
Bencent has a minion!

Fluffers the Jazz

Legacy Name: Bencent

The Chibi Jollin
Owner: Vakarian

Age: 16 years, 11 months, 1 day

Born: July 25th, 2007

Adopted: 11 years, 5 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: January 11th, 2013


  • Level: 35
  • Strength: 22
  • Defense: 34
  • Speed: 22
  • Health: 22
  • HP: 22/22
  • Intelligence: 14
  • Books Read: 14
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

premade profile by Chen

Ring, ring.

The bell rang as you walked through the door. Heavenly scents greeted you warmly and ushered you in. Each step filled you up with excitement and hunger, making you glad you've decided to visit this place after passing it everyday. You're not sure why you did so, now that you're in here; you can't seem to remember anymore. It wasn't off-putting from the outside, in fact, it looked cute and inviting. You didn't mind sweets, and you've heard that they baked their goods everyday. It didn't bother you too much, other than the fact that you've missed out on so much by deciding to eat somewhere else. But it doesn't matter anymore; all that matters now is that you're finally here.

"Oh hello there! Welcome to…" a high-pitched voice greeted you, but it trailed off. You saw a fluffy, brown tail from behind the counter. You tried to look behind to find its owner, but she popped up to your line of vision.

"Sorry about that! Welcome to Heavenly Delights!" she exclaimed, filling you up with more happiness. Her cute voice, cute happy smile, cute big eyes; her cute everything just made you happy. "What would you like this evening?" she asked, breaking your reverie. You began to panic a little; you weren't sure what to get, and you didn't want to take more of her time. "You can take your time if you like," the little jollin said, flashing a bigger smile. It wasn't fair that there was someone so unbearably cute in front of you, and you weren't friends with her…yet. You hope that'll change soon.

You look up to the menu that were behind her, and then, looked through the glass of the stand. You weren't sure what you wanted; each of them looked delicious.

"I'm sorry to rush you, but you're taking awhile," the jollin said. You snapped out of it. You apologized to her profusely; you didn't realize how much time had passed as you looked at the food. You said that all of them looked great, so you weren't sure what to picked. "It's fine," she grinned. She held out a large piece of cake topped with strawberries and frosting. "I'm sorry, but I decided to choose for you. I hope you like it. It's one of my most popular!"

You nodded, and you hoped you weren't drooling. The scents were heavenly. You sat down with the cake and started at it. The first bite was indescribable; it was like you died and went to heaven. "Is it good?" she asked you. You nodded quickly, and she smiled at you. Each bite seemed better than the last, and the scents wafting around seemed get stronger with each bite. You feel a bit sick, but you're not sure why. "Are you ok?" she asked. You looked at her, but continued eating, unable to tear away from the cake. She had a concerned look, but as you get sicker, you realized as you looked closer, she had a twinkle in her eyes and looked like she was holding back a grin.

You began to get scared, looking back at your cake. It seemed like it would never end. The scents you realized were sickly sweet and there seemed to be another scent that was familiar but you couldn't identify it. "I hope you like the little surprise in my cake! You're almost there!" the little jollin exclaimed. She clapped her hands with an excited expression that seemed sinister. You didn't want to continue eating, but you couldn't stop. That familiar smell grew stronger as you got near the 'surprise'. Soon, you hit it: the surprise. Red liquid oozed out and started to pool around the cake. You were afraid as the smell made you even more ill, but you tasted it anyways. It was sweet like strawberries, but there was hint of something else and weird aftertaste. You looked at her; her smile grew wider.

"It's good, right?" her voice seemed crueler. "You want to know what it is?" You shook your head no, but you couldn't stop eating. Your head seemed to get even heavier. "You sure? Well, that's alright. You should know what it is anyways!" she said in a singsong voice. You didn't know what she was talking about, but you needed to lay your head down and just rest your eyes a bit, no matter how much your brain screamed no. You were just too tired, and it was too warm and the scents were overbearing, especially that familiar scent. As you tried keeping your eyes open and your thoughts are growing clearer, she said, "Aw, I guess you're getting quite tired, huh? Well, that's not a surprise. A lot of my customers seemed to get sleepy in here. They say I have that homey feel here. Just sleep and I'll take care of you." Her expression scared you, but you couldn't move at all.

"Hold on, let me clean up first," she said, getting near you, and then walked away. You wanted to refuse, but you couldn't talk. You wanted to leave, but again you couldn't and you felt extremely tired. As your eyes were almost closed, it finally hit you what the smell and taste was. You panicked and screamed internally. Move, move, move, your brain screamed at you. Move!

You heard footsteps getting closer, and as you try your best to keep your heavy eyelids open a little longer, she closed in, seeing the terror in your eyes. "Oh, did you figure out the ingredient? What a smart person you are," she said, giggling. "I'm afraid I'm out of it, and you're just perfect." Before you passed out, you saw a shiny glint in her hands, and you screamed forever in your dreams.
something extra

Pet Treasure

Super-Deformed Chai Doll


Baby Sushi


Pet Friends
