
DarkDamion has a minion!

Mr. E the Foxip

Legacy Name: DarkDamion

The Dawn Jollin
Owner: emo_teddiest

Age: 17 years, 1 month, 4 weeks

Born: April 4th, 2007

Adopted: 12 years, 4 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: January 12th, 2012

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 37
  • Strength: 17
  • Defense: 25
  • Speed: 17
  • Health: 14
  • HP: 14/14
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Well it all started as a kid AND FOR THAT FACT a human kid! in a strange world called 'Wonder Land'...not the one you saw on your t.v. this is the real Wonder Land a nightmare in it's own way, ruled by Princess Imi who actually happens to be my's her fault I'm like this Did I do anything wrong, apparently so here's to show I'm a Pink little fox like creature with little dark spots every single little spot represents my wrong doings, so by the time she's had enough of me I might as well be black.. but because she 'lacks' the cruelty to put me out of my misery even though I shouldn't be suffering. But I guess it's not all bad being a princesses pet except when she tells you to fetch something you seize to have no.... thumbs ....but enough about my position with my issue I'll tell you more about myself.My name is Twinkle-Dee Acklen Tqee the Q is silent so it's said like tea. Speaking of Tea my father is the mad hatter and oh boy is he sure mad at her. I never new my mom never really wanted to, I have no sisters or brothers or any others except my uncle but he's crazy he has a crush on the UN-fair lady. I used to be a lovely little girl with golden curls and pale skin. I love Raspberry tea but there's no chance for me of getting any from Imi, I can sing a song about a time when there was not a worry in the world of my wonderland, I guess it's not all bad I get a fox like pet (being one myself) Mr. E it sounds like mystery, and it sure is being in a community like this and ever Alice must never go near this world of horror it's like the saying we like to say in our neighborhood "Now run Alice, run as fast as you can, let's see if you can escape this wonderland..."maybe...just maybe someday I will get my name back, be myself again, and see my dad......and that raspberry tea I want

Pet Treasure

Dawn Flower

Humming Power Crystal

Pet Friends