
Sforzando_698 has a minion!

Daven the Deathsabe

Legacy Name: Sforzando_698

The Darkmatter Kerubi
Owner: Tombstone_406

Age: 19 years, 2 months, 4 weeks

Born: March 27th, 2005

Adopted: 19 years, 2 months, 4 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: March 27th, 2005 (Legacy)


  • Level: 8
  • Strength: 11
  • Defense: 11
  • Speed: 11
  • Health: 12
  • HP: 0/12
  • Intelligence: 7
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Pet Treasure

Sanguine Jelly Vial

Dragon Blood

Dark Dust

Empty Vial

Taupe Gent Vest


Death Shard

Cinnamon Mulled Wine

Simple Iron Wedding Band

Dual Tone Red Jacket

The Death Book

Death Dreamcatcher

Gold Sun Relic

Bloodred Hunting Knife

Camouflage Pants

Bottled Lightning

Pile of Autumn Leaves


Amber Eye Blade

For the Elwood Following

Night of Horrors

Fake Bloodred Potion

The Vampire Hunt

Vampire Guitar

Aviator Glasses


The Locked Book

Wooden Stake

Pet Friends

Madison was a victum of a rogue vampire-thankfully Zan saved her and sucked all the venom out of her, he was unsure of where he should leave her but he found a good family-He checks up on her once in a while

Zan's wife and love forever.Zan met her in a "high school" setting and he fell in love as soon as his eyes meet hers.And he knew that he couldnt love anyone else as much as her

Zan's firstborn son, Xeci was born as a half vampire half angel baby-Afraid that his son would be like him Zan been teaching Xeci to eat more like a human and not use his powers in public

Riiana is like a sister to Zan, He's very protective of her even though she's a tough girl. He doesn’t hold anything against her for trying to kill his brother who killed her fiancé

Zan's brother's unknown son-Zan adopted him and is training him to be a good fighter since he's full vampire