
Metallium has a minion!

Sinner the Swagger

Legacy Name: Metallium

The Nightmare Rreign
Owner: Georgii

Age: 17 years, 3 months, 6 days

Born: March 17th, 2007

Adopted: 17 years, 3 months, 6 days ago (Legacy)

Adopted: March 17th, 2007 (Legacy)


  • Level: 33
  • Strength: 83
  • Defense: 83
  • Speed: 83
  • Health: 71
  • HP: 67/71
  • Intelligence: 16
  • Books Read: 16
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

You must be dreaming right now, because you just found your worst nightmare....

As a Master of the Dark Arts, this Demon is the right hand of Maleria. Right now, he is in charge of punishing the ones who fail at doing what Maleria request. However, he is not just a minion of her, he has great ambisions, great knowledges in dark arts and a giant thirst of power. Some people think that they are planning on taking control over subeta, some others that they are trying to raise the Real Lucifer and bring Hell to earth.. but no one knows for sure what they real plans are.
He has plenty of professional killers working for him, and one of his favourites is the sadistic beauty Angellius.

Pet Treasure

Dragon Blood

Dead Person

Bloody Nightmare

Death Dice


Pet Friends

Time to act, Precious.

It is on your blood now, soon or late, you will surround to our Dark Queen...Why do you keep fighthing against what you really are?

So, THIS is what the Guy Upstairs sent here to stop us? HAHAHAHAHAHA!