
Treziel has a minion!

Amotael the Pure Matter

Legacy Name: Treziel

The Angelic Kumos
Owner: Rentina

Age: 16 years, 10 months, 2 weeks

Born: July 12th, 2007

Adopted: 16 years, 10 months, 2 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: July 12th, 2007 (Legacy)


  • Level: 8
  • Strength: 11
  • Defense: 12
  • Speed: 12
  • Health: 12
  • HP: 12/12
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Name: Treziel
Nicknames: Tre
Age: Looks 22
Height: 5'7
Species: Angel
Occupation: Watcher: owns a small herbal remedies store that doubles as a ‘hospital’ for pure beings that may need healing or care.
Hair Color: Platinum blonde
Eye Color: Pale violet
Tattoos, Piercing, and other Defining Marks: Two upper piercing in his left ear and a single in the lobe, one upper piercing in his right ear. A golden tattoo of a symbol (see bottom of page) is on both wrists. He also has small golden wings on the left side of his chest over where his heart is scrawled symbols appearing under it.
Other Info: Treziel has been given the job of being a Watcher. His main job is to do just that and keep track of how many demons and other non-humans are currently in a given area.

Random Info/Biography
Though he is a Watcher and occasionally has to fight or deal with problematic demons he is actually not the greatest at fighting. His strong point is in healing rather than fighting, as even his powers are healing aimed, and he is rather peaceable by nature. Despite being so good with healing and plants he is unable to do anything about the headaches that he suffers from. At times severe and even debilitating the headaches come on without warning and without consistency sometimes he can go weeks without one other times he may get them daily lasting anywhere from just a few moments to hours. The lesser headaches he simply works through and only those that are especially bad do anything to effect his work or force him to sit down. Though he loves being here and caring for both people and other pure beings there is one demon in particular that seems set on making his life miserable and just in general annoying him. Luccio, a demon who unfortunately enough lives in the same area as him, seems to take every opportunity to torment him. Though they are sworn enemies at times Tre feels the tiniest twinge of liking for the other male…though it tends to be quickly forgotten as soon as Luccio actually shows up.

Tattoos on Treziel's Wrists

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