the oncoming lanes of traffic. The little girl died on impact.

To this day the mother keeps the wooden rocking horse in what was once her daughter's room. It was so important to her child she couldn't bear to get rid of it. Some nights she could swear she still hears her daughter in the other room, laughing and talking to the horse. But it must be her imagination. Still, she does find it rather odd that when she enters the room occasionally she finds the horse slightly rocking back and forth. But that had to have been the family cat, right?

Originally Coded By: dreamsky
Edited by: June

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