
Jesney has a minion!

Chason the Bahnty

Legacy Name: Jesney

The Nuclear Lasirus
Owner: Vara

Age: 17 years, 1 month, 1 week

Born: May 17th, 2007

Adopted: 17 years, 1 month, 1 week ago (Legacy)

Adopted: May 17th, 2007 (Legacy)


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Careening through the air, twisting and banking at such high speed and sharp angles that if anyone looked up and noticed him they'd likely think he was hyped up on meth, or something worse--if it existed. A package-sling strapped across his back and the company's logo on his low-backed tanktop--cut to accommodate people with wings, or anyone who thought they had shoulderblades worth showing off--identified him as a courier. Most still used bikes, zigzagging through traffic and down alleyway shortcuts but as Therians were becoming more accepted socially they were also, becoming less shy about showing and using their traits. The past ten years had seen huge advancements for them and Jesney, who wouldn't have been able to get work in his parents' time could now fly openly without being shot at or causing a panic...except for when someone thought he was about to crash into a mirror-sided office building or some overpass on a multi-level roundabout.

He does work during the day, especially if he gets tagged because someone else couldn't make it, but mostly he works nights using his 'sixth-sense' type radar. Echo-location. Whatever! He didn't care. Being overly technical got on his nerves; it delayed things. Whatever one chose to call it, that trait specific to only a few Therian types was what enabled him to fly safely in the city at night.

At home, in his cramped little apartment with bad plumbing and questionable electrical wiring Jesney is left alone, especially by the building's other tenants. He reads mysteries and suspense because in books--well written ones at least--people make sense. He knows how they get to a conclusion, why they feel and what they feel, sometimes what they're thinking even! In real life...he's got no clue. People make no sense--they contradict themselves, say things they don't mean, don't listen to what others do mean and things like tone of voice are highly subjective.

Having been isolated as a child probably didn't help his people skills. Without that early interaction with peers he didn't learn how to 'get along'. His parents, both Therians, had moved because of threats and actual violence, fuelled by Anti-Therian prejudice, against them and their 'freak' son. His own parents were the only safe people he knew--at school it was not considered quite as wrong to beat him up, teachers often made ignorant comments or were just outright derisive but at home he was loved, listened to, played with and hugged.

In high school Jesney was the only student who was obviously a Therian. Unable to hide his bat-like wings and long, tuft-ended tail he stood out quite badly. Starting his freshman year there was an incident that unmasked another Therian student--Jesney had no idea he'd saved the older boy's life or that the other would remember him later...

Classes were letting out. He couldn't wait to get away from the crowds in the hallways and classrooms. He'd never learned to be around people and the more he was forced into it, the more he stood out as being 'odd' beyond being a Therian. Ahead there was a mass of students staring at, something, in the parking-lot. He didn't care what it was, he just needed to get by to leave. Pushing his way through he meant only to cross the gawking knot of people and keep going but at the centre of the crowd, amid dropped books and scattered papers, was an injured student. He didn't know the other kid, had never seen him in his Therian form that was for sure, but having been hit by a car as it backed out had been enough to force the other student into his 'animal form'. Borrowing someone's cellphone out of their pocket, Jesney was the only one to call emergency. Giving as many details as he could to the operator--the best he managed for a physical description was 'some kind of exotic sheep, I think'. Attempting to follow the firstaid instructions he was being given he went off on the operator when asked about pupil dilation--'they're freakin' sheep-eyes no they don't look right to me but I'm not a farmer!'.

One day he was brought up on a 'reckless flying' charge, someone decided to make a point to him about what a bad idea his being so flippant with the law was. His parents panicked, believing their son was going to receive unfairly harsh treatment because he was a therian. Not daring to call a lawyer they reached out to 'the community'. Jesney was surprised when some guy came up at his initial hearing, speaking on his behalf and stating that he had a job. It was confusing mostly because he certainly didn't have a job and there was no reason for this guy--Watarai--to lie for him. The name didn't connect until he saw the man's sheep-eyes. Let off lightly, with some community service and another mark on his record, Jesney suddenly found himself working as a courier for the same 'exotic sheep' he'd saved the life of in school.

Delivering packages, letters, items and things he was pretty dern sure are not legal, Jesney's reckless flying pays off in that he's got the fastest delivery time average of anyone Watarai employs. The job actually is a great fit for him; interacting with people only to drop off or pick up something and get a signature he can leave abruptly and with only a smile and 'Hey, nice day' he manages to come off as a friendly pleasant person.

Pet Treasure

Hardcore Goggles

Skull Messenger Bag

Present Bomb

Gift Bomb

Vicious Gift


Mister Shady Guy

Celebratory Sql



Bad Luck Trio

Citrus Cuddlebat Plushie

Baby New Year Diaper

Pet Friends
