
Master_Leo has a minion!

Minion the 13th Cat

Legacy Name: Master_Leo

The Galactic Harvester
Owner: KingstonA

Age: 17 years, 1 month, 1 week

Born: May 10th, 2007

Adopted: 17 years, 1 month, 1 week ago (Legacy)

Adopted: May 10th, 2007 (Legacy)


  • Level: 19
  • Strength: 48
  • Defense: 47
  • Speed: 39
  • Health: 40
  • HP: 40/40
  • Intelligence: 71
  • Books Read: 71
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed


Age of Death:30

Preference: Bisexual

Under the cloak: Silken black locks parted off centered to tumble down over his shoulders and a little passed his collarbones. Stern well defined features with thin yet attractive lips and a long pointed nose compose his face. His body is lightly scarred but with no major damage, it has a strong build without overwhelming thickness. He has a common build for a male not overly feminine. He is often seen as a shadow fully cloaked or covered one way or another.

Bio: He is an occultist a spirit of a sort living on the realm between life and death. He is quiet, stern and often times unforgiving. He has a deep seeded hatred for the living and just about as much for the dead. His only true motivation is the chance to learn more about the occult and to break the laws of physical reality. When it comes to personal relationships with others he has very few and most of the time dominates those who he does have relationships with leaving them totally submissive to his every whim. The only time he would show himself as submissive is if a persons power was greater then his own and he would still hold nothing but contempt for them.

RP Status: OPEN/closed

Pet Treasure

Book of Demonic Names

Oval Scrying Mirror


Bloodred Voodoo Doll

Strange Animal Figurine

Elemental Candles

Dowsing Pendulum

Gris Gris Bag

Clear Glass Handled Flask

Blue Voodoo Doll

Arid Voodoo Doll

Bottled Voodoo Doll

Gravedigger Shovel

Cobra Fang

Pet Friends