
Ceyonae has a minion!

Darken the Sunbeam

Legacy Name: Ceyonae

The Twilight Ruffie
Owner: CircleTimeStory

Age: 17 years, 4 months, 1 week

Born: February 17th, 2007

Adopted: 17 years, 4 months, 1 week ago (Legacy)

Adopted: February 17th, 2007 (Legacy)


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 1
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

She rung her hands nervously, her little son at her feet. She blinked in the bright sunlight, the new landscape rushing past there faces. That train's horn rang once more as they passed through the last of the meadows, before the unfamiliar city. Her small, light brown face peered at the first building, every small detail of it. The small boy, similar to his mother, only with paler skin, banged a small bone on the ground, giggling joyously with each squeak. Then, the conductor's voice was heard over them. "Folks, this is your conductor speaking. We have a slight emergency and if you could jus---" A loud pop, a bright flash. Her son sobbing into her smoldering skirt, his face burned badly. She drew her breath in to scream and picked up her burning son. She started towards an opening in the stopped train's wall. Part of the top fell, blocking the exit. She screamed, her son wailing with her in harmony.
Ceyonae woke with a start, tears streaming down her face. Next to her, a small, plush doll lay. "Robbie, Robbie!" she sobbed her son's name. Dawn's pale pink light poured through her window. Ceyonae stood and pulled on her black robe. She walked through her house in a trance, opening the front door. She walked out, across the rode, to the old train tracks. She picked a small, lavender flower and continued. A small memorial stone stood near the train tracks, with scattered graves around it. She walked to the farthest and loneliest tombstone of all. "Robert Riyyo, 1990-1992. He rests in heaven and his mother's heart." Ceyonae dropped to her knees and put the flower on Robbie's grave. "My poor baby, my poor baby!" she sobbed into her hands.
Roleplaying Skeleton
Name: Ceyonae Riyyo
Age: 22
Gender: Girl
Orientation: Bi
Personality: Dark, doesn't believe in much, likes animals and painting
Looks: Ceyona
Other: She works as a abstract artist, most of her pieces (you guessed it) dark.

Pet Treasure

Ruffie Squeaky Bone

Twilight Ruffie Plushie

Black Coda Caves Crystal

Lilac Flower

Short Simple Robe

Pet Friends