
Aikyou has a minion!

Zeal the Celovix

Legacy Name: Aikyou

The Twilight Demi
Owner: Topdoggie7

Age: 17 years, 4 months, 2 days

Born: February 1st, 2007

Adopted: 17 years, 4 months, 2 days ago (Legacy)

Adopted: February 1st, 2007 (Legacy)

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 46
  • Strength: 93
  • Defense: 134
  • Speed: 48
  • Health: 80
  • HP: 55/80
  • Intelligence: 88
  • Books Read: 63
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Parrot Tamer

Personality: Constantly depressed, she does not do much aside from mope and lay around. She has a mate, but even he cannot keep her happy all the time.

Hobbies: Not many things keep her attention for long. There's not much she tends to do consistently enough to be called a hobby, although she does enjoy watching Zeal, her Celovix run around with Neon, her Pocket.

A red pen in her paw, she writes, the words spill like blood as she scribbles upon the tattered white sheets. Some places are dashed out, others the writing is smudged and wavy, as if she delves deeper into her personal suffrage as the words pile up. Aikyou's paw begins to cramp after she has reached the seventh page and now she forces herself to continue. The pen, never skips, never bleeds, it does only what she bids it to. And with a relieved sigh she leans back, her depressed eyes slightly less sad. She straightens the papers, evening them as much as their varying sizes and edges will allow. Her eyes scan over the words and right as she gets done proofreading, a small, neon green mouse climbs up her tail and keeps on going until he is standing on top of her fur. "Eeern?" He squeaks curiously, peering at the words, but unable to make sense of them. She tries to smile, but is unable to. "This," she states, her grip on the papers tightening, "is my autobiography."

"Eeenm," He murmurs, nodding his little head in agreement. She reaches up, allowing him to clamber onto her hand which drops him off at her shoulder. "This tells my life story, from birth up until now." She gazes at the papers. Should she burn them now? What if somebody found them? What difference would it make? She sets them down, uncertain as to where she would stow them. She shrugged and hid them inside a book, only the corners stuck out. "Where is Zeal?" She asks him, "Hmm, Neon?" Neon's ears perk up. "Eeeiken." He answers and Aikyou nods, her ability to interpret his squeaks, cheeps, sniffs, and chirps is very accurate. "Then I shall go look for him there,"

As soon as she has left, a white and pink minion scurries into her room. The Ringo noses around. Her owner had been talking when she had made the decision to snoop around in Aikyou's stuff. Temper's ears perk forward, she bats at the white corners that stick out of a book before gripping the edges between her teeth and yanking them free. "Puuurrow?" She coos, eyes gazing at the red scrawl. She was, unlike the other minions in the family, able to read writing. And so she gazed, carefully reading each word silently.

On the first day of February, I was born. The days were short, cold, and bitter. And the hearts that surrounded me were even more so. "Look, a Demi, she's so small." The humans around me declared, gazing at me with hateful eyes. Boys threw rocks at me, delighting in my yelps. Some tried to catch me, tearing handfuls of my then golden fur out. I'd snarl and scratch at them, hoping to get them to leave me alone. The action made them recoil, but only for so long before they snatched at me again. I was bald in places, wet from having water balloons thrown at me, and weak from hunger. I curled up beneath a mailbox, shivering and hiding my sobbing face behind my sparsely furred tail. I fell asleep there, and to this day I wonder why I could not have stayed asleep.

I was captured by a pack of Anyu, they beat me, hurt me, and did somethings that are . . . unspeakable to me. I wanted to die, I wanted to just stop breathing and die, but then, later on, I saw an escape and I took it. My malnourished body carried me near a town, unlike all the others, the people actually tried to help me, but I was too traumatized to realize it and fled every outstretched hand that was offered. On shaky, stick-like legs I walked. A crumb here, a sliver of cheese there, and the occasional mud puddle was my only subsistence. I eventually collapsed, a run down, haggard little Demi starved and malnourished to the point of near death. It was then that a redheaded human found me, she was called Topdoggie7.

She took me in, tried to treat me as hospitably as she could. Her other pets were wary, and not appeased by my constant attempts to escape. I was particularly cruel towards Composure, Stormcatcher, Fluke, and Coelophysis, since they were males and I had had previously experienced traumatic experiences involving their gender. But they grew accepting of my behavior. I became friends with Composure, he was not too intimidating. Another pet, this one was named Naresome, walked in. Apparently she came and went as she pleased. Well, this large Endeavor scared the crap out of me, but as she sat down, she folded her wings and gave a wry smile. "Another stray, Topdog? I'm shocked. We're not exactly earning you money."

This, I discovered, was a rather lengthy argument starter. Naresome heckled our owner out of concern that we'd make her go bankrupt, but after Scarlet began doing quest more often, our monetary crisis was ended, permanently. Though at times we would struggle, feeding the four Wyllops and the many other pets Topdoggie7 had did take a lot of work. As did making us look beautiful both inside and outside, so much work, so much effort, it was all so challenging at times, pampering us, giving us things for our treasure boxes, all of it cost her money aplenty.

My mind was torn, I recovered, eventually, and now . . . Now I'm alright. But the sleep I get, it is all nightmare. I cannot stop seeing the past. But I won't let that keep me from continuing on . . .

The Ringo growls, such a maelstrom of misery! What a horrible thing to read, let alone experience!

Pet Treasure

Darkmatter Sushi

Bloodred Jam

Safety Pins

Lime Milk

Black Mini Nail Polish

Bleeding Rose of Deepest Blackness


Frozen Rose Key

Broken Heart Fruit

Broken-Hearted Carved Pumpkin

Essence of Purple

Shadow Gem

Skull Pendant

Bunny Voodoo Doll

Deaths Kiss

Deaths Cap

Destroying Angel


Vial of Dark Water

Bed of Forever Sleep

Pet Friends

A very wise friend.

My mate

She's quiet, and listens to what I have to say without judging me.

My friend, we have suffered so much. . .

First male I ever trusted after the . . . incident.