
Lixander has a minion!

Froogle the Doogle

Legacy Name: Lixander

The Reborn Feli
Owner: rodentfanatic

Age: 17 years, 6 months, 6 days

Born: December 21st, 2006

Adopted: 17 years, 6 months, 6 days ago (Legacy)

Adopted: December 21st, 2006 (Legacy)


  • Level: 7
  • Strength: 18
  • Defense: 19
  • Speed: 17
  • Health: 17
  • HP: 17/17
  • Intelligence: 6
  • Books Read: 6
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Lixander is a human incarnation of a phoenix, and accordingly reincarnates into a new form at the end of each lifetime. Every time, she (or he, or zie, etc. as the case may be) returns with a new body, gender, sexuality, and name. This time around she is a trans woman, lesbian, brown-skinned, red-haired, and yellow-eyed. She appears to be in her 20s, and is a perpetual nomad.

Pet Treasure

Yellow High Tops

Dice Plushie

Purple Goffic Pants

Red Tank Top

Yellow Fishnet Stockings


Red Boxers

Rainbow Gems

Reborn Microphone

Cinnamon Incense

Pinstripe Bill Self-Centered Gauges

Pet Friends

Eh. You're not bad or anything, but we've got no reason to be the best of pals.