
DeucalionScoriae has a minion!

Minion the Constellation

Legacy Name: DeucalionScoriae

The Galactic Archan
Owner: LadyBloodless

Age: 16 years, 11 months, 1 week

Born: July 5th, 2007

Adopted: 16 years, 11 months, 1 week ago (Legacy)

Adopted: July 5th, 2007 (Legacy)

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 12
  • Strength: 31
  • Defense: 30
  • Speed: 29
  • Health: 29
  • HP: 27/29
  • Intelligence: 32
  • Books Read: 32
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Womens Specialist

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[ biker . gang member . renegade . confused . honorable
. writer . mechanic . amiable . stubborn . passionate . angry . artist .
confident . down-to-earth . torn . single father]

I met a gin-soaked bar room queen in Memphis
She tried to take me upstairs for a ride
She had to heave me right across her shoulder
Cause I just cannot seem to drink you off my mind
Its the Honky Tonk Women
Give me, give me, give me the honky tonk blues

Look lady, I am sorry it had to end up this way but I guess your dad is requesting your presence and the Sons are going to have to give you to him.

Well girl, this may be the beginning of a friendship or the herald of my apocalypse...either way it should be a fun ride.

Pet Treasure


Artist Brushes

Broken Bottle

Twilight Hunting Knife

Dark Shady-Shades

Galactic Blob Plushie

Pet Friends