
Legacy Name: Mastro

The Common Irion
Owner: Scarlete

Age: 9 years, 3 weeks, 3 days

Born: May 11th, 2015

Adopted: 9 years, 3 weeks, 3 days ago

Adopted: May 11th, 2015


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Stock Worker

The Last Gargoyle

Name: Spencer Icarus
Pronounced: Spen-sir Ick-er-us
Aliases: The Maestro
Gender: Male
Species: Gargoyle (has griffin and human forms)
Age: Unknown (appears about 23-25 as a human, a young adult as a griffin)

SO: ?
Status: Single

Occupation: Guardian of the City/Mysterious Pianist
Allegience: Side of Conformity
Joined the Urban Revolution: To protect the balance of the city

Human Appearance: Click!
Gargoyle/Griffin Appearance: Click!

Mentally: Sane
Essence: Music
Theme Song: Piano Man - Billy Joel

Let me Play You a Nocturne

"One good thing about music is that when it hits you, you feel no pain."

A sweet melody, a chillingly haunting harmony, the rhythmic and crisp sound of keys being pressed down to emit the glorious yet saddening sound of the piano music that wafts through the air. This instrument is truly the heart of all others, or at least, the one that holds my heart closest. It's no mystery why, not to me; the readiness of every note at my fingertips and the willingness of each string to perfectly emit the tone I hear in my head is more then enough to make one shiver at the strange sense of power in it. It no longer takes any effort to let my fingers dance along the keys of ebony and ivory, no longer takes any thought. Only feeling, and the will to play. I weave out a song into the empty theater in the middle of the night when no one else is really awake, the very picture of what one sees in the cliche image of a "piano man". The notes start out simple, working with each other well and blending lightly among themselves to make a tentative yet flitting tune light the flight of a bird. The tones are high, carefree...easy. Like how everything used to be before it got terribly, heartbreakingly, complicated.

We were a proud race, gargoyles. And there were plenty of us to guard our fair city. Everyone thought that our statues were the remnants of a time long past, and perhaps we were. But only during the day and the casual light of the sun. I was born long ago, when we all still spoke in proper tongues and the tallest buildings in the city were church spires and cathedrals instead of office buildings and skyscrapers. My purpose was an easy one until I came of the proper age to train, and even then I found the fighting a challenge and any challenge was an instant sort of love. My song grows as I gradually add more notes to the chords I'm playing, as I add complexity to my melody and weave in a more building harmony to match it. It gradually twists into something similar yet completely different, and it breaths life to a past I found almost pleasant to remember. Even young I was one of the best there were out of us guardians, and I proved it over and over. Our battles with the supernatural beings that threatened to destroy our city by the nighttime hours were fallen over and over again, defeated by us.

The major tone of the notes wafts through the air powerfully then turns minor without any warning, the song slowly twisting into something more dire, more terrifying, more foreshadowing. The volume grows some, but it's still not loud though it would keep any audience on the edge of their seats. I add little flourishes to my twisted melody now, little touches of a mixture of pain, sorrow, regret...but the angry sort. That battle was unlike any other, the creatures that faced us far more then we could handle. But we held our own, fighting as valiantly as we could. Right up until the sky was no longer dark and the sun's rays started to bath the sky in hues of orange and blood red. We should have fled but...but there just wasn't time. Many tried to flee, some of us got a decent distance away....but it was a hopeless gesture. As the sun touched our bodies we were slowly forced to stop our movement, frozen in whatever pose we had been in before as it turned us all to stone, to the statues you all see during the day but don't ponder why they go missing or move at night.

My music grows and becomes what I've become known for, turns into that impossibility that no one else is able to play. My chords gain more notes in them then what's physically possible to play because I'm able to move far faster then any human, can hit notes without you realizing I moved my hand at all. The melody is so complex now, so full, that it echoes off the walls with it's haunting and terrible yet beautiful sound of the piano's voice in a volume loud enough to probably heard around the block if the doors were only left open. I use the highest keys as well as the lowest ones, their voices amazing yet chilling together. It's a glorious song...but I wished so badly that my face didn't turn into a grave frown at this part of it. When the sun set and night freed me from my stony prison the first thing that I felt was alone...a bone shaking, soul wrenching feeling of isolation. I knew deep down then the truth, but I still moved out to see it with my own eyes, shifting from my griffin shape to a human one...and I'm somewhat glad that I did now, for griffins cannot cry in the way people can. All of my comrades, family, anyone I was allowed to talk to because they were my kin were still statues, their bodies shattered and broken by our attackers that could withstand daylight. I would find a stone wing here, a head there...claws hither and thither as well as unidentified pieces of black rock that I only knew belonged to someone because of the sharpness that could only mean it was freshly broken.

A clustered chord, ugly and terrible in it's sound as my hands make full contact with whatever notes they happened to be on as I lean forward and practically fall on the piano, head firmly down and face hidden. Silence echoes about, more looming then the music was. The silence of the air that night, lacking so much in the joyful cries of gargoyles and beating of wings freed from stone. The silence that I had always been forced to keep in order to keep our secret, for we could not speak to those we protected. The silence of secrets that I always kept within myself...the silence of those I still keep. I have to force myself to lean up again and place my hands gently on the keys, weaving out a tune of such loss and sorrow anyone with ears could hear the tears I was crying through my music, for I would never again cry like I did that night. I will never be able to, never will again feel that loss of everything I'd ever known. The notes aren't hard, the tune isn't complicated...but the meaning is unmistakable in it's melancholy beauty. The power that used to course through us all, that kept us all here, is now only soully mine and that makes me more powerful then any other has been...but what sort of title is that if you're the only one left?

I was left alone to defend my city, and that's the only reason I keep on. The reason I keep playing my song, the reason my fingers find reason to keep playing these notes for just a little longer to continue my melody. A sense of purpose, a sense of reason. My piece slowly comes to an end, a beautifully sad arpeggio ending with a roll of the keys and a loving chord spread across the piano's strings that echoed in a forlorn sort of way off the walls of the theater. I hang my head, face hidden by brown hair, and let a single tear fall to the black and white keys below it.

It's true that I can protect this city from all the supernatural beings that threaten it, but...but it isn't the real problem that I can help. What can I do for a city that is slowly tearing itself apart from the inside with hate, malice...everything that makes its people hate one another with a ferocity that makes even me cringe with a little fear? Nothing, and it seems that's how it was meant to stay, leaving me feeling little more then useless.

So I go on playing my music, hoping that something will change, and go on adding little parts of my soul into every piece that I write and play for those that come to listen...but there's never been one that cut so deeply as this, never been one that selected such terrible parts of my history to relive. A song that I wrote down, but I don't think any other will ever be able to play. Never before has a song taken so much emotion and spirit out of me, and it makes me wonder if the reason for a musician's death isn't because of old age. I think, perhaps, that one that lives in music only dies when they've given the last bit of their soul away to the final piece of music that they have the courage to write...and I can only hope that I someday meet such an honorable fate.

You Wish to Know More?

Strengths and Abilities:

- Vast Amount of Ancient Power - because of the ancient magic that no longer has to be shared between many gargoyles, Maestro now has all of it to use as he pleases. However, he doesn't use it for magical purposes so much as to enhance his strength/speed/stamina.

- Intelligence of Ages - Because he's been around for so long, Maestro is actually very intelligent and has a knack for knowing a lot about history that others don't. Common sense, however, seems to have eluded him.

- Musical Prodigy - Maestro got his name for good reason; when not protecting the city, he's often performing under his anonymous alias of "The Maestro" around the city. His favorite instrument is the piano, but he also sings very well and can play nearly any instrument that he comes across.

- Griffin/True Form - In his griffin form, he is amazingly dangerous. His claws are also ever sharp, and he uses the magic to make it so he's extremely difficult to injure and he heals quickly. He is also able to fly, obviously, because of his wings and is very quiet due to the owl-like qualities of them.

- Shapeshifter - he does have the ability to shapeshift into a human form during the night so that he can walk unnoticed through the city if he so pleases.


Maestro is actually pretty cool-headed...most of the time. He tends to come off a bit like he's from a different time all together and is a little lost in this one, which makes him a little bit of a more socially awkward being; this may have something to do with how the gargoyles were kept as a secret, separate race for all his existence so he doesn't really comprehend how to interact with humans, though his heart really is in the right place. His thought process is actually a bit impulsive and this often gets him into more trouble then not, and he also tends to be a little quirky and off-the-wall when you get him to finally trust you (which is by no means easy). Because of his past, he's careful to avoid becoming prideful and sees himself only as a servant to those of his city and despite all of his awkward little quirks and strangeness, he really is quite a sweetheart. However, because of the secretive life that he was forced to live he keeps himself very mysterious and tends to come off this way at first, especially because of his reputation as the "Anonymous Pianist" or simply "Maestro" among the city; a familiar face, but no one knows his name or where he comes from; this causes a lot of speculation, especially because he only appears for performances at night, but no one has been able to chat with him for very long in order to try and pinpoint what he is, exactly. Violent by nature and species alone, he's an entirely different person once he wakes up his instincts and leaps into a fight. He can be reckless and attack without remorse, willing to die for the purpose he serves; protecting his city.


- A Statue by Day - True to the gargoyle name, he is forced to transform, wherever he may be, into a stone griffin--whether he's in human form or his griffin self--when the sun rises. In this state he is unaware, not present in his body, and may be destroyed with no consequence. If the statue is destroyed, he would never awaken with nightfall or if it's damaged he will awaken with horrible injuries.

- No Real "Magical" Abilities - Despite having access to all this ancient magic, he cannot use it in any way other than to give himself more strength/speed.

- Injury Costs a Lot of Energy - If he is indeed injured badly during a fight and his magical defenses fail it costs him a good deal of stamina and leaves him vulnerable to attack.

- Has Many Enemies - Due to the profession, he tends to make more powerful enemies than powerful friends.

- Time Makes Fools of Us All - Because he is mostly from the past, he lacks a lot of knowledge about the current day and his own internal clock is ticking. He knows that the city will one day fall to its own demise because of the nature of its people, and this is something even he can't save them from.


- True to his name, Maestro has a passion for music...more specifically the piano. He's very passionate about his playing and has been playing for as long as he can remember, so he's actually one of the best players--if not the best--in the world though he doesn't often show this talent to others.

- He's gotten himself involved in what many are referring to as "The Urban Revolution", which is a battle between conformity and anarchy among both the human realm and the supernatural realm. Because the balance forces that be are having a bit of a falling out, the other supernatural powers are forced to wage war on people's emotions and alliances are being formed to actually go about fighting the opposite side. Winner takes all, and in order to help his city not be destroyed from the inside out, Maestro has come to aid Conformity.

Paintings of the Maestro


About the Plot: Revolution of the Mind

About Revolution of the Mind stuff here! :D Woo! Coming soon~

Acquaintances to the Stone Guardian

In the City

Coming soon!

Beyond City Limits

No contacts yet! :c Want to RP? :)

Pet Treasure

Pet Friends