
Flames_Of_Ancients has a minion!

Riran the Baby Phoenix

Legacy Name: Flames_Of_Ancients

The Reborn Anyu
Owner: fire-chan

Age: 16 years, 9 months, 3 weeks

Born: September 7th, 2007

Adopted: 14 years, 6 months, 4 weeks ago

Adopted: December 1st, 2009

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 9
  • Strength: 24
  • Defense: 21
  • Speed: 17
  • Health: 21
  • HP: 21/21
  • Intelligence: 9
  • Books Read: 9
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

WIP "There has been a time,
A time where the ancients have been forgotten- and I alone stand tall among my fallen brothers. You see dear traveler, as you approach my domain- That there is nothing to fear... For I am to protect, to serve- to obey the power of the fire that dwells throughout my veins. This fire does not wish to harm thy person, and for that neither do I. So sit gleeful traveler! For I have my own story to tell- one you shall never forget..."

The voice you hear is from the shadow of a cave, but inside a dwindling light shows through- "Be not afraid traveler," As the voice matches, a large old bear steps into the opening- his fire sunken down to almost a trickle. " My name is Flame, I am one of the last OLD Dwindling Ancients..." The old bear sits down at the cave opening, his muzzle gray with age, battle scars littering his head and neck. He sighs, most likely think of the past- then he speaks...
"I know you wish not to listen young traveler... For I am just a feeble Anyu, no threat to the outside world. But in my old age, I wish to have someone like yourself listen to my story- to remember the past that no one remembers..."

Whether or not, you sit on a stone near by, watching the bear adjust himself, his fire- seems to grow brighter with every moment. For a reason, you feel not the need to speak, but to listen to this old Anyu speak of his past- and how his live has turned to turmoil.

The old Anyu takes a deep breath, closing his deep orange-yellow eyes and tilting his massive head back. "As I remember," He starts in a reassured tone, "I started out, a young Anyu cub- alone after my mother was killed, by poachers. As a young cub, I had no real way to survive... Only the ways of the Ancients guiding my internal light. Life was hard as a cub, hunting for my own food- searching for places to sleep; all the while, having my body be torn apart by the ruffians that dared cross my path. But instead of life getting easier as I grew... My life only got harder, harder to the point where at my young adulthood- my first body had been slayed...

You have heard correctly young traveler, I have lost a life among these very hills, and I shall never forget..." He pauses,and you mind wanders to how he could loose a life? Yet still be alive... "My dear traveler," He starts again, his fire dwindling yet again, " I may have died in these hills, but I have lived on in a greater light. After my death, I seen what little men and Anyu have seen- The Relm of Ancients... I walked through the fire dept, unafraid of what was around me. Then I met him, A marvelous being, made of pure flames - and atop his shoulder, a

Pet Treasure

Orange Coda Caves Crystal

The Stone Age

Gold Helmet

Fire Bubbles

Small Bottle of Orange Syrup

Magma Arrowhead

Strapped Book

Mystical Orb

Pet Friends