
Legacy Name: Genese

The Custom Golden Mahar
Owner: past

Age: 10 years, 8 months, 2 weeks

Born: October 10th, 2013

Adopted: 10 years, 8 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: October 10th, 2013

Pet Spotlight Winner
March 24th, 2014


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Light years of space and time

You have traveled a long time.
A lot of beings tried to find me. A lot of souls have dedicated their whole existence towards finding me, towards proving that I indeed exist. Most of them wanted to find me for selfish reasons; power, greed, destruction... This is why they never found me. Those who seek the First with dark intentions shall never find it. The others wanted to find me for answers; why are things this way? Who are you? What are you? What is the universe? Those who only seek the First for explanations shall never find it.

You didn't come here because of greed or selfishness. You aren't looking for answers. I appear to you not because you are lost, you cannot be lost if you aren't looking for anything. I appear to you today because you aren't looking for me. Because you do not care about me, or about the idea that I represent. I will share my knowledge with you because you will do nothing with the immense power knowing the truth will give you.

Before There Was Nothing

Before, there was the Void.
It was the opposite of everything that is. It wasn't non-existence, it was a different kind of everything. It is hard for a creature such as yourself to even brush the concept of the Void. Your mind, the very essence of how you function is composed in a way that needs space and time. Your mind needs dimension to understand.

Before, time and space didn't exist. Everything was happening everywhere and at all time. You could travel anywhere and anytime. Imagine an universe where you could go, at this very moment, back to Earth and witness the birth of the sun. Imagine an universe where you could also go to the other end of the galaxy watch diamond fall from the sky of a mysterious planet. What you now call ''space'' and ''time'' was once a big ball of treads, twisted up to its very core. Anything could happen anywhere and at anytime.

The way the universe worked before wasn't chaos. It was a different kind of organization, that might seems to you like Chaos. But it was anything but that. It was a different set of rules made for an universe without Space, Time or Dimensions. It was the Void.

I came from the Void

And there were others like me.
There were an infinity of being that were all me and not me at the same time. Imagine all the different you that currently exists in all the different parallel dimensions being here right now. Some of these parallel selves decided to turn left instead of right. Some of these parallel selves live such different lives that you wouldn't even imagine they are you.

In a universe where all things happened everywhere and at all time, where there was no parallel dimensions, where everything was one and nothing at the same time... I was everyone and no one all at once.

Then Everything happened

And what was became what is.
Everywhere at all time, everything happened. Suddenly, what was a big ball of twisted space and time became a linear web. And from this web exploded matter. Matter, that could now exist in much more complex ways because of the new configuration of space and time. That new configuration allowed things to happen in specific places at specific times in specific dimensions. Matter existed as a single point before. Now, it is rolling on the web of space and time.

You like to call this event the 'Big Bang'. But it wasn't really a big bang. It was more of a reconfiguration of everything that was already there.

The rules changed. This new configuration changed the Void. And all the beings that were there before parted ways. One of each of these being, that are all me and not me at the same time, now exist at one place at one time. One of us is in each of these infinite dimensions evolving in parallel, but never touching.

We are nothing

but the thought of an impossible being.
Every sentient being in this universe once wondered how everything started... I will tell you the only secret of the universe: everything that was became everything that is because something, somewhere, imagined it.

The infinite me in the Void imagined this universe, this configuration, these rules. There is no way for me, or for you, or for anyone to prove that everything that current is actually exist. As far as we can know, we might only exist in the mind of a creature that is everything and nothing all at once in an universe where all things happen at all time everywhere.

Profile and story by past
Overlay by Aviator33
Glow animation found on
CSS starry sky from Script Tutorials
Genese is the French word for the biblical 'Genesis'

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