
Legacy Name: Greenleaf

The Glade Neela
Owner: zulafish

Age: 10 years, 2 months, 3 weeks

Born: March 9th, 2014

Adopted: 9 years, 1 month, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: April 6th, 2015


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

• fanpet for legolas.
• neelataur with art by Kip.
• look but don't touch
Long, long ago, when time itself was but a young and flighty beast, all light sprang from two lanterns high in the heavens. To bask in this light and world the One brought his first children into being; the fifteen Powers and their lesser brethren, all of whom were crafted of spirits older than the world itself. Yet the Fifteenth Power looked upon the world so beloved by it's creator and brethren and was dissatisfied. Dissatisfaction festered into thorny, biting resentment, and so craft a darkness that matched the unlight in it's heart the Fifteenth took the lanterns and dashed them against the earth. Casting their traitorous fellow forever from their ranks, the remaining children of the One bent their heads to the task of mending the lanterns. Yet the exiled Power had been clever as well as thorough, and, one after another, the rest fell to despair as their mighty efforts came to naught. It seemed that light would be forever gone from the world--until one among their number raised a voice in song. Singing of a grand future, of races yet unborn and lands unknown and glorious, glorious light, this lone Power looked at the shards of the lanterns and saw not something to mend--but something to make. And so it sang to the light, coaxing the fading rays into sturdy branches and healthy leaves, until two glorious trees stood shining gold and silver before the awestruck beings. Where there is light there shall ever be shadow, and as the lanterns before them so too would the trees meet their ending and remaking in a similar fashion. For even as it fled the fallen Power searched the dark corners of the world for allies, which it would find in the eight glittering eyes of devourer of light, a beast with a hunger for all goodness matched only by her hatred of it. That is a tale for another time, my friend--but I will say that the Two Trees of Valinor have never been forgotten. The dwarves, children of the first Smith, whisper of roots larger than the richest veins of iron and more precious than all the world's gold--and of great wyrm-dragons, those servants of the dark, who forsook their wings in search of them. The elves, who pride themselves on their long lives and clear memories, have lost many a brilliant composer to the madness of trying to rewrite that fateful, mighty song. And what of men, those strange gadfly beings with short lives and disloyal memories? Well, in time they would tell a story of not two trees, but one, a mighty tree that bridged all the worlds as one. A serpent choked the roots but for the watching eyes of an eagle in the branches, and between them three great stags, kings of the wood so great that the elves later crowned their own rulers in antlers worked from rare and precious mythril. One must wonder, however, how the fallen Power would take to being remembered as a troublesome squirrel.

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Broken Arrow

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