
Mochrie has a minion!

Bailiúchán the Merryfly

Legacy Name: Mochrie

The Nightmare Illumis
Owner: Celt

Age: 9 years, 8 months, 3 weeks

Born: September 29th, 2014

Adopted: 8 years, 10 months, 4 days ago

Adopted: August 21st, 2015

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 67
  • Strength: 162
  • Defense: 162
  • Speed: 162
  • Health: 162
  • HP: 159/162
  • Intelligence: 53
  • Books Read: 48
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Personal Graveyard Florist

Should have brought my phone. Bored as hell. I’m writing this by the light of the emergency exit sign. No sign of Professor Mochrie yet. Told ya Eaman you daft sod. I’m freezing my balls off here. I guess the janitor turns the heating off when he goes home at night. Only 10 more hours to go. Let’s see if I can find anything interesting to kill the time with, other than that ghastly dead bug collection.

Well, found something allright. Bunch of the old school magazines in a storage cupboard. I’ll give you this Eaman, some of the weird crap you said about this classroom actually checks out. Found the obituary for Professor Mochrie in 2014, as well as for some teaching assistant a while later. Neither mention what they died off though. But man, did some stuff happen in this biology classroom.

In September 2015 a student accidentally cut himself on a scalpel as he cleared his stuff away at the end of a lesson. Got a very nasty infection and died in hospital about a week later.

October 2016, a girl with loose hair fumbled with one of the Bunsen burners and caught fire. Really badly burned, didn't live long either. Lovely obituary in the school's magazine though.

September 2018. One of those shelves suddenly collapsed under the strain of all those creepy specimens; you can guess what it did to the health of the student underneath it. The school board settled the liability case out of court. Public statement in the magazine labelling it as a freak accident. Well, they got the freak part right.

And look, this one you didn’t know about yet I think. Last one I could find, guy went missing after the Yule Ball in 2019.


Matthew O'Brallaghan, 15, has been found dead, we are sad to report. His death was ruled a suicide. We can imagine this news will be quite a shock, even more so as the incident has taken place on school grounds. Students in need of support after this tragedy are invited to contact Mrs. MacKenzie, the school councilor.

Matthew's generous heart, broad smile, endless sense of humor, and kind spirit touched many lives both in school and the community beyond. His friends described Matthew as one of the most caring, kind and funny friends they ever had, always quick to crack a joke. They believed Matthew touched every life he met. They will remember him forever for the friendliness and happiness he brought to their lives.

There will be a wake at St. Mary's Church, 374 Bog Road, Baile an Leamhain on Monday, December 23rd, 2019 from 4:00 to 8:00 P.M. A funeral will be held at St. Mary's Church on Tuesday, December 24, 2019 at 11:00 A.M. A book of condolences has been set up in the central hallway.
No suicide note to be found though. They only found his body after the weekend. Poor sod.

I can’t believe the school still has those freaky specimen jars with dead shit in it. We have ipads and digital blackboards in class, and then we have those jars from like the 1800’s or something. What on earth we need those for? Guess that student didn’t take all of them down with him. Sets the mood right for this ghost hunt though!

I wasn’t joking about the cold. Feels almost like freezing. School board was never big on spending money on maintenance and it shows. Shitty insulation. Eaman, you started this bet, you better have that bottle of booze ready tomorrow. I don’t care if the teachers catch me, I’m gonna need to warm up before class starts!

The wind is blowing the trees outside the window all over the place, does some funny shit with the shadows from the moonlight. I swear some of those shadows were, like, moving man, in the wrong direction or something. I guess the lack of sleep is kicking in. Let’s see if I can catch some sleep here.

This place is creeping me the hell out. Tried to make a bed with some lab coats under a desk against the cold. Man, it’s got no right to be this cold, it’s March already, we got daffodils and shit growing in the school yard. Felt the cold shoot right up my spine just now, like a nerve was touched. Didn’t know cold could do that. Curse that wind for keeping me awake!

Jesus Christ, I swear to God one of the shadows just got up and moved! It’s like, swirling and floating, I don’t know what this thing is, freaking claws and shit man! Eaman, I swear, if I survive this shit I’m gonna kill you!

Story and profile by Celt.
More backstory here.
Art by Selkie.
Classroom photo by Tobias Reich.
Paper photo by Dan Cristian Peduret.
(PS: Did you notice the ghost in Mochrie's classroom? Hover if you can't see it!)

Pet Treasure

Moth-Eaten Book of Moths






Banana Split Butterfly

Onyx Patched Butterfly Plushie


Drunk Bee

Robotic Dragonfly

Jewelwing Dragonfly

Saheric Sand Moth

Saheric Sand Moth Plushie


Patchy Hoverfly Plushie

Green Jumping Spider

Camel Spider

Ravine Trapdoor Spider

Stinging Nettle Caterpillar

Orchid Mantis

Blue Legged Centipede

14 Legged Pill Bug





Atlas Moth



Baby Mantiscius

Bald Faced Hornet

Basket Stink Beetle

Bat Spooper





Bee Blub


Black Friday Widow

Black Widow

Bleeding Bug

Bleeding Horn Beetle

Blister Beetle

Blue Dragonfly

Blue Legged Centipede

Blue Mountain Swallowtail Butterfly

Blue Princess Beetle


Brave Bee Knight

Bright Green Grasshopper



Budding Spider




Butterfly Spooper



Fly Wings

Green Bottled Butterfly

Pink Bottled Butterfly

Butterfly Cardboard Wings

Free Flowing Liquid Shadow

Blue Crypt Spiderling

Pitch Stuffed Moth Toy

Death Head Moth

Drowned Stuffed Moth Toy

Pygmy Blue Butterfly

Rusted Stuffed Moth Toy

Monarch Butterfly

Withered Stuffed Moth Toy

Bleached Stuffed Moth Toy

Cabbage White Butterfly


Dragontail Butterfly

Mechanical Brass Bee

Mechanical Fly


Gold Spinner Stone Wasp

Beetle Insectoid Goggles

Spider Insectoid Goggles

Fly Insectoid Goggles


Underground Fisher

Shadowglen Potato Bug

Bald Faced Hornet

Dragonfly Insectoid Goggles

Pink Grasshopper


Common Grasshopper

Fried Skewered Spider

Saheric Sand Mimic

Butterfly Spooper

Flimsy Green Insect Wings

Flimsy Blue Insect Wings

Keterbite Beetle


Yellow Lace Zasaba Applique

Black Lace Illumis Applique

Blue Lace Bumbus Applique

Pet Friends