
Corliss has a minion!

Hey Dog the Doogle

Legacy Name: Corliss

The Galactic Fester
Owner: Melon

Age: 8 years, 9 months, 3 weeks

Born: August 10th, 2015

Adopted: 8 years, 9 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: August 10th, 2015


  • Level: 5
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 30
  • Books Read: 30
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Hopper

Bastijn's ex partner. He has a makeshift prosthetic leg that gives him a noticeable limp. Super grumpy alcoholic.


Pet Treasure

Antique Ashen Arm Chair

Dry Gin


Aged Scotch

Deluxe Tea Set

Upright Piano

Dapper So Fantastic Painting

Antique Ashen Fainting Couch

Antique Ashen Parlor Settee


Antique Ashen Cameo Settee

Antique Ashen Chaise Lounge

Antique Ashen Daybed

Antique Ashen Side Chair

Gilded Drinking Flask

Floating Candle Lights

Liquor-Spiked Cocoa

Shot of Whiskey

Jimmy Pipe

Police Badge

Professor New Overkill Trousers

RoQ Candy Xtra Captains Hat

White Button-down Shirt

Whiskey Decanter Set

Black Suspenders

Bootlegger Stray Bullet

Homemade Dark Rum

Silver Bullet

Shot of Brandywine

Blood Aged Scotch

Dapper So Fantastic Cider

Soda Jerk Egg Cream

Ginger Rum

Plaid Vintage Ruffie Plushie

Pet Friends

You'll always be my partner, Bast.

So, stubborn's your middle name, prettyboy?